lmao what kind of absolute fucking KEKOLD uses adobe?
hardware canucks more like hardware cucks real men use sony vegas
I bet all of the youtuber's are doing this on purpose, in order to increase drama and exposure of their channels, because more people will talk about it.
Steve knows that fanboys weren't the ones who downvoted Dmitry's clickbait video. It was regular people who are tired of all the clickbait shit...
But if Steve Burke from GAMERS NEXUS says that it was fanboys, regular people will say that it wasn't fanboys in the comment section, and that will increase engagement in the comment section, thus the video is more likely to be recommended in the side bar.
Think of it like trying to argument or have a discussion about a random topic with another person, where you lay out facts, evidence and real arguments, but Steve Burke from GAMERS NEXUS calls you an idiot and then says "i rest my case xD". You can't argue with someone like that, it's impossible to have a conversation with someone who just shouts ad hominem personal attacks at you, even you are coming with legit facts and arguments.
Steve Burke isn't this oblivious. He does it on purpose because he knows that the commenters can't have their voice heard. Steve is the one who makes the videos, he is the only person allowed to speak. It's like having a political debate, but you mute the mic of the opponent so he can't defend himself from the ad hominem bullshit.
"Treat people like animals for a long time, and they will start acting like animals"
Thanks Steve, because of you, I logged in with my YouTube account for the first time in 5 years to downvote your video (and HardwareCanucks aswell) because you said I was a blind fanboy and that I was stupid (even though I would've been just as furious if Dmitry did the clickbait shit against Intel instead).
Just think of all the trolls looking for easy response, they can just pretend to be a fanboy in the comment section and Steve from Gamer's Nexus will make a fucking 30 minute video about it kek
>phone posting
pls leave
Didn't adobe stuff use to have better multicore support before they changed their rendering tech?
>treats software with next to no parallelization as benchmark
How can you tell?
>what is usecase
You buy hardware to look at cinebench all days everyday?
>lmao what kind of absolute fucking KEKOLD uses adobe?
The whole industry does and that's the problem. Adobe need to die.
Retarded amdrones actually do.
Adobe does not need to die, they make great products
AMD is shit
>founds one use case where intel is better because how poorly adobe is optimized
how's your security holes? :^)
2700x runs hot anyways stupid ass housefire cpu
>how can you tell
disgusting phoneposters opinion have no value
it doesn't really run that hot it has a 20 degree offset for some reason.
>Shit software
>Blames hardware
Intel tards in a nutshell.
More like
>people choose appropriate hardware for their specific software use
>ayymd soiboys twist their panties hysterically
Rendering Youtube videos can be done efficiently in basically any video editing software. There's nothing about it that forces you to use Adobe
>Basing your hardware buying decisions based on a single application.
>Adobe buttraping you since Intel single core.
Adds new Intel reasoning to the long long list of reasons to suck Jewish cock.
>It doesn't matter unless it can run Adobe.
Adobe could easily add some performance optimizations for Ryzen. Intel + Aobe is one of the few killer applications Intel has. I wonder how much they are paying them to optimize for Intel only.
The latest Adobe CC shifts workloads onto the *PRIMARY* GPU. It does not allow you to select the other GPU anymore. If the iGPU is the primary then it will use that instead of the dGPU. I think you can get around this by disabling and not connecting the iGPU? Anyhow it's the usual Adobe shenanigans and GaymansNextAss fucked up by not knowing this since Ryzen does not have an iGPU.
>AMDrones fansoys BTFO
Pick one.
>Intel iGPU and QuickSync been around for years
>Adobe do jack shit about it (and does jack shit with more powerful dGPU's too)
>Ryzen Threadripper comes along and beats the Jew
>'OH NO NO NONO. We can't be having that'
>Suddenly Adobe makes use of QSV
I wonder how much $$$ Intel paid Adobe for this.
I wonder what benchmark will Intlel shills pick just to assure that 10nm isn't a disaster
what's it to you?
People downvoted HardwareCanucks because they're click-baiting basedboys
you talk funny
everyone and their mother knows that rendering on intel means higher speed but way less quality..
shut up you stupid goy