>Jow Forums cares about privacy and freedom
>at the same time people are against net neutrality and GDPR
what does a regular internet user gain from net neutrality repeal or lack of GDPR policies?
is it just american thing to support all corporations without thinking?
Jow Forums cares about privacy and freedom
Other urls found in this thread:
>at the same time people are against net neutrality and GDPR
People are against them because they're bad policy.
what is wrong with them?
It's also American to hate on the EU, because it's not the USA.
Yeah unfortunately we our mostly corporate bootlickers but we're rich as fuck europe is not
How does your richness show, then? I'd wager I have at least comparable standard of living in some Western European city even if I earned only 1000-2000 € a month compared to living in USA earning five times as much. One's surroundings matter also a lot when considering how much welfare one has.
And that was an exaggeration, the gap in wages isn't that large.
i don't think that median american is far richer than european. depends on the country too.
I'm MAGA as fuck and I support GDPR. But fuck Net Neutrality though.
>privacy and freedom can be gained by giving more power to the ever invasion and growing state
they worship their corporate masters
>there bad policing cuz it triggers libz XD magga
Brilliant, I hate net neutrality now.
Net neutrality is just a meme war between consumer facing tech companies (facebook, amazon, netflix, etc), and the service providers (comcast, at&t, verizon, etc) who both want to have more ownership of people's data and can't agree who should pay for the bandwidth to do so.
GDPR sucks because it doesn't actually fix the problem of companies spying, it just made them have to be a bit less underhanded about it.
Normal internet users don't give a fuck about any of this crap. The government can bitch slap companies to stop them from abusing users but it can't force them to make better products. With or without these regulations you still have to deal with sleazy corporations trying to molest you, so the best we can do is just defend ourselves.
>I'm MAGA as fuck
Sadly, some people on Jow Forums of all places believe it.
>With or without these regulations you still have to deal with sleazy corporations trying to molest you, so the best we can do is just defend ourselves.
Which this law helps people concerned about privacy achieve.
most people don't give a shit about this desu
American corporations make America great, deal with it.
I'm a capitalist. I'm not some atheist retard nigger.
I am against gdpr because its like hipa for the interner and id be the one having to implement it at work
Cognitive dissonance
Is it just a euro thing to support all government control and policy without thinking?
honestly, Americca is one giant corporate experiment desu
>net neutrality is bad because uh... because deep state and uh... daddy said so
This is glorious, the russian bot campaign worked on you, and you have the brass balls to come into a tech board and try to spread your bullshit.
Even better, the board is so infested with cellphone babies discussing cellphone cases and stickers, some even buy into your misconstrued crap.
What a time to be alive, praise KEK.
r/the_donald has been invading for years now
>im user capitalism, hear me roar
That's very interesting, please tell us more.
>what does a regular internet user gain from net neutrality repeal
literally nothing
anything supporting the repeal has a dent in their skull. however, the situation is not as bad at leddit and other nn related websites make it out to be
>at the same time people are against net neutrality and GDPR
Wrong. Those are Jow Forumsfag refugees. They have to go back.
You may as well be, if money is your God.
>american thing
its not an american thing, so many people here are against it, just not the majority
and its not trust in corporations, its the trust in capitalism, you know the economic system that has brought forth western civilization and the very tech youre using to shitpost on a ugandan basket weaving forum
The basic idea behind net neutrality is good.
The basic idea behind the GDPR is good.
Their fucking execution is piss poor at best.
well, there are AT LEAST four European countries with higher purchasing power than average American according to all sources, most of Western Europeans have similar purchasing power and also have good public healthcare, social security, paid leaves, guaranteed vacation, good public schools etc. so they don't need to suck their employers' cocks because their lives aren't in danger if they lose their job
Net Neutrality and what's being sold as "Net Neutrality" are two different hings my inexperienced naive child.
It doesn't do much for those of us who were already tinfoil hats and avoided using all these botnets anyway
Sucks for them
>is it just american thing to support all corporations without thinking?
Jow Forums is not one person
I'll also point out that to me it strongly seems like almost entirely *only burgers* are complaining against the GDPR. [As in: If someone complains, they're probably a burger. Not all burgers complain.]
Seems to be some kind of reflex reaction about having to protect the company's dominance over yourself. Apparently it's conceptually hard to understand that people could have [a form of/variant on] intellectual property ownership over their private data rather than companies owning everything and doing as they please.
I care about privacy. Weeeeee look at me!
yeah bro! its space jews and russian conspiracy.
drumpf knows, hes our guy and we gotta follow him
Net Neutrality is completely unnecessary (it was enacted in 2015 and there were no problems beforehand that it solved) and something about Google abusing regulations.
No, it's a shitty scam if you have any literacy in your brain and have read through the 300 pages of the dung being sold as Net Neutrality.
Which of course you haven't.
>is it just american thing to support all corporations without thinking?
>republicans worship money instead of god
Says the atheist state loving leftist
The Corporations are the "good guys". They told us themselves.
>Jewgle and ISPs are inherently better than the government
Lack of net neutrality is the perfect method how (((they))) can control undesirable content without breaking the 1st amendment.
>it's okay as long as it's not da gubamint!
Jewest logic ever.
Americans hate whenever the government does anything at all, even if it's overall beneficial to society.
No retard, those are Americans with a mindset that is basically:
>everything is okay as long as the government isn't the one doing it
It's fucking hilarious.