Is Saitek Cyborg X Stick a good flight stick worth buying?
Is Saitek Cyborg X Stick a good flight stick worth buying?
Not technology
get a real hotas or get the fuck out.
saw this at fries today, man no way im paying $500 for some controls
You want the thrustmaster 16000M, because more buttons are always better. Logitech 3D Pro or w/e otherwise.
are you stupid?
are you primarily intending to game with, or are you building a home simulator rig?
a bit of both, i dont think im getting rudder pedals anytime soon, cause i got no space really
just remember
the design inspiration was literally a cock.
If you want to play with nipples instead, use wasdqe
This guy is the best, if you can find one. eBay prices are shit but you can often find these at thrift stores for next to nothing. The motorized stick mechanism is incredibly cool. All the force feedback stuff works well in Linux under WINE too.
This. The T16k is by far the best "affordable" stick out there, and is pretty much the only game in town if you want a matched pair for space sims. I strongly recommend getting the bundle with the matching throttle if you're planning on using it for traditional flight sims, too.
Ha one a while back, worked for about 3 months before the yaw controls went to shit, bought the like $35 logitech one instead after that. The new logitech one has worked for some 4 odd years at least.
I'd rec something with a separate thrust just for comforts sake
Twin Stick is master race
>willing to pay $50-$100/hr for flight lessons
>not willing to pay $500 average for a stick
>playing elite dangerous on a tiny crt
CRT is still the best display technology we have.
Not at that shitass resolution. Playing that game on anything less than a 100hz 4K display is sacrilege.
Okay, well then buy me that new wasabi mango 4k 120hz 43" display
>handjob trainer
>twin sticks
>not a real sega twinstick
get gud
get the t16000m + twcs throttle. It's way cheaper, and has lots of buttons. The joystick uses the same very accurate sensor as the Warthog stick. It also has yaw control, unlike the Warthog, so you don't need to worry about rudder pedals.
It looks like garbage in VR, but the sense of being inside your ship is so sweet, it makes flat screen seem lame.
It depends on what you will be playing, that stick looks fine for WWII planes but with modern ones you really need more hat switches
Get some old Microshit flight sticks. Those were and still are the best.
Fuck off manchild