Reminder that comments LITERALLY make a codebase less maintainable, harder to read, and slower to compile and execute

Reminder that comments LITERALLY make a codebase less maintainable, harder to read, and slower to compile and execute.

Attached: greencomputer.jpg (852x480, 66K)

What is an alternative? Do you not need comments to make it easier for other programmers to understand?

If you need comments to make your code legible, you aren't a good programmer or you overly obfuscate your shit. Any half competent programmer can read code and figure out what it does. You shouldn't need Programming 101 Study Guide tier pointers to figure things out.

Making things as hard as possible for no reason is the way of a real programmer. I'm not stupid like pajeet after all

This seems like a nice ideal but I don't know if that approach is viable in real life

Your code should be self-documenting.

It definitely isn't with the diversity quota some shits are pushing for, nor the low standards of some companies. But it is how things should be.

This. Comments literally make code worse. You shouldn't comment your code. Only women and niggers do so.

Yeah, it should, but not every line you write is going to be clean (assuming you're working with others or maintaining legacy)

Well written python should only need a docstring for each class and function, plus the occasional comment for the occasional complex control flow.

>Coding like an Indian
Hello Pajeet, how's your stay in California?

Comments are bullshit, yes. Don't make your code slower, though. Unless you're talking about JavaScript when sent to the browser, but any half-competent developer is going to run a minifier over their JS code which, among other things, removes comments anyway.

No, it's not about comments - It's about Docblocks. Docblocks are what you need. Docblocks are all you need.
As for how the code works together, that should be in the documentation.

True, since if you have a python file with more than 12 lines on it, you're doing it wrong.

Where is your game?

>Don't make your code slower, though.
Yes they do.

No. The compiler will remove any trace of the comment.
And if you think scanning for comments during lexing takes any significant amount of time you're hopeless.

Attached: wrongtrump.gif (480x287, 1.21M)

Provide evidence. Every language I know removes comments and they have no runtime impact.
There are some languages which keep docblocks at runtime, like PHP, but even in those you don't notice it at all.

I am a programmer with 48 years of experience. I am an expert in my field and can tell you for a fact that comments make code slower at both compile and run time.

Oh good, you're trolling. Thank god. For a second there I thought there was someone who genuinely believed this.

It's easy to circlejerk about muh self-documenting code when you spend all day making fizbuzz level crap in python, but sometimes you have to do some counter-intuitive shit or deal with weird language/software quirks when solving real world problems and comments are absolutely warranted in that case.

Ok, retard.

t. never written production code

t. Has never been employed by a competent company

Sounds like you're just a shitty programmer who can't find properly elegant solutions to problems.