Be poorfag

>be poorfag
>every bit of technology I own is sub-$200 and more than six years old
>freezing and glitching galore
>literally everything I touch freezes and then crashes or malfunctions somehow
>at first it's frustrating but then I realize how powerful this makes me
>I am all-powerful Prince of Death
>It's like the opposite of the Midas touch
>cheapshit laptops and budget phones alike all quake in my midst
>I can make your shit crash with a simple touch
>I can make you lose unrepairable amounts of data
>I have the power
>fear me
sometimes being dirt poor has its perks

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No it doesn't, start budgeting and stop being poor. It's extremely hard to be poor if you budget properly. I only make $~1,00/month yet I have more than 10k in savings, my own 100% owned car, and a gaymen laptop.

it took me three attempts to submit this shitpost because my computer already crashed twice, by the way

if you're poor, why not just move to a copy where you would never need a car instead of buying a car in the first place?

You aren't so much of a poorfag as you an idiot. There is nothing wrong with old tech. It just needs to be setup and maintained properly.

>there is nothing wrong with owning a $50 smartphone from 6 years ago and expecting anything at all to work properly
the state of Jow Forums

Because $40 gas + $150 liability insurance really isn't that much and using uber would be just as expensive if not more.

>and using uber would be just as expensive if not more.
Bicycling is free and requires no gas, insurance or license. It's also better for the environment.
Bike win evertim

Nigger I'm not carrying 60kg of groceries from costco or laundry on a fucking bike. I'm white.

Plus cardio and bypassing traffic

>I'm not carrying 60kg of groceries from costco
lmao do you have leukemia or something?
if you didn't have a car maybe you could afford an apartment with a washer & dryer already inside it

Like I said, I'm white.

>I'm white.
Well maybe if you went outside every now and again you'd get a nice tan going.
Bike win evertim

Why would I NOT want to be white?

My condolences.

massive dingdong and oppression points.
plus you can have all the whiteboi slaves you want

It’s no use arguing with /n/, they’re Allahu Akbar-tier fanatics.

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Fuck off basedboy.

Fucking word substitute censorship.
That should be s0yb0y.

>>at first it's frustrating but then I realize how powerful this makes me
>>I am all-powerful Prince of Death
>>It's like the opposite of the Midas touch
>>cheapshit laptops and budget phones alike all quake in my midst
>>I can make your shit crash with a simple touch
>>I can make you lose unrepairable amounts of data
>>I have the power
>>fear me
Explain these parts to me. How does it make you powerful? How can you make my shit crash?

I'm off-brand white and just moved to a city where I bike everywhere.

It's glorious. Biking is really just continuous squatting.

There literally isn't: I had my galaxy s2 until about a year ago and everything worked fine with barely any maintenance at all.

Frankly, I just don't believe you.

Living at home, not paying rent or food has its perks.

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You are not alone.

It's no joke, the specs of a modern mac

My nigga

he doesnt need to save money he needs to earn more.

you can get the most of what you have
old computer? optimize it
install an OS that suits your needs
if linux is fine, you can install something minimal and compile the kernel using the best flags for your machine

t. poorfag too