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wrong, capitalism gave us the cotton gin
capitalism gave us a need to heat ourself and brought forth the trains and railroads.

Capitalism killed my cat


Blame the companies instead of capitalism.

Avoid buying the worst offenders like apple, logitech, mediatek, nvidia, intel, oracle, samsung etc.

Technological innovation happens when a bunch of madmen with obsessive compulsive research disorder, whether innate or driven by a powerful external force (such as WW1 and WW2), are given disproportionate funding and manpower by financially powerful parties of interest and also given immunity of all ethical and moral barriers in the way of success and experiments (see Nazis and Japanese bio-chem Unit 731 who were very successful in this aspect).
Now, you can spend all day arguing which economic system of thought is best for providing such funding, but it won't change the core underlying principle that's ultimately detached from political buzzwords.
Don't also forget that Medicine had an acceleration of a few centuries in worth during WW1 when doctors, especially crazy ones, were reigning free and unhindered in the fields of battle dissecting and going crazy on both corpses and the living.
The ultimate takeaway is thus:
Everything in life and the Universe is a trade, this is not up to opinion as that's also how the cycle of life works and nature functions. How big of a trade you are will to make, that's how big of a success and innovation you will create.

dishonorable people hold back technological innovation, not capitalism

Every single invention and creation happened because of either two things

1.because the inventor needed it
2.because the inventor wanted to get fucking rich and acquire many instances of hookers and blow.

So it's the fucking opposite.

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No, """""intellectual""""" """""property""""" does.

Capitalism creates racism and sexism

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Unironically this. Capitalism combined with identity politics and the myth of meritocracy is what divides people.

We know that capitalism is obsolete. Automation and artificial intelligence will result in universal unemployment by 2035. We'll need socialism in order to continue.

so you're saying that in the middle ages there was no racism and sexism?
fucking retard

Sorry, I actually enjoy having food to eat and things to own.

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Capitalism causes a lot of problems but innovation is not one of them.

I disagree, but I would argue that it leads to locked down toys like smart phones.

you mean "copyright law"

it's government created monopoly that holds back innovation and competition

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sexism and racism in the middle ages was (also) caused by the catholic church, also feudalism isn't that far off capitalism in the sense that it also puts a strict societal hierarchy in place

are you actually implying that communism and socialism leads to those things?

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Yes, I'm sure we'll have fully automated luxury gay space communism any day now.


>"not real communism!!!!!11!!!1one!"

I think he just misinterpreted the sarcasm in my post.

are you ready for a history lesson?

You seriously don't think that we'll have universal unemployment. Capitalism requires wage labor. Therefore it's obsolete.

Capitalism holds back that which consumers are not willing to pay for.
And I'm working with the definition "Capitalism is a economic system in which private individuals own the means of production."


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It is indeed sad, op.

You don't belong on Jow Forums. We all know that artificial intelligence is going to replace middle class and upper middle class jobs.

capitalism causes overproduction.
overproduction creates desperate producers.
desperate producers might finally innovate, if they're not acquired by their competitors first.

when more people are unemployed the marginal cost of labour sinks, making human labour cheaper and therefore more viable to businesses who would otherwise not consider hiring humans. This trend will continue until the marginal cost of machine labour is once again lower then the marignal cost of human labour, completing the cycle.
We are merely transitioning from once cycle to the next, like when cars were invented and over time carriage drivers became unemployed.

>Capitalism holds back that which consumers are not willing to pay for.
66119668>>Retards will pay it, companies will make it.
Get over it faggot.

you mean patents?

Capitalism gave us Nvidia and AMD and Intel and AMD.

Sure buddy, sure.

Capitalism is based on nature because nature is all about competition. Completion drives technological innovation. The government forcing tech companies to hire worthless women is the problem not capitalism.

>avoid buying the best products in a market where even the best is not good enough

Capitalism isn't to blame; it's capitalists consisting mostly of retarded Americans supporting their rich overlords on the incredibly off chance that they can be a rich overlord one day, too.

>because nature is all about competition
This objectively wrong. There exists a balance of competition and cooperation in nature depending on what you choose to focus on at any given time.

>The government forcing tech companies to hire worthless women is the problem not capitalism.

Have you ever considered how being an incel influences your perspective?

Obviously Capitalism, Communism, and Socialism are all failures.
We need something which learns from the mistakes of all the 3 aforementioned and cycles solutions according to circumstance rather than absolute belief.

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t. retard

I hope we go even more into full communism so nobody has computers.

Mixed economies work quite well and the anglosphere is unironically god-tier to live in because of them.

>a balance of competition and cooperation
Because cooperation is born of competition to further close the loop on the cycle.
Absolute competition destroys while absolute cooperation stagnates, while competition being challenged by cooperation which is established as a way to compete ends in a mutual uplifting, that's your balance.

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That's too difficult for most Americans to wrap their heads around. They would rather cling to ideology and short mantras to solve all problems past, present, and future.

I hope we go full communist so shitty idol anime stops being made and people stop jerking off over their rices based around them.