Post your SOT

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What tracking device is this? My z5c only gets 8 and that is with heavy tweaking.

You've used your phone for 19 hours over the past day? Or your screen has been on doing nothing for the whole day?

Why are you proud of this.

Tracking device?
Just a good old lenovo p2
Can't you even read charts?

You're lucky I didn't buy the k10.

>Moto G3
>6 hours
It's old and has degraded a bit, but it's still enough.

>Moto g3
what is it about lenovo making great devices?
They also have the Thinkpad lineup

The G3 was probably designed by Google's Motorola tho, it has absolutely no Lenovo branding. Lenovo's Moto G aren't that good, they are ugly and have some dumb design choices, not to mention the price (Moto G used to be the "it's cheap but good" brand).

>great devices
Yeah, no.

Lenovo P2 is the greatest smartphone ever made.
Your point?

>Lenovo P2
That's an odd way to spell "BlackBerry Passport"

>Black berry Anything
Okay Obama

While the man has many flaws, his taste in phones is impeccable

STFU Hilary


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So what's the fatass?


>Nexus 5 w/ 6x 18650 on the outside
>25h+ SoT
Will post pics if interested :^)

how the fuck do you managed to mistype that


I can do whatever the hell I want

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If I still had my G5 Plus, I'd whip your ass nigger. I had 23 hours once. Lineage 14, Destroyer Kernel, and some custom settings. I'm so pissed some assfag stole it out of my car, BUT, i do enjoy my s8 way more

what a madman

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>No one posted a better a SOT yet

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get on my level peasant

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>1 hour SOT

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Not sot but I have a pretty autistic battery saver

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I easily and all the time use my Android phone for 4-5 days without charging.
What about it?

yes please

enough for me. theres enough battery left for the whole day even if i forget to turn off the display before i go to sleep

>proud of 1 day 5 hours runtime on phone
but why?

The uptime's not what he's excited about, it's the amount of time between charges he can spend with his face glued to the screen.

So hes just some nerd who bought a 10,000mah extended battery and is acting like its a big deal?

I would but on my Android OS I need to be Sherlock Holmes to fiddle and find the setting detail.