Welcome to the future

welcome to the future

for those that dont know what ipfs is


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Never heard of it. Also that girl looks diseased, your lower back isn't supposed to arch that much.

holy shit

Attached: lordosis-300x222.gif (300x222, 32K)

Most white girls have lordosis and most white guys have crooked spines. I basically grew up in a tailor shop

Don't bother, her face is really disappointing


I think for the guys it's sitting on wallets

don't click that link it's cp

Thank you for the huge folder, OP. IPFS desperately needs a database site to submit individual hashes like the Pirate Bay in order to really kick off. I want to create something of the sort based off of this project github.com/ilosuna/mylittleforum but I don't know any PHP.

That's awful, glad I'm asian and not an amerimutt.

As if any pretty face could fix that "yeah I was in mortal combat x" spine

>wanting to have sexual relations with a human pitbull
I'd rather impregnate my cousin and she's a 3/10 with makeup at best.

I could make something like that in flask/python easily.. I might make it as a side project.

I used to laugh at some white girls for having lordosis then my white gf told me a lot of white girls have lordosis, she is lucky one who doesn't have that.

But honestly we asians do have bad thing too.Most asians have crooked teeth or smaller muscle mass.

Crooked teeth not too bad but yeah we're too skelly for our race. I try to do push ups and lift 10kg bar bells every morning but I still look like a leaf.

>wanting to have sexual relations with a human pitbull
Give me back my sides, for fuck's sake!

Attached: 1466554241400.gif (800x430, 897K)

She's doing it on purpose to accentuate her ass, you utterly autistic mongoloid.

>downloading files like a 56 Kbps connection
No, thanks!

No she isn't.

t. bro of sister with LL

That's because you're doing a woman's routine...

Man I honestly don't care anymore, being roided out probably isn't all that anyway irl.

ipfs resolve failed to get block: context deadline exceeded

tldr: it's shit.


Are you retarded? Just join a gym and do Starting Strength or something. You'll be jacked in a year

Just use OneDrive, user.

SS is a meme, user.

Worked fine for many, many people. If it doesn't work for you try something else. DESU most people who fail to grow usually just don't eat enough, get enough rest, or cheat on the routine too much, and fuck up.

Worked well for me, fixed a lot of back pains I prior had.

you made the basic mistake of choosing a picture that is more interesting than your post.

I never fucking understood why people do this. It's like saying, I'm just gonna make easy for pick pockets.

Anecdotal evidence. Peer reviewed studies are all that matters, anons.

>your lower back isn't supposed to arch that much.
why would you care about what happens 10 years down the road if all you want to do is fuck that for just a couple of days?

>SS is a meme
says the dyel thats been doing crossfit for 6 years and thinks he cant get big because of genetics

that brapper is shooped

At least we all fucking agree its a meme lmfao
Why the fuck you need this when so many faster and better options exist?

>I try to do push ups and lift 10kg bar bells every morning but I still look like a leaf.
That's not how bodybuilding works you dumb cunt, you don't lift the same weights every day, you progressively add weight and repeat reps until failure, eat enough protein, supplement with shakes and get enough sleep, it's not easy to do this but nothing worth having is easy.

I used to be 130lbs at 6'2" and my diet was the biggest thing holding me back.

Nice strawman. Wanna find out what I really think or shouldn't I even bother? I majored in Phys.Ed. btw.

Not him, I'd like to hear it anyways because this is Jow Forums and I know nothing about fitness.

>Wanna find out what I really think
Are you going to be all pissy about everything or are you going to show your hand.

>All those yify quality movies

Attached: 1308841696121.png (776x606, 467K)

you need a ipfs client user.........................

Lurk on Jow Forums for a while. Indeed, it is full of jerk-Chads and men-who-want-to-see-pictures-of-other-men-with-minimal-clothing, but it also has lots of good-guy-Chads and information.

...this coming from someone who has lurked Jow Forums for about a year now, and lost 12kg of fat.

Have you considered the fact that people were coming to the tailor shop specifically because they had deformities and not because your customer base was representative of the general population?

Is the whole Chad and Stacy meme going to be around a long time because it's sort of distasteful.

I'm not a fan of either Crossfit or Starting Strength because both are very dangerous, they don't take literally anything we've learned from physiotherapy science over the last decades into account, and can cause serious injuries. The form Mark Rippetoe teaches for the squat is completely wrong and really stresses your spine, and Crossfit doesn't even give two shits about form so it's the shortest path to snap city.

Internet fads come and go. For a time, it was impossible to go outside without seeing Pokemans. Now-a-days, the Pokemans fad is limited to a few remaining hardcore fans.

In 3-4 years, "Chad" and "Stacy" will probably disappear from fitness-forum vernacular.

So you're saying my sister is doing it on purpose 24/7? If so then she's the tard not me.

You are dismissing an entire program because you dislike the form for one of the exercises in that program?

Is that not harsh? And also: Are you admitting that the rest of the program is good?

Ok, installed. Now?

Attached: powershell_2018-05-28_22-40-08.png (983x447, 13K)

It's not just the squat, that's just the most glaringly wrong form taught by Starting Strength, but the way it teaches you to do military presses and deadlifts is also really dangerous. Also, the power clean isn't really a useful exercise in a beginners' program. As for the rest of the program, there's really nothing special about it, and it completely ignores your abs. It's really not that good. If it was dangerous but good (like an Olympic training program), then fine, but it isn't even good.

>Wahh it's dangewous
Bodybuilding is supposed to stress the body, overhead press is dangerous but it's fantastic at building shoulders, there are tons of ways to make an exercise less dangerous but you're dismissing the whole program because of the (changeable) form of one of the exercises.

Can you not just admit you're a pansy faggot that is unwilling to try even the basic routines instead of claiming the entire thing is dangerous?

Recommend a good program m8

>it is dangerous
>it is all really dangerous
I see.

I've had several injuries throughout my life from practicing multiple martial arts. The point here is that it's dangerous for no good reason. There isn't really any special benefits associated with it, and there are scientifically-proven more efficient and less risky ways to get massive shoulders without fucking up your lumbar.
Athlean X.
Dumb tripfag. Filtered.

>try to download only a file
>download all files on the folder
This protocol is a shit!

>the point here is that it is dangerous
>like, really dangerous
>btw, you are dumb
Please, tell me more.

Attached: Interesting.gif (500x420, 992K)

>There isn't really any special benefits associated with it
I'd call muscle growth a benefit.

>and there are scientifically-proven more efficient and less risky ways to get massive shoulders without fucking up your lumbar.
No there aren't, virtually all shoulder building exercises involve you lifting weight above your head like with OHP.

Can you stop pretending to know what you're talking about?

any trainer or person with half a brain will tell you that all exercise comes with risk and certain workouts the benefit/risk ratio is not worth it.

You're a fag, kek.

You're into boning physically disabled woman? Sick fuck.

Hahah what? Out of everything on this site, you find THAT distasteful?

Lol i love that every channer is BTFOing this memeshit so hard, you shoulsve seen how hard reddit shilled it before lmfao, bet they fell like a fucking retards.

If it is already the future on IPFS, where are the huge porn dumps?

Attached: DTsJURjWAAAcSTz.jpg-large.jpg (680x872, 101K)

Tell me how to build shoulders without performing overhead lifts. Go ahead I'll wait.

All channers already sgrees its not the future, stfu with shilling...


Attached: 3af58525e4a514880703964af02aa1cb51333be6b4ad8217f3d68c7d8a2b0c0f.jpg (306x306, 38K)

No one's saying you shouldn't develop overhead.
>I'd call muscle growth a benefit.
There are better ways to achieve that, you ignoramus.
>all shoulder building exercises involve you lifting weight above your head like with OHP
Not really, but there's a proper form for doing military presses, and Mark Rippetoe doesn't teach that. He teaches the wrong form.
>Can you stop pretending to know what you're talking about?
Can you? You obviously just watched some videos online and shitposted on Jow Forums. I studied this in college and practiced physical activity my entire life. Starting strength is a meme.

I live in a white neighborhood and I don't carry cash like a troglodyte

>Athlean X.
>Get 6-pack abs!
>order our 3 different types of supplement and also order our training dvds!
>it's XTREME!!!


>the girl in the picture is doing it on purpose while half naked

??? Is your sister the girl in the op or are you a spastic retard with zero reading comprehension?

>I'd call muscle growth a benefit.
If all you want is hypertrophy, then SS isn't the most effective and efficient way to achieve that. Starting Strength is decent at that, but its focus is building physical strength, not building mass.

>Downloading files from some site you've never heard of

What are you, a boomer?

Attached: 1527457953347.gif (300x300, 438K)

It's UNCOMFIRTABLE as shit like my sis describes it. If girls unironically do this just to garner attention then they are batfuck insane.

>No one's saying you shouldn't develop overhead.
You're claiming SS is terrible and SS includes OHP as one of the key exercises.

>There are better ways to achieve that, you ignoramus.
No there aren't, OHP is the best for building shoulders.

>Not really, but there's a proper form for doing military presses
Yes really, virtually all shoulder building exercises involve OHP.

I'm not defending Rippleturd I couldn't care less about what form he practices, I haven't mentioned him in a single post only his program.

>You obviously just watched some videos online and shitposted on Jow Forums
No I have been lifting for 5-6 years and I'm speaking for experience, you won't build shoulders without overhead lifts.

I don't use SS, someone suggested SS for this faggot ( ) and I agree that SS would be good for him, as far as novice strength training goes it's a decent start.

t. only buys off the rack clothing

It'll be the future when someone uses it for something people care about.

Bad form, Snap city YAK YAK YAK YAK SPINE DOWN.


Imagine what a faggot you gotta be to keep this meme.

yeah like you work in one of the handful of top tier tailor shops that actually produces clothing better than a major brand.

wood bang

You're a fucking moron who doesn't know basic logic ("you're criticizing SS, therefore you're saying military presses are a bad exercise" - when in actuality I'm criticizing the form taught by Mark Rippetoe, not the exercises used by him) and who obviously doesn't know jack shit about exercising, you're just speaking from shitposting on Jow Forums.

Now for something worth a shit about: translated hentai game archive, courtesy of /hgg2D/: pastebin.com/FPS525UG

Attached: 1527566674310.jpg (2397x3488, 970K)

recommend me one with good graphics and fun gameplay

thank you based user


ipfs.io isn't serving you the files - it's an ipfs gateway and that's part of the magic


So what what is this going to be the new p2p?

if nobody helps you seed a file, does that mean you take the full force of those downloading from you?

>Most white girls

what's stopping the MPAA or the RIAA from monitoring the people seeding these files like they already do with existing BitTorrent swarms?


>never heard of ipfs.io
what are you, a boomer?

this, we need a site that you can search for ipfs content, with peer counts. like a tracker site
also the ipfs server needs the ability to host files in-place, then i can just throw everything in there

i dont know opendirectories and data hoarders might disagree with you
because you know they actually do know what is going on

I would say nothing, but ipfs isn't really supposed to be anonymous, just decentralized.

>homosexual tries to show he isn't by saying he'd want to inbreed with his cousin

Php isn't that hard it's got a C-like syntax and you can basically just google if you run into a problem.

Maybe not all girls these days but certainly thots like OP would do it on purpose (for the pic).

Is the the new CP distribution platform?

I don't understand, is this like bittorrent but for websites instead? and uses web browser to view it?