It's delayed, but what does Jow Forums think of the new icon?
Thunderbird Quantum
Needs more birb
I don't care, I just switched to Sylpheed.
they should remove the web browser from the email client.
>no exchange support
they should better just stop developing that shit.
Is that Rei's hair?
>using proprietary mail servers
>cuckchange support
>fucking things that just for ram bloater that is about speed
>needing speed in emails
I send and receive hundreds of emails daily, why wouldn't I want speed in my email client?
reminder that you can use the binary from mozila
Bloated, SJW, mouse focused email client, you might as well just use gmail at this point.
>he need fast browsing on a email client.
>literally and over glorfied text editor and reader.
Have you seen how Google operates? If you were going to suggest something not made/worked on by sjws why the shit would you suggest Gmail?
That's exactly what good clients like mutt or Sylpheed provide, nothing more.
a terminal email client that can only be used with a keyboard is not what i want
>mouse focused
You say that like it's not a very, very good thing...
>mouse focused
go back to the screenfetch thread, tiling autist.
Stop using SeaMonkey, you fucking hipsters.
We don't, we are clearly talking about the HTML rendering engine in Thunderbird.
I know you are, you're too retarded to even get it.
My man
N-nice haircut
>what's wrong with me?
I do use gmail. No reason not to
It looks like a small penis and a pair of big testicles with a tattoo of an envelope on them
Oh no, dude, you just went full retard
I'm actually using the new Thunderbird. It functions well. Marked improvement over the old one. New icon is kino.
Just fucking disable it you absolute retard.
You unironically need to get laid. Immediately too.
Trips of awesomeness.
Care to explain why, or should I just take this as mindless banter with no arguments, as usual?
Fuck off then, unsatisfiable faggot.
They changed it now it sucks.
>plaintext password stored in config
>plaintext messages regardless
>plaintext password stored in config
>storing passwords
>plaintext messages regardless
It's a good thing. HTML in email is cancer.
Thunderbird can encrypt both, and HTML can be disabled. You're a retard.
It's bloat. I don't need another password manager and a full blown browser built into an email client.
How does the bird fly if it's using it's wings to hold the mail?
Robert 'Sweetrobbin' Arryn's favorite mail client
>muh bloat
You realize everything you complain about can be disabled, right? Passwords don't even need to be stored, and the web browsing can be nuked. If you're unironically worried about file size in the year 2018, off yourself.
lern englesh you asswhole
>You realize everything you complain about can be disabled, right?
Why have it if you're not gonna use it anyway?
>If you're unironically worried about file size in the year 2018, off yourself.
It's thanks to this mentality that we are now stuck with bloated, slow, inefficient and shit software, using 10 times the resources we were using 15 years ago to do the same things, except with "pretty" interfaces.
Just because we have the resources doesn't mean we should use them all the time.
Unironically neck yourself.
Does Sylphseed support minimizing to tray?
Why does Thunderbird's search function suck so much?
Shill me an email client.
mutt or Claws.
Good observation.
I wish someone would develop a decent and nice looking Thunderbird fork for Linux. Postbox is and looks nice but exclusive to WinShit only
Real email client comming through
Its not flying, its clearly having sex with it
>still no webinterface
Looks ok. When is it coming?
t. underage or unemployed autists
>his workplace unironically uses exchange
I found the call center employee.
June is what they're saying now. But who knows?
Learn to meme. There's no "I" in that one.
Thank you professor. You know, I'm something of a scientist myself. Heh. *epic lol*
Get the fuck out of here, KGB.
How does it suck?
Formerly Sylphuck
You're posting in the fucking thread for the only one worth shilling, you retard.
Does Sylphseed support minimizing to tray? I need to know this. It's the main reason I want to move away from Thunderbird.
>I wish someone would develop a decent and nice looking Thunderbird fork for Linux.
What's wrong with the original?
Also, inb4 summerfags are like "HURR DURR IT HAS AUTISTIC IN THE NAME HAHAHA"
>uses Exchange at work
I'm so sorry for you.
(I'm in the same boat)
will Quantum make it not look like it's from 2006?
Yeah. It looks pretty good. They updated the UI quite a bit.
screenshots? Can't find any
You're the antithesis of what people like on Jow Forums.
claws does with the multi-notifier plugin
I'm familiar with the policy, seeing as I've been a user for a while. What about this is anti-Jow Forums? It's not like anyone here has a problem with anti-fascism, anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-homophobia, anti-transphobia, or anti-militarism, right?
code-word for anti-nationalist
code-word for anti-white
code-word for anti-meritocracy
code-word for anti-mental-illness
code-word for anti-defense
Not to mention that they reserve the right to terminate your account if you break these values, indicating they in some way screen you or your shit.
I use a plugin for that!
The only thing that does not work is shared calendars from sharepoint and Teams.
Sorry, but no one is taking you seriously with white supremacy talking points. This isn't Jow Forums. It's just a tiny email service; chill out. They're not plotting to send you to camp in a train cart.
No way they could afford that. They have too many users and too little money/manpower to do that manually or automatically. The only way they're finding out is if someone reports it, which, to be realistic, no one is going to do.
i find it interesting that you jumped to those conclusions. i don't have strong opinions one way or the other. i just pointed out the other side of the coin that's often implied by using that "anti-" doublespeak, and you immediately got defensive and assumed the position of your chosen political camp.
now, tell me, what does that say about you?
t. anti-nationalist, anti-white, anti-meritocracy, anti-mental illness, anti-defense Autistici/Inventati communist shill posting from cubicle number 14 in San Fransisco, CA.
That's a provider, not a client you dingus.
What other conclusion can I draw from someone who can take clear, concise terms, and flip them to fit a political agenda. What leads you to believe "anti-racist" is somehow "anti-white"? Are you implying white people are racist?
Keep proving the point then. I posted a link to an email service, and it only took 60 seconds for people to rip on a simple policy telling people "hey, maybe don't use our email service to be a dick?"
Nigga, you're in a thread where the best client is already in the OP. Are you blind?
>Nigga, you're in a thread where the best client is already in the OP. Are you blind?
Nigga, he asked for a client, not a provider.
And autistici are shitty commies, I don't recommend them.
Once again best client is already in the OP. Whoopsie daisy I misread client for service. They're really similar looking!
Also, communism is great when done properly in small areas!
And yes, intentional Reddit spacing. Go ahead; call me out on it.
>What other conclusion can I draw
Well, the reasonable conclusion to draw would be to see that you were using loaded doublespeak yourself, because I replied with more of the same. The point is that throwing around silly "anti-" buzzwords is just a waste of time and does absolutely nothing to actually gain a better understanding of politics. I didn't know that I had to spell it out further for you, and I apologize for not giving you enough details to connect the dots.
I guess people who sperg out about politics online aren't too bright. Because if they had better things to do, they wouldn't be talking about politics.
> "Don't use our email service for racism, sexism, etc"
You know you're not supposed to take Alex Jones seriously, right? It's just entertainment.
Also, once again, all I did was post the link to the service. chose to make it polical
i get the impression that you didn't understand my post and just skimmed for keywords and made a reply based on that, because I was clearly referring to "anti-" doublespeak that you so conveniently omitted in this post.
allow me to reiterate a particular point, i hope it gets through to you this time:
>I guess people who sperg out about politics online aren't too bright. Because if they had better things to do, they wouldn't be talking about politics.
so you're telling me doesn't have political undertones?
Tell that to then? Not me?
I was being coy. I'm aware that people on Jow Forums like to pretend to be racist, transphobic, etc. Based on the responses I expected and received, seems this is still the case.
Email can have HTML though. That would mess it up.
both of those are me, buddy
political posters confirmed for zero reading comprehension
apparently not coy enough to understand the point even after two posts worth of explanation
I understood your points, and pretended to disagree to get a rise out of you. You are getting all worked up over a policy from an email provider you don't use, that I simply posted as a joke. But nah, seriously, I'm just going to keep backpedaling and say anti-racism basically is anti-white lol.