Why aren't you guys working on this?

Why aren't you guys working on this?

Attached: laundry folding.jpg (500x500, 53K)

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we are working on this it's called a robot gf

Like I need thee huge bricks in my bathroom.

put everything in a big pile masterrace

The solution would be far more complex, pretty expensive and take up much more space then your washing machine/dryer. The time savings for a human would not be that great too. I don't know how long you take to fold something but for me it's already a matter of seconds, so normally i wouldn't spent more then 5 min for folding all clothing from a load of the washing machine. It's quite frankly not worth it, even if these machines would exists in an acceptable size and could be acquired for just a couple of hundred bucks.
It would however be interesting if you could create a product that would wash, dry and fold your clothes and then sorts them in correctly in a closet. I.e.

Nigger it takes 5 minutes tops to fold your laundry.

>not having a dedicated laundry room
the state of america, etc.

Didn't the Chinese already created this?

Because I put half my shit on hangers.

What you really need is a machine where you put the dirty laundry in, and it first gets washed, then dried, then folded, all automatically. And then it secures your laundry in a small cage and you have to enter a custom PIN code to open it.

This would prevent laundry thieves in student dorms or other similar shared housing facilities from stealing girls' bras and panties

>5 minutes folding
fucking amateurs

Attached: lUtuqFT.gif (154x115, 1.99M)

>wearing clothes

How the fuck do your parents fail so badly that they can't even teach you how to do laundry correctly? Actually, fuck that, are you that much of a failure you can't even get a woman and get her to do laundry?

jesus fuck what a terrible world

Already exists dummy

bigger please


>how to do laundry correctly
Let a machine do it better than you.
Let a machine do it better than her.


this, also optimize your wardrobe and throw everything unnecessary out

delete *this;

Is this an American thing?

sugoi sugoi

>be 30 year old south european from spain, italia, former yugo, macedonia or greece
>still live at home with mom and dad because economy went out the window
>mock people for owning their own apartments

Sorry, I own a people house.

Why would I need a folding machine if my maid already does that?

>i live in a rural area in the middle of fucking nowhere

Not folding. Ironing! I fucking hate ironing!

So you can fire your maid / make her suck your dick while machine is folding.

It will be impossible to create a folding machine to accomodate all styles textures and sizes. Some clothes need to be folded in a fddiferent way.

Until we get good AI, forget about it

>houses are only in the sticks
Guess how I know you don't own real estate?

Then don't. Fold or hand the clothes immediately after drying. Any wrinkled clothes hang in the bathroom so the moisture for a hot shower will get the wrinkles out.

It's not polite to refer to your mom as your maid, user.

Guess how I know you live in an irrelevant rural town in an irrelevant European country.

Then I'll need a full android, because she cleans the whole house, takes the trash out and cooks sometimes.

>not having your personal chef
Get out, poor people aren't allowed.

Probably because I have a dedicated laundry and don't need to hook my machine up to my sink. :^)

>don't need to hook my machine up to my sink. :^)
That's not how any washing machines work... I think you're larping, you're probably so poor you wash your clothes in the river and have never seen a washing machine in your entire life.

>Let a machine do it better than her.
She needs something to do though. Washing machines, drying machines and dishwashing machines have already made her life too easy and boring. And if she gets bored, she might get the idea to cheat on me. Can't be having that!

Sad thing is that I really am poor.

this is all possible with illegal immigrants in 2018

It is impossible to create an operating system to accomodate all hard drives, graphic cards and CPUs. Some hard drives need to be formatted in a different way.

Until we get good AI, forget about it.

>Washing machines, drying machines and dishwashing machines have already made her life too easy and boring.
So make her go to work, and get an additional income.

Its way more difficult than putting water or heating a machine that tumbles clothing around.

I've never been so unfortunate to have to use my bathroom for laundry, so pardon the ignorance.

bloated dresser detected

>buy quality cotton clothes
> just hang them after drying

or beyond Jow Forums goals:
> have a gf
> she irons your office works... even your underwear

my parents never gave me a single piece of advice ever. i've also never seen either parent spend time with a friend or talk with a friend on the phone.

>tfw i always asked dad to play catch and he always said no and laid the sofa to watch TV

Attached: 1447883522474.gif (400x300, 1.71M)

Think it's just him. My house has one

Water doesn't just magically appear in the machine when they are in a room called laundry either. You still need to connect it to water + drain.

You obviously don't know how these machines work.

why have a wife when you can fuck the maid?

>water + drain
Like...a sink? :^)

i thought AI was "very advanced" and comparable to human intellect. That's what CNN tells me.

More like plumbing, but I guess you can't afford to have that in your house either.

Ok lol.

Are there machines that wash and dry in one machine?

Hang your clothes outside on a rainy day. After the rain washes them the sun will dry them.


Yes, but they tend to be shitty at either task and the required maintenance is a lot higher.

>cheat on me
She's not my fucking wife, I don't care, as long as it's not in my house and I don't fuck her raw.

>Being this buttblasted

Attached: eyyy.jpg (266x211, 16K)

>implying anyone is buttblasted about two anons larping and competing about who's the richest on a taiwanese tapestry forum

>whoever creates technology that nobody will pay for somehow wins all the money

>go to dorm washing machine
>someone put their powder into the softener slot

>take stuff out of dryer throw it on floor
>put dirty cloths in pile
>wash pile every week or so

Why would you do laundry in the most germ filled room

>go to dorm laundry
>some roastie took my clothes out of the dryer before my time was up so she could dry her's

Attached: efd.jpg (403x392, 47K)

Teach her that you can't dodge the rodge.

That's why you're supposed to stay with your laundry untill it's done when using public machines.

take hers out and put yours back in

Take her undies

steal undies


American houses are huge
most do have a dedicated laundry room lmao

Wank off in her undies and leave them on the floor.

>wash >dry >iron clothes that can be ironed >fold
Why are you not doing this?

Why are you complaining about it on Jow Forums instead of doing these?

When I saw this image in thumbnail form I thought it was implying a machine that could both wash and dry so you don't need to have two machines and you could set up one cycle so you don't need to go to your machines half way through to change things.

It's a "wife" technology

or you could get those

Attached: file.png (800x800, 681K)

I think OP means ironing and folding, which takes more than a mere few seconds.

Use tumblr and there's no need to iron most dress shirts, then use a coat hanger.

exists already?
Nobody folds their shit anymore, it's in to wear "vintage" clothing.

Why not combine drying, washing, folding and ironing machine in one block?

It says this this post. ^
Is in reply to this post. ^
What the hell?

>i live next to niggers

>wrinkling clothes while folding
Miss me with that barbaric shit.

He quotes it at the end, take your meds. Don't look out the window, Brian.

fuck no
rain is dirty
as in, it literally forms from steam colliding with dust and sand particles in the air

get a cheating machine so she can't do that either

>rain is dirty
you're a fucking retard, you should really castrate yourself before you make the mistake continuing your genes

Come back to me when clothes expose a standardized API that allows the folding machine to identify in a simple manner what kind of clothes it's dealing with and how to fold them.

I own three sets of clothes and some gym clothes. I use hangars

haha yeah this too

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Attached: 1525378018660.jpg (405x405, 27K)

It's called wife you idiot.

i dont wear clothes

the folding machine should also iron the clothes automatically

this is more important, I don't fold shit

it's called a woman.

The only time I've ever seen a washer and dryer in a bathroom was in a trailer.


I bought this dryer today. What do you guys think. Old one wont dry anymore