Genuine question, how do you find the willpower to go through all that math in your CS/SE/informatics degree?
And I mean actually learn the stuff, not just memorise it temporarily
Genuine question, how do you find the willpower to go through all that math in your CS/SE/informatics degree?
Do the exercises instead of trying to memorise things.
I can't, I have this new hip thing called maladaptive daydreaming. I literally cannot concentrate for more than 2 mins.
existential anxiety.
I just dropped out
so this is the true power of the millenial...
I've graduated 3 years ago. But honestly? I've been high for most of the time on ADHD drugs and prozac.
>Genuine question, how do you find the willpower to go through all that math in your CS/SE/informatics degree?
once you master some basic stuff it's all the same shit just a little bit different.
autistic repetition ad nauseum
>all that math
Lol that's a good one, user-kun.
Have you tried Java?
I work for Novartis. They are Pajeet and Yuropean scumbags.
then don't force it
if you don't want to learn the material, you wont be nearly as successful in this field as you think you might. find something you really want to learn and learn that. If you aren't interested in technology, don't waste your time
I don't. Working out well so far, lol. Quite honestly, it's more important to be able to code your way out of a paper bag than to remember the exact math behind run-time analysis and which sorting alogrithm is the most efficient.
As long as you know the concepts (e.g. don't fucking have 16 nested loops if you can do it in two loops that occur one after the other because n^16 is worse than 2*n) you're good. Everything else can be re-learned on the job.
I don't want to do anything else than hobby electronics and programming, and videogames. Maybe some casual sex once every few months.
That's it, that's what I feel to be the epitome of comfy life.
That if i dont graduate, ill be a neet for the rest of my life. Cs is my 3rd degree... Helped me to kick myself in the ass
That's forcing it
Maybe college isn't for you. Go take a gap year and get better
I am taking first year for the third time I cannot fail.
Get better at what?
seeing how everything is becoming a literal botnet.
i don't. i honestly wish that whole mainstream IT sector crashes and burns.
whatever dysfunction that is making you unmotivated and unable to concentrate
how about I force my dick up your ass
I've been trying to figure that out for the three years I've been failing first year college.
I don't know you and the problems you're having. If you have deeper mental issues, have you tried taking advantage of your college's free counseling services?
First year college requires minimal time investment, especially if you dont have other commitments. Its like 5 hours per subject, so 20 hours a week. Treat it as a job and if you put the hours in you can't fail it. If you just cant concentrate you need to find a process that works for you. Try reading Deep Work by Cal Newport. It has helped me be more productive and he takes a scientific approach so its not one of those self-help books.
I'm surprised they let you take a third stab at first year. Usually they put you on academic probation if you fail first year two times in a row.
i've never been diagnosed with adhd but whenever I use ritalin for studying it doesn't make me hyperactive (what it should according to internet), does that mean I do have adhd/add?
just please visit a doctor, don't self-diagnose mental illnesses
b-but i don't want to say i've been abusing other people's medicine
Have an actual fucking interest in the subject instead of just doing it for the STEM meme?
how is it other peoples medicine if you (supposedly) will get a subscription?
just do it faggot
then don't say it, you don't have to
just take a break from the medicine for some time and then go to the doctor, never take the drugs before your visit
I only use them very occasionally for studying. It doesn't help me in everyday live at all (im not hyperactive).
Because I buy it from people who have ADHD
have you tried l-theanine?
I don't need to find the willpower because I'm genuinely interested in the material and enjoy learning it. If you don't agree then maybe college isn't for you.
How bout you put down the PHONE for five seconds?
boomer btfo
>that 19 year old boomer that can't stay off his phone for five minutes to study his PDEs
>counseling services
We don't have that in my country.
Not at all
the last time i've drunk black tea has been a pretty long while ago
Millennial bashing and all those stereotypes are the same pop culture crap as fad diets or or nerd trends. I expected better of Jow Forums, a board lately centered on hating normie tech trends.
black tea doesn't have much of l-theanine though
if you want you could buy a l-theanine powder and take 200mg daily or 2 times a day
it helps me calm down my mind
also if you want some speed, it combines well with caffeine, you can buy 200mg caffeine pills for cheap
I drink a lot of cola every day so caffeine does not make me active anymore. I don't have to be calmed down because I'm pretty calm by myself already.
this lol.
I would say what my CS degree taught me was how to hunt down answers to things effectively.
After a while you build up a lot of templates of how things are structured and everything starts to click for you.
It doesn't come straight away, but if you stick at it you will get it. I know that sounds like trite advice, but literally just brute-force through it and one day it will start to click.
If you give up now, that starts a slipperly slope of you wanting instant gratification in learning things and from there you will never finish anything ever again.
try mate
I just asked my doctor for it like junior year of EE and GPA has only gone up. It could be that higher level classes are actually easier or, the Adderall, probably the Adderall I nearly failed out of high school.
>lately centered on hating normie tech trends
sure is summer in here
do gay porn, user. be on the receiving end, and everything will turn out fine for you
set yourself up with a project which is beyond your means
as you learn more build more of the project
can second this. i learned how to do this during high school, while fucking around with random stuff and it helps immensely in CS
By actually enjoying the content and the process of learning
There is barely any maths in my program. but I just memorize it.
I didn't. Once it became clear that I could learn all of this information with torrented books on my own time, I dropped out and started working on my own projects. In under a year I got hired with a glowing portfolio while my mates were still getting their degrees.
University teaches us that we can't teach ourselves and people gladly buy into it. Coincidentally, it's those same people who probably aren't capable of acting on their own volition.
>Genuine question, how do you find the willpower to go through all that math in your CS/SE/informatics degree?
I didn't so I learned a trade, make a nice buck and don't have to put up with all the shit in the IT sector.
I just suck of the professor once in a while and he let's me pass without any effort.
All you have to do is be a decently looking girl and you can get everything easier than others.