Would Jow Forums be interested in a small little webhost, nothing special but a couple of megs of space to run a simple little website kind of how Geocities used to be before it went up and died.
I've become enamoured with the websites of the early 90's with their tables to section parts from eachother and moving background animations and the like, and just enjoy that part of web history a lot. I sadly wasn't around at the time to enjoy the BBS scene but I feel kind of sad that something like that will never happen again with all the flashy web stuff that's happening today
Would Jow Forums be interested in a small little webhost...
There is a couple of this already. My advice, gt familiar with what BBS and MUD were and try to make one, Jow Forums needs one.
sadly my knowledge about BBS's and MUD's are limited to the documentary that was made about them, it died not too long before after I was born so I was never able to experience it sadly.
and there's probably others i'm not familiar with
but you should build it anyway, it sounds like a fun and simple project and if you posted the finished product here i bet a few people would play with it
I've always wanted a little project like this, seems like a lot of fun.
I never seen txti.es before, but seems nice for simple things.
The best would be if users could create a subfolder in the www folder with their own username and ftp/ssh into the folder and add their stuff.
but that's something i need to figure out for later I guess.
that's surprisingly straightforward to set up, the hard part is just coming up a secure way for people to create their accounts (which will be normal unix accounts)
apache has a super convenient feature for this: httpd.apache.org
(there's tutorials out there to do it with nginx too, which i personally prefer)
for ftp, use an ftpd which supports chroot jails, so that users get routed directly to their public_html folder and can't see the rest of the rootfs at all (regardless of permissions)
eg. unix.stackexchange.com
creating accounts is left as an exercise for the reader
I'd be super interested in working on something like this if you need any help
Thanks for that, I'm gonna take my time and maybe practice a bit on a virtual machine before getting my hands dirty on actual hosting, but this should get me started at least.
I'm still really new to this kind of thing so if you think you can do a better job, please do.The idea just dawned on me when I noticed I left my adblock off and was flooded with banners and all sorts when going to a random website.
I just remember a simpler time, where people had like 5 megabyte worth of storage on their hosting and that was plenty for a regular website, you didn't need more than that unless you were hosting big ass files like music or video's but even then you could get away with it.
I made a little website a couple of days using some shitty javascript snippets and other stuff for effects and it looks pretty decent, and it's 165 KB in size, I could always let the less.js run from cloudflare like it says on the main page and then it would come in at a whopping 14 KB.
Make it Gopher and I might feign interest.
sadly it will most likely be using good old http since that's what most people are used to.
Use pygopherd or similar, then you have a gopher server that is also accessible to "most people" via http.
Thanks for the info, I'll have a look at it. If it ever becomes a reality I'll post it here first. I know that a lot of people here are disgusted with that the web has become.
Bumping for interests
NeoCities is exactly what you're asking for, and already has thousands of sites.
>on black
Looked nice in Portal, but hurts my fucking eyes to be honest.
Does anyone happen to have an amber on black colorscheme for linux terminals / vim?
Bump, this looks interesting.
I know right, it's the best.
wait we're makin one or??
like host at home use xampp as server noip for a text redirect?
>post progress
I kind of want to make a small server where you can put your tiny blog or whatever.
Would 25 MB be enough per person ?
shoot for 50 if possible.... ill absolutely build a page if allowed
200 pages of plaintext are about 1MB.
>sadly it will most likely be using good old http
I don't think using http is such a bad thing, especially when it is used for a good cause. You're using http as an example of how honest it can be. I hope we get to hear about how you're doing in the future.
that would be so fun and it'll make it interesting having an allotted portion to see what we can all do in the tight space
the penetration testing reference manual i would compile here as a quick-find for most common commands might be longer than that ;) can you say web hosted kali book you can navigate with lynx?
Will the webshot be GDPR compliant? I would hate to have to report you.
That's the idea, I recently looked at a local restaurants website which looked plain as hell, but the entire website was running on WordPress, Which was bigger than the actual website when installed.
Hosting a small website on AppEngine costs like $0.00 a month.
Don't worry, I won't have any info other than the hosting account someone makes themselves.
Yes goy, host your website with us.
It's free~
Yes, trust a random user instead, who is hosting the server from a cloud provider that's just reselling GCP or AWS services.
At least it will be GDPR compliant.
>inb4 Amazon/Google are willing to be sued by everyone that uses their cloud services for lying about being GDPR compliant.
Google at least has already gotten hit with a complaint claiming they're not GDPR-compliant.