Give me solid food reasons why you're not running a BSD based distribution as your main operating system Jow Forums
Give me solid food reasons why you're not running a BSD based distribution as your main operating system Jow Forums
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>incest picture
I thought this was a christian board?
Lack of hardware support and features and no real reason to use it other than wanting to be different.
So same thing as linux
I use OpenBSD for a web server but main operating system its kinda dumb to use either unless you literally just browse the web and hack the planet.
Who even made this picture? They prbably wouldnt allow it now with that s.oyboy code-of-cuckoldry
>no real reason to use it
there is zfs
No the reason theres no reason to use it is because linux exists but if you're just a gaymer faggot then you're right you should stay on windows botnet edition
its a meme.
BSD is meme 90's, nobody use it now
Yeah BSD and Linux were probably about tied but now BSD has become the akward cuck with cancer on life support and Linux is the Chad
BSD is the only not dicked by Pottering
Its the last hope
And 90s memes have come back in the last few years just like BSD :^)
Let's see:
1. OpenBSD doesn't support fucking trim
2. DragonflyBSD doesn't support my wifi
3. FreeBSD is contrary to my moral ideals of indiscrimination
Gee, I don't know, user.
I don't know unix, I only know linux
I use post-2012 hardware.
Say that to the Goons at DEF-CON
You know, the practical security team at the worlds largest hacking convention
That would be Jow Forums
/b/ is more christian than the hell hole known as Jow Forums
bsd is not meant to be used as a desktop, do you also use solaris to shitpost?
Oh you mean the weird fucks that crawl out of the basement once a year?
Yeah basically
But my point still stands
because im already using GNU/Linux and dont want to reconfigure everything for no reason
>Linux becomes too normie
>Hey guys lets use this even more obscure OS with even less hardware support
When does this faggotry end?
GNU Not Unix
Linux Is Not UniX
I agree
he should re-install gentoo
>install Linux
>it just werks
>install *BSD
>pointless extra hoops to jump through in the installer, making Gentoo a breeze to set up
>random hardware doesn't work, driver development is dead to the point the only remaining devs tear out BSD code and replace it with Linux drivers with the license changed
>arbitrary limitations where it throws a fit for no damn reason, like installing FreeNAS on a SSD or adding a switch to ls after the file pattern you're looking for
>pfSense is faster and more stable as a VM than on iron
Because I like having Steam and playing games too. Besides, I have HW accessories that do not work properly outside Windows.
My media server in the living room used for watching movies is FreeBSD tho.
no software
How are you online right now?
I like Operating Systems that work with my hardware.
by using hardware that doesn't run BSD code :^)
Does /b/ have regular general threads for Christians and Catholics?
Case closed
>3. FreeBSD is contrary to my moral ideals of indiscrimination
What about a more sane FreeBSD fork that takes security seriously like hardenedbsd?
It has atheist thread it constantly shits on
>/b/ is more christian
>Has trap threads
Cancels out.
Paint.NET is better than gimp
Total Commander is better than Double Commander
IrfanView is better than whatever you got there
Notepad++ is better than vim
Lazarus just werks and doesn't have fucked up dependencies
Qgis is up to date
LibreOffice can be run from a pendrive
Vivaldi can be installed standalone
Well we can't have too much Je/b/us
One of those forks that changes like five things, creates all kinds of new logos and cool website and abandon ware in 6 months?
Then it's not Christian at all.
That's the opensource community in a nutshell. If there is no parteon attached, only projects from early 2000s will stay.
>One of those forks that changes like five things
They've been going strong for 4 years now
FreeBSD deprecated. Use OpenBSD.
it lacks modernized security features. I'm not sure if they've even implemented ASLR yet. last time I checked, it wasn't there.
I have a system running OpenBSD, but not my main system. OpenBSD is decent in terms of software support, but there are a few things that I would still need Linux for, such as WINE and JACK.
I fully understand dropping WINE support, but muh video games.
I've been meaning to try this out, but I haven't found the time yet. It's a fairly young project and seems to only have two devs, so I'm not too hopeful.
I don't really understand the use case for either of those.
I'm gay, but that's still a bit much for me.
I'll stick with unironically using Gentoo. It may not be as secure as OpenBSD, but it does a better job at what I want.
It's not a fork. It's a guy randomly patching the kernel in a way that breaks applications. Completely useless.
does macos count?
Yes and it's the only acceptable BSD distro to use for Desktop
It's not a BSD distro. They use a few parts of FreeBSD and that's it.
Because I like to virtually hug people.
But I am, user
>Give me solid food reasons why you're not running a BSD
No hardware support.
Darwin is BSD and has always been BSD
Give me a "solid food" reason why I should switch from Linux to BSD.
Reasons I reject pre-emptively:
is a good thing. Yeah, it's a hack. In a perfect world there'd be no such thing as copyright or "intellectual property". But in the world we live in it's worth using that crap in reverse to enforce freedom instead of ignoring the abuses of closed-source.
So? I don't for a second believe the "it's an NSA plot!" shitposting. I don't have any philosophical problems with it being a large codebase - so is Linux. And in practice it has caused me no significant problems
>But in the world we live in it's worth using that crap in reverse to enforce freedom instead of ignoring the abuses of closed-source
LLVM seems to indicate otherwise. Despite the non-restrictive license, there are no major alternative forks. There's a huge incentive to make contributions to the free version, rather than trying to maintain a custom patchset or using an outdated version indefinitely.
it's bad for vm's
i use freebsd for NAS and my little usff router box is also pfsense.
literally nothing else though. laptops, workstations, desktops, my homelab all run way better on linux from both a performance, security, and hardware support perspective.
I use Windows and it just werks
OpenBSD is terrific from a security standpoint. Their code quality is just incredible as well. I wish I could use it full time but the hardware support isn't the greatest, things like trim and such need to be implemented.
I did run FreeBSD for a while but muh games, so Linux will do for now. It runs every game that I currently play. ZFS is really nice though.
Have they mitigated meltdown and spectre yet?
I use FreeBSD but it's embarrassing but if I admit that on Jow Forums people will harass me
don't virtual hug me
>hardware support isn't the greatest
what hardware have you had an issue with?
that's really the only one I've heard of. Why do you even need trim? I forgot to trim my SSD for 6 months and it doesn't seem faster now that I've actually run `fstrim -a`
>muh games
does freeBSD not run WINE?
I sending virtual hugs
Because it's just a more complicated way to get to the same toolchain as I would have on Linux. And on BSD it would be 5 years older.
Really? The countless degenerate weebshit pictures that make up half the posted stuff here didn't tip you off?
>Linux drivers with the license changed
Not true but sometimes non-gpl drivers from linux get ported like current GPU drivers
cute cat :3
Is that a 13" MBA?
I dont need a third operating system in my life ... main reason i dont go near mac OS or BSD... windows and linux is enough for me.
ditch windows, linux+bsd is like 1/3rd the required time. take a vacation.
Linux has more support from the industry and a wider community.
The only BSD I'd ever use would be NetBSD and even then it'd only be for experimental reasons.
Why not give me some good reasons to switch to a BSD?
>tfw you find out about open source game engines and now have Doom 3, Roller Coaster Tycoon 2, and Morrowind on OpenBSD
Now if only I could get rwengine to compile so I can play GTA III
Freebsd is easier to install than gentoo or arch because Linux doesn't make any fucking sense. All the guides are trash too including the arch and gentoo wiki. They don't even properly explain how to partition the drive. All the freebsd tutorial stuff online is incredible. It has a very knowledgeable userbase.
does not support my GPU
but i do :3
>not use electroBSD
LUKS support
LVM support
muh hardware
muh debian just werks
muh i dont wanna learn everything all over
OpenBSD is a meme
default FS doesn't even support SSD TRIM, and I don't think OpenBSD supports anything modern like ZFS or BTRFS.
"Only two remote holes in the default install!!!!!!!"
I hope you realize that this literally only applies to a base system install with absolutely no packages added. In other words, not exactly representative or meaningful towards... anything really
A few years ago, OpenBSD was actually in danger of shutting down because they couldn't keep the fucking lights on. How could anyone see this as a system they could rely on, when it could be in danger of ending at any time?
"B-But OpenBSD is written in strictly standards-compliant C! Clearly that's better than muh GNU virus!"
So you're not allowed to create extensions to the standard? You should only implement the standard and nothing more? Keep in mind that this is nothing like EEE, as the GNU extensions are Free Software, with freely available source code, as opposed to proprietary shite. People should be allowed to innovate and improve things.
If you're gonna be anal about standards-compliance, then why let people make their own implementations anyway? Why not have the standards organizations make one C implementation and force everyone to use it?
I still don't understand why is TRIM not solved on firmware level
The bsds wouldn't work for me triple monitors last time I tried. Also, last time was before the current OpenBSD version and I needed packages that where substantially newer than the ones the offered. This is fixed now, but still the monitor thing