CCleaner > Options > Privacy (Part 2)

They now allow you to toggle "Allow usage data to be shared with 3rd parties for analytics purposes" in the lates release 5.43.6522
Are you not going to switch now, Jow Forums?

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I just block it from the internet.

Apple Macbook Pro doesn't have this problem.

No, but it has a million other problems.

>using ccleaner

You and these guys, dude, you and these guys

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Are you actually autistic? Because if not, why the fuck are you using CCleaner?

It has the best registry cleaning.

It absolutely does not. Wise Registry Cleaner has the best registry cleaning, because at least then it filters safe options for retards. You can also defrag the thing, which is pretty neat. CCleaner is infamous for bricking your registry. As for cleaning, Wise Disk Cleaner and Bleachbit are both superior in every way.

>Wise Registry Cleaner
>Wise Disk Cleaner
So two applications vs one application. I think I'll choose the one application which can do both.

>I'll choose this single program that does BOTH functions inadequately as opposed to just getting two applications and having it done right
Do you also have your torrents in your web browser? Or your games in your email client?

>CCleaner is infamous for bricking your registry
Sauce now fucker

Jesus, just google it yourself. There are dozens if not hundreds of links available with warnings from tech blogs as well as Microsoft itself coming out and saying it's a bad idea.

>still has a unique guid for each machine in the registry (HKLM and HKCU)

Use BleachBit with winapp2.ini if you don't want phoning home cleaning programs.

Who the fuck would install another bloatware to get rid of bloat?
>current state bla

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The portable versions?

It's portable software.

dude you appear as a ccleaner shill and you sound like a retard. better options has been listed ITT

stop shilling that shitty botnet in here.

ccleaner devs got their shkelim in previous years, nhow it's time for the wise chinese "people"

I'm ok

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The same settings from the registry is wrote to the ccleaner ini file (used in portable).

>registry cleaners

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Interesting. There are two IDs, which seem uniquie, GD and ClientUUID. I wonder if I blank them and set the ini to read-only, what happens?

Who knows. Removing the keys just recreates them (theres a thread on the official forum stating it is for telemetry purposes)

it would probably be easier to fingerprint the one guy whos GUID constantly changes at each program run but his IP stays the same, just saying

Well, my public IP changes every few hours.

Why are you using a shitter version of BleachBit?

>Windows Classic Theme
Enjoy tearing faggot

That's unfortunate

Same here.

what problem?

> this makes a difference when you're using windows already