Linux can update without reboo-
Linux can update without reboo-
Other urls found in this thread:
Just a notification for normies, real distros don't care
Bad example. Fedora or Arch or any number of distros would work just fine without a reboot.
Literally never asked to reboot on Arch. Realistically it's just to force normies incapable of using the terminal to restart programs.
>update arch kernel
>usb hot-plug doesn't work anymore
use shitty distros, win shitty prizes
>update fedora kernel
>screen doesn't blank anymore
>Literally never asked to reboot on Arch.
Yeah, because your minimalistic package manager doesn't have that "feature"
Nice no true scottsman fellas
pick one
>My distro designed to be the most like traditional desktop operating systems acts too much like a traditional desktop operating system
>The Linux Kernel must be to blame for this!!!
It's a notification for updating the fucking kernel - the only thing you can't update without a reboot
inb4 unstable methods exist
I never got one of those while updating the kernel on Debian
What is ksplice
Like I said above, it's a notification for normies because it's Ubuntu. Just because your distro doesn't show it doesn't mean you can easily upgrade kernel without a restart.
everyone else: go back to kindergarten
most distros don't notify you because they expect you to know what you're doing. if you don't reboot, you're still running the old kernel regardless of whether or not you were notified
oh, makes sense.
Give names and phone numbers of three (3) people who use it on their desktop
You don't have to use ksplice
You can use the Ubuntu version which is free for 1 user
fbi pls
you can use kexec jumps to upgrade a kernel without reboot if your kernel
you should write a shutdown script to ensure your devices are in a sane state before jumping though.
That's what happens when you don't use Kali
sometimes you just have to reboot, otherwise you'd have to just mmap the new code into running shit and that just sounds retardedly nightmarish. hell ksplice which is basically the kernel equivalent of just that is basically dead because of how limited it is and how much of a pita it is to do.
also kexec doesn't count. you literally have to kill all processes and just jmp new linux from linux. that's basically restarting.
Install gentoo?
>gets kernel update with fixes for CVE-2018-3639
>system needs to boot new secure kernel
>visits Jow Forums to shitpost about reboot while still using insecure kernel
nigga wat
It's okay
Apple doesn't get viruses
>Apple doesn't get viruses
What did he mean by this
A apple a day keeps the free linux away
More like, an apple a day literally makes you gay.
>t. Too retarded to find out about "applying critical kernel updates without reboot" which muh stupid african distribution baboontoo has
What's the difference?
>install mint
>screen tearing everywhere
>install nvidia driver to fix the tearing
>reboot into blackscreen
Install gentoo
Should have paid for Ubuntu advantage mate. You get canonical livepatch service with that. That's what you get for being a cheapskate
>Paying for shit
>Using linux
It's f to pay respect
you fucked up
If you're going to be pedantic, the OP states:
>Linux can update without reboo-
Mocking and implying that Linux cannot be updated by reboot. Notice the key word "can" and its inverse "cannot." It only takes one counterexample to defeat OP's argument. Ergo, there is no fallacious logic here, and no true scotsman was never used by showing one counterexample.
It only does this for updating the kernel or shit that needs to restart the display server (though you don't actually have to restart the whole system for that)
You can simply ignore it and keep running the old kernel if you want.