Bird Scooters - HACK

Anyone successfully break into the Bird Scooter transponder? How easy are these things to steal?

Attached: flappygoy.jpg (275x183, 11K)

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the transponder/receiver looks like this

Attached: dsc01733_23059.jpg (2424x1254, 1.08M)

it's called don't be a nigger

Give it back, Jabroni.

Don't be a thief

Yes you but you have to bypass the BDS if you have direct contact and if your attemping it through bluetooth you must have Oracle Linux installed and use that to write the correct Java file. How are your BASIC programming skills?

Yes, it is easy. Just take it in wan and drove in slowly, while turning on GSM jammer

Fucking kick scooter is like 500$. Are you that poor?

First - remove power. You can do it by unscrewing cover in the bottom and disconnecting a battery.

I'm against anything Hollywood supports

Attached: HollywoodNose.jpg (960x1200, 214K)

What are weight limit on these things, will it carry my fat us a a hill ? 250 lbs here and too fucking hot to walk the mile to work.

1.10 Weight and Cargo Limits. You must not exceed the maximum weight limit for the Vehicle (200 pounds).

Go away Jamal, we aren't helping you.

hack doesn't mean to be a dumb nigger

He isn't stealing its piracy and piracy isn't stealing.

>How easy are these things to steal?

Learn to read fuck face

This is why we can't have nice things. Stop being a drain on society faggot


Give it back, jamal

Maybe thought crime should be illegal after all.

>The transponder/receiver looks like a generic box with a touchscreen
Wow, thank you, so useful.


Attached: girl.png (1135x296, 109K)

Nigga, Bird got a $100m funding:

Their business model is shit. Cities are banning them because people are leaving them wherever they want, and that usually means in people's way.

Might as well get a piece of sub-prime startup dough while it's still available before the next recession.

Attached: economicCollapse.jpg (620x313, 61K)

Cities offering these free bikes for transportation are wasting so much money, nogs just rip the gps out and stack the bikes behind their houses

Attached: 1iawgdc9uzwz.jpg (2988x5312, 980K)

>A girl is a young female human

So you know I've had this idea. You can make a GPS think it's in a different location a fair amount away completely passively using an antenna and some coaxial cable. You could make a bird bike unfindable for chargers or make certain locations confusing to birds.

Theft is another matter. Remember back when RFID was going to be a thing? You know why it never caught on? Well what people would do was put RFID tagged clothes into shopping bags coated with aluminum foil. Completely blocked the RF negating the antitheft benefits of RFID. You could do a similar thing with bird bikes. Act like one of the chargers throw in the back of a van and cover them in aluminum foil, then disassemble in a garage covered in aluminum foil. Of course if you really want to give bird the bird you'd find a bug in their software.

too hard for You Jamal
also reported to internet Police