Have you ever considered suicide (like for real)?

Have you ever considered suicide (like for real)?

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my wife chino is so cute,

Yes I jumped out of a car from the passenger side once. Hit the road, cracked my head, rolled into the sweet sweet grass.

>meds overdose
>gas inhalation
>meds overdose
>meds overdose
>bleeding from arm cuts
I'm considering a 6th attempt doing it right this time.



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I'm attempted it twice

yet here i'm still fucking here

how does someone be so bad at everything, they even manage fucking up killing themselves?

When monkey wants attention
feels bad

Never thought about it desu

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When I was 14 I had the idea to create some kind of mystical act that would end killing myself, I thought that way I could entry in the books of history


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Is that WatchAnon?

Almost everyday i have though of killing myself
Mostly it's because i act weird around people and i'm overly self conscious about it


26 years old and still free of suicidal thoughts!

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That must be extra difficult living in "NO CONCEPT OF PERSONAL SPACE": The Country.

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I like that image because it's true.

i stay at least 1.5 m from people when i talk, i get your point but it's how i start and end the conversation that make everything awkward for me

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I did a lot in my senior year of high school and a lil while after but I evened out afterwards


no, pic related

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wew, the disonnance on that guy

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but it is a good point rite? i am not suicidal btw

quite a lot but I was overly pussy to commit it

Lole wtf. No, it's not it's complete and utter horseshit.
It's spoken like a guy who's never been through anything tough in his life and doesn't know how to relate to it.
He's basically acting like you're supposed to just go out and do cool shit. But that does not compute at all in a depressed brain. Because there just is no cool shit. When you're so far down the suicidal hole no matter what people tell you that's supposed to be "fun" your brain will come up with a rationalization for why it's fucking stupid. It just doesn't work that way anymore. It doesn't see "fun". All it sees is shitty two-dimensional people doing shitty two-dimensional things. Even if that's not true in reality, that's what your brain sees.


i feel very stoopid rn

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Don't be. The fact that you didn't immediately get this probably means you've had a decent life so far. That's supposed to be a good thing.
But it's always very important to put yourself in other people's shoes before you try and come up with decisions for them. And that is something nobody can do with perfect accuracy.
So don't feel stupid for failing something literally every person fails at in some point of their lives

unironically yes
but I met this cute and nice guy recently