My first thinkpad, what should I install on it ? Debian XFCE ?

My first thinkpad, what should I install on it ? Debian XFCE ?
My thinkpad is a botnet with windows 10 and I don't want to die help

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MacOS Aqua

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The buttons on the touchpad are not working btw


Windows 10

Arch with i3.

install libreboot with Trisquel, it's what RMS uses


Debian XFCE is a good choice just make sure you download the ISO with the non-free wifi firmware (or else no networking during installation which will fuck up your install make it a pain in the ass) unless you can do the installation with an ethernet line which is the best option imo.

>install debian
>only available resolution is 1024x768 while i am on 1920x1080 monitor
>go back to ubuntu
feels good

Install Gentoo.

is this what poverty looks like?


>be retarded
>feel good about it

tfw unironically using gentoo

Attached: yes.jpg (165x115, 5K)

Why does my root partition mount as ro? I have to remount it every time my system restarts. I have it explicitly as rw in fstab

Is using a source OS like gentoo really worth it for squeezing out maximum performance on a thinkpad? I’ve always been unironically interested in the benefits of source compilation for my exact hardware vs just cookie cutter repo packages.

Just install Linux Mint or Ubuntu MATE or Xubuntu

Not sure mate, I just have root mounting with default options. Sounds like some path or syntax error in fstab

I've been setting it up on an X200. Despite the time it takes to compile shit, It's a lot more interesting dealing with kernel modules and flags/optimization than just installing prebuilt packages.
Also minimalism is nice yes, using less than 100mb ram with i3 open, to give you an idea.

Just use Manjaro i3 nigger

Windows 10.

All the time you save in with the lightweight distro is lost by learning and maintaining the damn thing. I installed Arch with XFCE on my 2008 Macbook and it ran OK but I was always fixing, updating or setting something up.

Tbh if you're using an old computer you're probably doing it for fun so Gentoo or Arch are fun to play with. I ended up just installing Kubuntu on my Macbook with 4GB RAM and it runs about as fine as it did under Arch.

Yeah, I didn’t have nonstop issues with Arch on my T420 but there were always slight annoyances. I understand what you’re saying though. I’ve just always wondered if there truly is a tangible benefit to source-based distros like Gentoo on older hardware or if it’s just meme placebo.

Throw that obsolete piece of shit in the trash and get a real computer.

Solus is comfy desu

Yeah but not full tlp support in the repos for thinkpads is kinda deal breaker, you have to manually install the missing modules.

>Arch with i3.

Attached: 0186327c8c7b8d62f18e8a24ab2c7af8.png (375x360, 74K)

I just installed wmii, it's cute and super small, you can configure it any way you want. I used it and it feels good to use too, nice simple keybindings for stacking and rearranging your windows.

New to Linux ?
>Ubuntu, Mint, Manjaro
Not new to linux ?
>Arch/Gentoo with i3
Don't want linux ?
>Fuck off

>only available resolution is 1024x768
what a pleb

Attached: ONLY.jpg (251x242, 15K)

Manjaro KDE with kwin tiling for dock
Use I3 session when not docked

Thinkpads were made to run Windows so use Windows. Dont listen to these kissless virgins, if you want to run Linux or BSD do it on a server.

coreboot is close enough