Why do iPhones get so damn warm?

Why do iPhones get so damn warm?

Is it normal for them to become pressure cookers when facetiming someone? I mean damn.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-27 at 19.46.31.png (1113x390, 175K)

Found your problem.

I have identified the source of your troubles

what is this, some mexican meme?

Therein lies the root of your tribulations.

You don't just put fat wide cores into the smartphone and expect it not to turn into furnace.

mission accomplished

I think I know the source of your problem

because they are poorly-built and the software they run isn't tested for bugs.

>being an iToddler

>why do furnaces get warm

jesus Jow Forums has gotten stale

>the software they run isn't tested for bugs.
Because android apps are incredibly stable, right?

I have located your issue

At least they don't crash when you enter certain acsii characters

That was patched. All smartphones have dumb errors like that.

Isn’t glass supposed to dissipate heat?

You either have an app that's using too much of the CPU in the background (draining the battery), or you need a reboot.

experience: iPhone X based-cuck

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Arithmetic reactions are exothermic, OP. It happens in Android phones too, but the waste heat is instead sent to Google so they can track you. Apple doesn't track you, and the heat is released harmlessly into your hands and ear.

poodroids btfo

Yeah but see apple did it so it's automatically the worst bug in the history of smartphones.




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