Can I become a software developer without a degree?

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There are two answers; A short one and a long one.
The short answer: No
The long answer: Still no, unless you get the fuck off Jow Forums and START.
I went through the same thing as you.
3 years at uni, halfway through CPA training and thought fuck it - this isn't what I want to do. I went home, turned on the computer, and without even thinking about it, or without making gay posts on Jow Forums, I just did it. Nearly 12 hours a day. And it was the best decision I've made. All the resources you need are out there, literally. There hasn't been a better time to do this than now mate.
What you do after reading this post will be the make or break for you I'm afraid.
If you continue fucking around browsing Jow Forums and youtube, no; you can not become a software developer without a degree.
If you instantly close Jow Forums and fully commit - then yes - you can become a software developer without a degree.

Got a friend who became a dev and who's now a CEO. He legit doesn't have his high school diploma, but he's good.
So if you're good, yea.

You can
But it's not recommended unless you got OCD

Sure you can, just develop some software.

What are you waiting for?


Everyone wants to be a software developer, most of them decided to get a degree. Good luck.

you need discipline to get into any career, you need a lot of it to get into software, and i don't think you have enough of it


Yes, degrees mean shit, you need to know your stuff. I don't have a CS degree and I did it (still had to learn a fuckload on my own).

kinda yes, undergrad CS won't teach you programming practice anyway and it's legit "you can teach it yourself without uni" meme


sure, as long as you work for yourself because nobody is going to hire you.


Yes, of course. A degree course will teach you theory, algorithms, and so on - not just programming language syntax. Most of the webdev hipsters will just watch YouTube videos on JavaScript or blindly type in whatever shit codecademy tells them to. If you invest time in learning the theory, learning algorithms, and so on then you're off to a good start.

A lot of universities these days are putting their entire courses online for free - do something like CS50 from Harvard to get a good start (AND DO THE EXERCISES). People will say one of the main benefits of university is being able to get feedback from professors, but again you can get that for free online - you just might get called a faggot in the process.


Yes. The only reason I went and got a CS degree is because it used to help your applications pass through the HR filter easier. Github may be a leveling factor if you have some interesting projects though.
>t. oldfag

Depends on where you live.
Usually yes, business always need code monkeys.
Having a degree doesn't mean jack squat for programmers, because you don't get imparted with real world useful knowledge from schools and universities, you have to grind it yourself at home. Also there are toooo fucking many things and specific niches of knowledge required for different programming job positions to even be teachable.
Things may change if you'd want to be more than a programmer.

Don't fall for the coding boot camp meme you'll end up slaving for a start-up or becoming a NEET