>great os
>shit hardware
Why does it have to be like this?
Great os
Other urls found in this thread:
>great os
Debatable, but you can always Hackintosh.
>>shit os
>>shit hardware
Always this one guy. The OS is decent, Snow Leopard was up there with XP in terms of GOAT OSes. It's been shit the past few releases though, yeah.
it's an """""""ok""""""" OS, certainly better than windows but not great at all. Having said that, HW went to shit in the last decade, prolly because of them dropping PPC. Ibooks are still comfy as fuck
Redpill me on Mac Minis. Worth it?
inb4 >MacToddler
Fuck you I'm curious
They are pretty good. The 2012 and prior models allow you to upgrade the RAM, so I would probably go with one of those. The 2013 and 2014 models aren’t bad either though.
2014 was the last hardware release for the Mac mini, so definitely don’t buy one brand new. Used prices on eBay aren’t bad at all.
They still support modern MacOS right? Apple still advertises them on their site so they can't be completely deprecated.
I just wanted a compact shitposting machine and something to store a bunch of files.
MacOS, like iOS, has been deteriorating with each major version.
The latest macbook pro is a fucking travesty.
Ok os. Better than Windows 8/8.1/10. But Arch Linux and Gentoo are better than all of them.
I actually kind of like the concept behind the touch bar.
Yep, apparently back to the 2010 model they are still supported by the most recent update.
Here is a compatibility table by model:
I plan on getting a 2012 soonish for the same reason. Great meme and shitposting machine.
even ignoring the touch bar it's a cluster fuck. the keyboard on it is pajeet tier garbage. theoutline.com
also how about the fact that the latest revision of MBP coincided with when apple decided to get rid of audio jacks on iphones, forcing people to either use bluetooth headphones or headphones with a lightning port plug (or use a dongle), but in the MBP released at nearly the exact same time they maintained the audio jack, so that if you bought headphones with a lightning plug you STILL would have had to purchase a dongle.
seriously fuck apple
I'm really interested to know the marketing psychology behind these choices. Its not just price gouging, there is something """intelligent'"" happening here.
a charitable interpretation would be that it was intentional and designed to maximize profits, but given the drop off in quality at the software level i'm less inclined to be charitable and instead can only assume it was an internal fuckup
Apples software continues to be top notch, with most peoples only bicker being at the hardware level. Notch, Keyboard, Lighting killing 3.5. I don't think theres another company that meshes hardware and software side by side.
Compared to Windows 10, MacOS has proven to be remarkably tame when shit hits the fan, and unlike Windows 10, our updates are concise and helpful, usually.
But these issues have been responsibly corrected...Meanwhile you all still struggle with Bluetooth.
Why is Apple such a joke?
Not even M$ fucks up this badly.
>great os
Good joke user.
Looking at the ad makes me wonder if you can unlock it with a photo?
its non-free and closed-source so it is fucking trash
oh wow, get a load of this retard
No, It's not a Samsung phone.
MS updates brick your system, MacOS updates don't
Too cool for Bluetooth, boomer?
its incredibly insecure and extremely patent encumbered. yep, its trash
>half assed OS
>overpriced non-especial hardware
>shit PCBs
>Half assed OS
Thats where your wrong. If you wanna talk Half-Assed, consider the fact you manually have to maintain your OS or it will break for no reason.
Why do you feel the need to lie to defend your toddlerOS pajeet?
>being this much of a samefag
>Informally written, sourceless source
Smells like Boomer
>it's the mactoddler that's never used linux but claims to know everything about it episode
>muh open sores
Fuck off freetard
>That will show them :)
You are such a seething child to have that saved on your computer. Imagine being this pointlessly angry of a product you don't particularly care for.
>mactoddler gets exposed and caught outright lying
Your defective toddler toy OS is broken trash, as much so if not more than wangblows. The hilarity of the situation is that as a zombie fruit cultist you only see the problems in your "arch nemesis" while ignoring the exact same problems with your own trash. It's laughably pathetic. Seek mental help. LMAO
Why doesn't Apple make a high end computer that doesn't use workstation parts? Like a iMac that had an i7 8700 and RX Vega instead of a Xeon and Radeon Pro.
(you) no sources
That's a meaningless comparison. Windows 10 makes anything look better by comparison.
>compared to shit, diarrhea tastes great!
The ABSOLUTE state.
t. NEETs
Try using your computer for work next time.
>try to use fagOS for work
>bricks all screens
Uh oh.
>keep all your personal info and data on your machine
>have no idea or control over whats happening with it
I will never understand how people can be smug about this.
Yes they will probably get another 3-6 years of updates.
I actually liked the MacBook air, decent specs for how small and light it was, shame they stopped making it. Mac OS from Yosemite on has been atrocious though, Windows 10 is far superior.
If they're good enough to run your favourite website they're good enough for you. Jow Forums still runs on a bunch of Mac Minis, right?
Regarding the keyboard they actually made some changes to the butterfly mechanism silently in 2017's model. There's been less keyboard incidents since and they've overall improved general reliability since the older 2015 and previous models. I'm not sure how I feel about the touch bar though. I only use keyboard shortcuts anyway. I can't remember the last time I needed the function row so it might as well be a pretty screen that I can just tap on to answer my FaceTime calls.
hackintosh is a thing
but it may die out very soon since they are ditching intel chips soon
>was up there with XP
They still sell the MacBook Air. The 13" though not the 16:9 11". I knew this Russian dude who was a professional photographer and the computer he had hooked up to his camera via Ethernet or some shit was an 11" MBA. That was the only thing in his studio.
>""""pro"""" user
>has to settle for macshit
lmao poorfags
No one uses Windwoes in the media/arts industries. Try again.
You clearly never used Snow Leopard, it was indeed a great OS. Ever since it's just turned into iOS lite with a bunch of artificial restrictions and cancerous normie bullshit like Maps or Game Center.
Damage control more poorfag. Real industries use linux render farms for everything.
rm -rf /Applications/Maps.app
>great OS
What are you talking about?
>operation not permitted
Users have to actually restart their computer, hold down command+R, open a terminal, type 'csrutil disable' and fucking reboot before they can be trusted with their own computer. What bullshit. This is just one of the many 'artificial restrictions' I was talking about.
Yes I know apple still sells it, but it hasn't been updated since 2013, I wish they would update it
That's hardly a big fucking deal. Its literally 1 (one) command.
build your own hackintosh, user!!!!
or, if you're too lay-z, there are certain hackintosh-able laptops approved by the hackintosh wiki, that'd probably be easier (but much less fun!).
You'd be surprised how many normies that have a mac would click on just anything.
It's still an artificially implemented restriction on what the user can do and is something that wasn't in Snow Leopard. If anything, it shows that Apple doesn't put a lot of trust in their own userbase.
95%+ of Mac users would never have a need for anything that needs disabling SIP, so you might as well enhance security by doing it this way while still allowing those that want full access can do so.
It isn't that hard to work out user.
>inb4 shill
A Mac isn't even my main computer.