My sister is trying to become transgender

>my sister is trying to become transgender

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alright cool

You need to impale her

You'll never convince her because she already views you as her enemy. Same thing happened with my brother; he wants to be a tranny but disregards whatever I say when it comes to tranny stuff.

there's basically nothing you can do other than pretend to support her and then sprinkle as many redpills into her hormones as you can because if you don't support her you are a transphobic bigot nazi

just because im anti-tranny doesnt mean im inviting Jow Forumsddit to my thread

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cringe and bluepilled

t. cringe and bluepilled

my wife haruhi is so cute

The most thing you can do is to make sure she's well-informed on the matter; show her statistics and empirical evidence to ensure that she is making a sound decision.

A lot of people nowadays seem to incorrectly believe they're transgender to run from other issues in their lives, most notably among which, the possibility of subconsciously viewing themselves as a failed member of their own gender - a link which multiple studies have demonstrated. Show her how the suicide rates don't change following SRS, how the surgery physically works, and of course make sure she is not running from the fact of how there's no going back.

Try to have her see a sensible and understanding therapist to rule out the possibility of other factors in her life making her possibly incorrectly think herself to be trans, and encourage her to wait a few years if she is still young. If she truly and firmly does believe that she is transgender, then give her as much support and love as you can, but at the same time urge her to be realistic - warn her of the very psychologically damaging effects of setting unrealistic transition goals for oneself, and against becoming sheltered in transgender communities, which can very often act as toxic echo chambers.

But more than anything, love her. She is still your sister.

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not reading all of that LOLE

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quoting whom?

quoting you

quoting me
quoting yoooouuu

sweeeet caroline, bum bum bum

Get her pregnant before she pollutes her womb with testosterone tablets.

as always, americans are brainwashed.
you need to give her a good dicking so she can enjoy the pleasures of women, or just introduce her to the power of pussy and earn a lot of money through that

steal xirs pills

Even if he were to be degenerate enough to bang his sister, am*rigan media and SJW tactics make trannies able to justify anything like that. You've probably seen those "pregnant men" before.

Some of my college "friends started doing that I just call them what I always have and refuse to bend on any pronouns

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Quality post. She's 100% fucked, though.
She's probably going to end up adding to the statistics.

It's her body. idk why everyone gets so up in arms about this. Just let people do what they want with their body, and you can do what you want with yours.

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My sister wanted to do the same until I said only dumb faggots do that. Now she hates trannies.

Why are lolbertarians so dumb?

why are australians so dumb

Because it's because of a mental illness. You wouldn't let a schizo cut their arm off, just like you wouldn't let someone inject body-changing chemicals into their system and potentially mutilate their genitals.

very based

My penis. I hardly knew thee.

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Yeah this seems like pretty much it. Exhaust all options before going for it because it's probably a one-way street. But it's not so bad just like all the empowering tranny stories on the internet are an overreaction all the tranny horror stories on the internet are an overreaction as well.

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>Because it's because of a mental illness.
I suppose there is some sound reasoning to that, if they are truly incapable of rational thought.I think there is a difference between trans people and schizophrenics, though. Schizophrenics enter a state of mind where they forget who they are and they are entirely caught up in their delusions and paranoia. Trans people can think perfectly clearly, so I think it's fair to give them the liberty to choose if they want. Of course they should be well educated before doing it like any major body modification, but I don't agree that they're so mentally ill that they should be prevented from doing it.

I guess it comes down to my personality though, I do what I want with my body and I don't like other people telling me what to do, and I lend the same respect to others. Their life, not mine.

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Well the issue with trannies is that the ones that actually transition tend to be unreasonable people in general or follow their emotions; more reasonable people don't succumb to the illness because it's a fairly mild compulsion. Some people just aren't going to be able to resist it.

dragonball the global mindreader

Transgenderism and Gender Dysphoria are in the DSM-5, and therefore are indeed considered mental illnesses

That sort of reasoning doesn't justify preventing someone from doing what they want, as far as I'm concerned. You seem to have a lot of presumptions about what goes on in their head, but only they can know that. Yes, some people function more on emotion than logic, but that's a pretty normal spectrum and we can't chastise people who function more on emotion than reason, and anyway, you are only presuming that is the case. They could be perfectly sound and logical internally and still decide they want to make the change. Either way its their choice, like I said. Their body. Maybe they'll be happy with the results, maybe they'll regret it forever. There are stories of both online.

I was never claiming it wasn't a mental illness, just that the illness isn't so crippling that they can't make decisions regarding their own bodies. I guess I draw the line in the sand a lot further back than most people do when it comes to stuff like that. If they're not completely deranged and unable to think and function normally I say their body belongs to them and they can do with it as they will.

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Everyone that I've met has been that way

I get what you're saying, but it's a choice that objectively statistically does not provide relief for the symptoms, and the people that partake of said treatments are acting out of compulsion and not active choice. I mean, you always hear them talk about how they feel disgusted and that they're incapable of dealing with it. That seems like the behavior of someone struggling with their mental illness rather than someone doing it of their own logic and volition.

So now it turns from a generalized statement into an anecdote. That's even worse

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To be fair anecdote is better than generalization tho

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For you to put in your diary to feel better about yourself, yeah maybe. But when talking about real issues with actual other people it's an unsubstantiated shot in the dark

>I was never claiming it wasn't a mental illness, just that the illness isn't so crippling that they can't make decisions regarding their own bodies.

I would by-and-large agree, of course - however, i have known transgender folk in the past who were not entirely reasonable or even sane regarding both their own transgenderism and the phenomenon as a whole. It certainly isn't a disability known for being conducive to proper mental health, though through no inherent fault of those who have it.

I don't want to give off the wrong impression - I am entirely in support of transgender rights (as i tried to make clear in ), though i am of the belief that an unhealthy culture regarding it has developed in the West in recent years, which has thus led to rising rates of transgenderism misdiagnosis.

It saddens me that cute boys and pretty girls feel the need to mutilate their own bodies just to be able to love themselves. It must be a horrible condition, and i truly do pity those who have it - I wish nobody had to be transgender.

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My reply was meant to concede that I don't have a counterargument

Yeah, I guess that's where we differ.

My view is:
Is it a good idea? Possibly not. Should they have the right to do it? Absolutely. I am not educated enough to know one way or the other if it helps with their symptoms, I have heard accounts supporting both sides of that coin but it doesn't really effect my life so I can't be bothered looking into it in detail. Ultimately though it comes down to what I've been repeating like a broken record, its their bodies. You wanna mutilate yourself? Sure, be my guest. I'll be over here in the corner doing drugs.

Yes there is a strong correlation between transgenerism and other mental disorders such as schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, depression, anxiety, etc, and in some cases that might make it difficult for them to make a sound decision. In the cases where they're not too crazy though, they should definitely do lots of research and get evaluated by a professional before taking any drastic steps.

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Dude just lay out the most rational, neutral case possible. She needs to understand that you're behind her, but that means both supporting her in what she wants and making sure she doesn't do anything she'll regret. Everyone has problems. Everyone is well within their rights to deal with those problems as best they can. But the clever way to go about it is to always make a genuine effort to consider all solutions. And once you have them laid out, you line them all up from least drastic to most drastic, and try them out in that order. There is no need to bring opinions into this, it's pure common sense. Therapeutic help, psychological help, psychiatric help, and finally permanent physical changes. Maybe there's more that I can't think of. And in the end scenario, when push actually does come to shove, then I'm afraid it's gonna have to be up to you to man up, put your opinions aside, and treat her the same way you used to as best you can. Even tho I can understand you do not approve of it, once it's done it's done, and continously expressing disapproval is just gonna hurt even more.

I'm guessing you meant to reply to OP.

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>Yes there is a strong correlation between transgenerism and other mental disorders such as schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, depression, anxiety, etc, and in some cases that might make it difficult for them to make a sound decision.

Of course - though professional opinions differ on how to generalize trends out of this. That is: are mentally unsound individuals more predisposed to becoming transgender, or does transgenderism destabilize people? Either possibility is deeply concerning, in any case.

It is unfortunate that our psychological science regarding transgenderism is yet in its infancy. I furthermore hope that as our understanding of transgenderism evolves, more people will take the rational middle ground on the issue as you and i have - everyone seems so unreasonably polarized on the issue.

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Oh yeah somehow I was convinced you were him sorry
It's early I still need my coffee

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I can see your point but I just don't think I could ever justify making it legal for someone to mutilate themselves without a just cause.

that's a spooki hair clip; very seasonally appropriate

speaking of which, im getting to the point where my posts are full of typos and as such should be getting to sleep soon...

silly burgers it's morning in waffle land
why can't it be morning everywhere you weirdos

i just meant that im tired too

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>yet another avatarfag on my Jow Forums

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So she wanna be a man?