>at job interview for programming position
>they wheel in the whiteboard
At job interview for programming position
Other urls found in this thread:
>they *ask open ended question*
>they *ask very unspecified question*
Just draw a dick on it.
I wish, user. Here I hear stuff like:
>you only have a bachelor, but we [small shit-tier web company] clearly need the best, we don't care if you have compiler dev repos
>your CV doesn't exactly by word mention the programming language C/++ and niche specific web frameworks like UI5 we need
>I'm sorry user, you only have a bachelor and we don't count your industry experience and apprenticeship. You can only have [avg salary - 10k].
>muh lack of professionals
A teacher once asked me "When do we use header files?" it was a C class. What would be your answer Jow Forums ?
>"Why don't you do your job and look it up, faggot. I've got work to do. Why did you even bring me here."
When i want to segment my job.
>he fell for the "programmer" meme
Anyone have any tips on dealing with nerves? I keep giving dumb answers to technical questions because I feel pressure to answer them quickly.
Beta blockers
If you're being interviewed by someone named Pajeet, Kanwar, or Kartik, then don't even bother with the whiteboard. Politely leave, because you're not getting that fucking job.
Companies want more than bachelors for non research positions? What country are you in?
I should have listened to friends stating "Forget small companies, user, they are self-harming and pant-on-head retarded.", my fault.
Get used to the whiteboard. It will never, ever, EVER leave you.
It will be on your back, reminding you of all the deadlines you missed.
>answering a problem on a whiteboard is hard
if you can't even begin to explain your answer to a question on a fucking whiteboard then you sure as shit aren't grown up enough to work in an office environment and you shouldn't be anywhere near writing code for production
Fake. Serious programming companies would have already had a whiteboard waiting for you in the room
Wheeling it in is a good idea though, it gives them a false sense of security.
>"phd in hacking? meh... did you learn anything about genders? graduated on top of your class? that's just because you're a white cis male in reality you'd be below all colored, women and non-cis people"
>interview goes on
>"ok user this interview went really well and we're interested in hiring you... but first we need you to provide a list of your social media accounts, current and previous girlfriends and lastly you must sign our code of conduct"
>things that never happened in places worth living
Does this help with oral exams too? Does it slow you down mentally?
I already have low blood pressure, I'm not sure taking propranolol is such a good idea
welcome to the drumpf economy. everyone is hiring but no one is actually being hired.
fuck off namefag
>programming skills are evaluated from a home exercise
>tfw complaining about 10k a month entry salary with a fucking bachelor's degree
topkek user
It was obviously per year.
[avg yrl salary] - 10k, to be precise
The absolute worst interview question I got: Prove to me you know programming
What kind of arrogant info seeking is that? How do you know if you've even satisfied in their ego powered mind you've answered the question satisfactory?
When I interview people, if I ask them to use the whiteboard, I always make sure to write out a code snippet on the whiteboard first. Even with the stupid snippet memorized, I forget basic shit.
I once stood up there in front of an interviewee for half a minute because I forgot how to write a for loop.
You could try CBD oil if it's legal in your state and you don't want to do beta blockers. Shit's good for reducing anxiety and it won't make you high either.
source goes in, binary comes out
you can't explain that
Where do I get beta blockers?
>10k a month