What political views does r/banter have?

what political views does r/banter have?

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Ama commie motherfucker

left leaning
not a fan of dems right now but I believe them to be the lesser of two evils.


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>tfw radical centrist

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Nazbol gang

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I believe in social democracy

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Monarchism with national socialism on the side


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radical centrism in a social democracy setting


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Bolsonaro 17 mito mito mito mito


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I hate anyone who picks an extreme side and believes everything to do with it is 100% right instead of treating each issue individually

menor de idade

left leaning libertarian

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Meu pau, esquerdopata. Primeiro turno na sua cara.

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Unironic full fash

Dagen kommer komma, min broder

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snart så

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right-wing homosexuality

die vuur brand hoog broeder

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I don't identify with labels.


radical centrist

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Anti-semite. Destroy Israel and Judaism, and a lot of the rest of the world's problems will go away.

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today I learned a new thing

Based and redpilled

Cringe and bluepilled

I don't have any

You can have mine

Cringe and bluepilled

You could JUSt ask nicely?

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Hey Lily, I know you frequent Jow Forums so if you see this fuck you, this is my position

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Nationalist authoritarian monarchy

ethno-nationalist. Traditionalist.

Do girls like you?

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radcen and anybody who says otherwise needs to leave

rational & humble dictatorship led by me

Jow Forums is a radical centrist board and always has been

Economically libertarian, socially conservative

Y i k e s
You mean cronyism, don' t you?
Socially and economically libertarian here

Constitutionalist. Most American you can get.

Ordoliberalism is the only correct ideology.

I'm middle of the road anons. That said, I'm also capitalist as hell. Guess I'm a Progressive Capitalist or something?

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