Hows your hardware projects going /g?
Just starting one with pic related
> tfw one usb cable to share with internet device
Hows your hardware projects going /g?
Just starting one with pic related
> tfw one usb cable to share with internet device
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The vasy majority of Jow Forums can only program on high level languages for their 8 GB RAM computer. Almost no one go down the hardware/assembly line and it makes me sad.
t. Electronics Engineer
Used one to simulate a PS4 pad on my PS4 in order to use a PS3 compatible racing wheel. Works perfectly
i made a table of notes to hz today and i'm currently playing some chip-like tunes on my AVR even simulating some bitcrushing effects by modulating some of my parameters .
now i want to be able to play a background tune while playing a game. my thought was that i would do some pseudo-threading on my main loop.
but... is this baby capable of doing some simple DSP algos in real time?
It's better that way user, less competition means more salary.
t. Embedded programmer
dis where we talk that CHIP TALK
thats a pretty nice collection user
Similar idea here, i've just about got the parts for a ps4 controller, but i'll connect to PC and see if i can make it useful
I somehow killed Wemos D1 mini with DHT22 shield. How the fuck is that even possible?
what are some good relays i can use for long term projects? like shit i want to deploy for years and years without thinking about it again
maybe plugged the shield in backwards or a short between the 5v / ground pins?
old car immobilizers usually have a pair in
if you're switching DC, just make a load switch out of some FETs. If AC, get some Triacs. Schema related, my traffic light controller which is all solid state.
No I didn't. It worked just fine for a week.
16 bit font for a nine-led display
const int numerals[38] = {0x757, 0x222, 0x326, 0x343, 0x574, 0x623, 0x133, 0x742, 0x673, 0x664, 0x002, 0x255, 0x133, 0x717, 0x353, 0x616, 0x731, 0x357, 0x575, 0x727, 0x723, 0x535, 0x117,
0x631, 0x471, 0x757, 0x331, 0x332, 0x335, 0x623, 0x722, 0x557, 0x552, 0x463, 0x525, 0x522, 0x326 };
So I'm working on this project where I need two DC power sources, one for the RPi (5V) and one for another device (12-36V). Currently I'm just using two AC/DC power adapters with the respective voltages but what I'd like to is have only one power cord going into the whole assembly.
Do I just take apart my power adapters (so they take up less space), split my 220V AC input and solder it to them? Or is there actually a cleaner and cheaper solution?
Size is not a problem. Reliability is more important than cost.
I made an ffsk modem with dspic30f3013 using only assembly.I tried learning c but I can't grasp it.
I got an Arduino nano, I'm trying to make a cheap LED Solar floodlight for my dogs that'll turn on at 6pm and off at 10pm.
Turns out 30c LEDs on AliExpress aren't actually 10w and aren't as efficient as I'd hoped...
Is the nano good to run off a 7.4v battery?
An old pc power supply will have 12v and possibly either 5v or 3.3v
Should be fine through the Vin regulator
Esp8266/32 is enough for 85% of projects.
>Sumpump level alarm
>Light switch relay
>Reset home server
>Garage door opener
Should be fair amount of CE students here
>end of 2nd year EE/CE
>people still don't know about bit shifting
New generation of engineers are going to be pathetically underskilled
got an esp32, what are some cool things I can do with it?
Don't they teach basics about flip flops and registers etc. in third grade of electrotechnical highschools?
What's with all the Launchpads?
One I'm working on right now is a network of DHT sensors atop ESP8266's around the house so I can see temperature/humidity variation among rooms.
kinda hardware-y, trying to communicate with a TI-84 (Plus CE) over USB to some sort of MCU.
Does a raspberry PI make a good programmer? I know there's available software for it to program a variety of chips but I'm kinda unsure.
Microcontrollers are for faggots who have never touched an op-amp.
because it sounds hard and expensive
>have all electronic components and rasberry pi, esp32
>no idea for projects, would have to be kind of useful
Can I somehow track the fermentation process with some sensor?
Measuring the liquid weight would be way to complex to implement but could I somehow track the amount of gas being released through airlock?
lol no. most high schoolers won't be able to even comprehend TTL let alone CMOS analysis, how are you intending to teach flip-flops and registers to high schoolers?
interesting project. i would like to use esp8266 for a few electromech projects. how do you program it? through the arduino or are you doing some UART-USB thing? it's also not avr so what toolchain do you have to use to compile it?
pressure transducer
how do you compare an analog building block to a fully digital system? Moron.
>TTL let alone CMOS analysis
I'm not talking about the physics behind it. My generation was taught about shift registers by demonstrations using leds and switches. A person entering tech related colleges was expected to know basic shit like counters, logic gates etc.
What are some cool hardware/embedded projects to start with?
There are 4 options I'm aware of:
Arduino language
NodeMCU Lua
Personally I've only used Python and Lua, haven't gotten around to messing with the C SDK.
btw I want to program in Assembly, arduino bores me.
The only pieces of electronics knowledge from highschool were KCL and parallel resistor calculations. UK schools are complete shit, you have to go to college for anything involving those and the electronic courses only give you a rudimentary understanding until university. At which point you don't have the skills necessary to learn at that level, unless you went out of your way to learn the material in your own time.
>lol no. most high schoolers won't be able to even comprehend TTL let alone CMOS analysis, how are you intending to teach flip-flops and registers to high schoolers?
You don't need to understand entirely how TTL or CMOS works at highschool as long as you can make something with them. The problem with schools at the moment is they don't bother with anything above parallel and series circuits, spending weeks going over the same few problems, which is crippling later on when you're having to spend time trying to catch up learning how TTL, CMOS and FFs work, what they're used for, how to apply them to projects and how the internals work. Half the battle could be shifted to highschool, providing a better learning experience with practical projects.
>logic gates and counters
At least 70% of first year (250ish students) couldn't understand how an and gate worked by exam time and only half of them understood what a clock pulse was.
>Arduino language
it's c++
How can I learn electronics? I have an arduino laying around that I used for a tiny project a while ago. I don't want to get on electrical engineer levels but enough so I can read circuit schematics and make my own ones.
still that's like a 2nd seme CE thing isn't it (i'm not remotely related to CE/EE so i'm not that familiar with the curriculum). it may be that there's just different approaches to learning the stuff since some are very tightly coupled to EE curriculum like starting off FFs with multivibrator analysis and essentials like edge triggering, but it also means they get balled up learning analog signal analysis and the very mathy stuff.
actually i agree that college is pretty theoretical. imo college should be geared into getting people into research and academia and vocational schools should broaden the scope into actually making things but they shouldn't be mutually exclusive either. it's kind of why you get a lot of tards in college and definitely a lot of people who aren't meant for college there too.
I do Ardiuno and Gameboy programming for fun
Did VGA on an atmega8 like 3 weeks ago. But it is way too underpowered. Now I am porting it to an stm32f103c8 ((((""""BLUE PILL""""")))). Yesterday i only made the vga sync pulses. they work, but didnt have enough time to output data yet. wont happen in the next few days either.
We soldered pic related in first semester in uni. Programmed it in third. And now it was laying a year around and I didnt know what to do with it. Was a nice weekend project, but as i said, the atmega8 is barely capable
right now I am doing some vhdl for uni. We are using a soft processor called kcpsm3 from xilinx. Trying to get a debouncer circuit and watchdog timer to work.
??? That shits like one of the first classes in CE
Anyways its good if competiton is low, means more money for us non-retsrded
forgot (((cool))) pic
Pretty much, yes, but you're using the Arduino libraries
Such threads usually don't last too long here because Jow Forums only cares about videogames, which is the best brand and OS wars. Some user who did a hardware general moved it to /diy/ where it has been thriving ever since, I'd recommend you guys to check it out if you want to discuss more about "low end" stuff.
Most people get scared about programming in C/asm, which is really simple, and prefer to work with a shit ton of abstractions on top of even more abstractions.
>that nucleo board
ST products do give me a boner
Yes, but as the other user said, do it through pin 30.
Your plan is actually the cheapest one that I can think of.
That'd take too much space though.
You can get a cheap dev board for less than $5, user. An arduino or a blue bill would be great a start for a newcomer.
PC power supply will give you both 5V and 12V, or else if space is a concern, then why not get a cheap adjustable DC-DC converter from banggood or aliexpress or wherever, use the 12-36VDC source to power that device directly and connect the RPi via the converter.
A RPi, flashrom software and a SOIC clip works pretty well to flash BIOS/UEFI chips.
why did the number move over to the other side? @_@
What do you do when you run out of pins on the board for all the inputs/outputs?
Slap yourself for not planning ahead, then buy a board based on a device with a higher pin-count that brings all the pins out.
I've been making this thing. It's for testing and calibrating air operated nurse call systems.
Can someone explain what the duck was Intel thinking?
Finally an actually useful thing.
Had that in last year of high school. Through it did go over most of the class head, as your had to teach yourself through projects.
Also designed and made pic related for an exam project. Its a board for a rc car using nrf24l01
I made a hardware Sega Genesis music player that uses the real sound chips from the console.
Is there a kit project to build a computer with the abilities of something ranging from C64 to Amiga levels of power/capability?
that's dope!
Thanks dude, glad you enjoy it
Your YM2151 board is pretty cool as well.
we need threads concerning the new 10 dolla pi
This shit is in minecraft guys. Everyone already understands it.
These things keep getting more ram and I'm wondering if one of these 32-bit micro controllers could run a modified uclinux kernel. (micro C)
It can run on a 6800 so idk why not? Obviously without gui and maybe with busybox to replace the shell/ect
i think maybe 2.6 or lower might run, almost positive 3+ requires a MMU
typical, have a huge collection of dev boards and nothing done
Not what you actually meant, but still a cool thing to share:
bit dot ly slash 2sehCwX (fucking Jow Forums thinks that's even the original link is spam)
Not really micro though
1x leostick, 1x pro micro clone(32u4's)
2x nano clone (328p's)
3x digistump clone (tiny85's) - 1 killed
1x wheeled robot (partly disassembled) / leo
1x nano battery monitor (partly disassembled) / solar panel isn't working
1x attiny battery monitor (assembled) / solar panel is on the blink
1x nano icsp programmer (no assembly required)
1x pro micro usb controller (under construction)
show a fucking working project.
like 90% of programmers don't even need to know that.
Might have to try some compiling one day.
Indeed that is very cool user!
Thanks for sharing.
see if this file works
ain't clicking that shit nigga.
lol, first one was half a meg oversize, tried converting to webm and it went to 10mb
my old phone doesn't do webms, dunno if .4gp? /mms video works here
Video is just a nano running a six segment display plus some idle boards
I recently did a project where I used a potentiometer strip and the values it outputted to change the colors of an LED strip. Used the ATMega328PB and wrote the code in AVR assembly. I was pretty proud if myself.
I had to put together a shift register as a high school freshman. Magnet school though. Class of 2005.
damn I would've killed to do something like that in high school
Me too. The best my school offered was a CAD class they only taught every other year.
Wait, the class was yearly, the type was every other year. Mechanical one year and architectural the next
It's mentality like this that makes the human race reytarded
Nah, we live in an era of zero cost abstractions. Only people who are actually writing compilers should be doing that sort of thing and there's too many of them skulking around.
Sumo bot I'm working on with a team. run on a pic32mx.
This is the few pics of the prototypes I had. I'm doing the programming and my buds are doing pcb/chassis design.
I could do that shit with few transistors what the hell is wrong with this generations.
Too bad I'm being paid an equivalent of three EE salaries to write Java now.
u alright there gramps
isn't starting salary for an ee like 60-70?
You're making a lot of money, but it's the case regularly with EE's. Seems you can double to tripple your salary by switching carries into programming or software engineering.
yeah you can if you want to lose
EE looks infinitely more challenging and fun, so I'm doing some on my own time.
Hopefully I'll be decent by the time this wild ride of a bubble pops.
We did one project with that one, 8/8 pleasant experience
ARM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PIC.
OK so which ARM processor is as small as the smallest pic processor? There are more than one use case you know
ARM > ATmega >>> Sheet > PIC
anybody experienced with ESP32?
8 core 3.3 GHz Xeon E5-2670 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ARM
Not for projects itt