The state of programming

Why do computer scientists and software engineers these days like rock climbing and being gay more than they like computers?

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You can be more then just a programmer user, you should have other passions as well.

Is there something wrong with being gay?

RMS doesn’t mention this on his web page

Yes he does.
> My hobbies include affection, international folk dance, flying, cooking, physics, recorder, puns, science fiction fandom, and programming; I magically get paid for doing the last one.

Those are cool hobbies though

I think most of the under 40 generations realized that being the ultimate wageslave leads nowhere when people like Bilzerian lead a hundred times better life even compared to lead engineers at top tech companies so they realized it is time to live life because being the best programmer leads to nothing apart from making the shareholders even more richer than you.

You can work yourself to the bone making someone else money, or you can work your 40 and go live life for yourself the rest of the time.

programmers live extremely sedentary lives by trade. they should engage in active hobbies

what are you, fat?

because modern computers are quite boring.

Op confirmed fat and anti homo

They got into it for the money not the love.

>work 40 hours sitting at a computer
>wanting to sit at a computer for the other 50 hours a week

I shiggy diggy. I do some stuff on computers outside of work hours obviously, but you know.

It prevents you from continuing the existence of your species.

I'm an antinatalist

Most programmers look positively skeletal. What's the deal with so many kids being stick men these days? They're all 2m tall and 50kg.

Nobody likes computers, they are just an easy living for the lazy.

Sports are an easy living for the fit.

gay people are capable of fucking women, they just don't want to

>bean-based products boy upset his noodle arms can't climb rocks

straight boys are capable of plowing boy ass, they just don't want to

Because usually children don't have right to choose a university, so a lot of people are forced into IT now.
When IT was developing, electrical engineers and other engineers worked in IT, because they loved computers. They were fat, like average Jow Forums user.

You can. But for some reason modern IT workers don't really like computers, solving problems and so on.

RMS is literally me, but I don't dance.
And I like driving instead.

>software engineers these days like rock climbing

maybe we should use this current incelgate to get some negative pr to the profession so that the normies are driven away