this makes the vim user commit sudoku
This makes the vim user commit sudoku
Other urls found in this thread:
>commit sudoku
you become a statistic after the surgery.
>Leah Rowe says: Respect transgender people! Some of us run the software projects that you use! WE WILL ONE DAY RUN YOUR GOVERNMENT
>being this passive aggresive
This is why the world hates you faggots
tranny uses vim, alpha males use emacs
oh so that's why Jow Forums uses it, I guess he's not alone
>I registered with theSuporn Clinic, which is located in Thailand and is one of the best centres for genital surgery on earth.
su porn clinic
no way im touching emacs
but why user?
what's mnemonic about C-xC-c to exit compared to :quit? that's the only shortcut i bothered figuring out before deciding it's too much a hassle when vi and vim work fine
You should use "vis".
>I want to be able to love my body and myself
Me too, freaky man, me too.
M-x kill-emacs
>literally every other program has "exit" or "quit"
install evil if you don't like emacs bindings
when i can just use vim?
But everything else about emacs is better.
>built-in tetris
no, that's bloat
>But everything else about emacs is better.
Yeah, like the startup speed.
>built in Lisp interpreter
>built in chatbot
Eliza just repeats words after you with small code snippet. The program was made to fool users and you fell for it
>suporn clinic
>missing the point
Emacs is supposed to be a fucking text editor, not an OS
put this into your init.el
(defalias 'quit 'kill-emacs)
what's it good for?
rrraabsolutely nuthin
HOO huh war
what is it good for?
Redpill me on this
I use it for note taking (and organizing) and for studying german with org-drill cards.
But, what else could I use it for? I've been looking into org-agenda and I may use it as a calendar/planer.
are you ok?
You can't commit sudoku without sudo.
Quitting is for losers, true alpha Chads kill.
>Emacs is supposed to be a fucking text editor,
I seriously doubt faggots that make its think the same. They have the support "GNU is OS" statement somehow.
oh god
*makes the vim user install Spacemacs
Emacs is an OS user, you can run it on a Linux kernel only without other things
muh nigguh
miss me with that fancy modeline shit
I haven't changed anything though. It's the default spacemacs
With hipster editors like kakoune, vis, and amp our we currently experiencing a modal editor renaissance?
This is why I'll never cut my benis, except if I can have an uterus and procriate.
This is gold. And also disguisting.
wtf? I hate vim now!
I am legit thinking on switch to Emacs for Org Mode so OP is not wrong.