Simple OS

Y u no use pentoo?

Attached: pentoo.jpg (480x360, 42K)

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Because it's been dead for 3 years and I can install the same shit in Gentoo with minimal effort?



Attached: 1518411825437.gif (220x226, 133K)

I'm gonna go reinstall kali and masturbate while crying now

Or you could just install the BlackArch repo on an existing Arch installation and install the tools you need, rather than 3,000 packages of crap you'll never touch...

Muh haxxs

You got a banana, you don't need no Snack Pack.

I now
But I cant feels like a hekermen
I need muh feels
I can toss a Kali background on arch, but it doesn't feels the same

just open a bunch of terminals running htop, cmatrix and neofetch if u wanna feel like hacman

Attached: 1519837819348.png (769x595, 262K)

I already do my nigga
Ubuntu gets all dem hacks

Am I cool yet?

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-05-29 15-02-56.png (1366x768, 945K)

Do it.
Use kali linux as your main OS.
>all the hax0r tools
>cool dragon
>root by default
That's what true hackers use!
Buy or DIY anomalous mask!

Attached: 1516621462025.gif (840x488, 511K)

It's not root by default though, where do people get this idea? You just leave the root password blank and it creates a normal user.

I already did
Recently switched

It is
I used it as my main OS
Never had to sudo

Did you read the second half of my post?

Yeah, but who's gonna leave a black password?
Especially on a hacking OS

I am, kinda. Been using the Pentoo overlay on my Gentoo box for a long time now. I'm a pentester.

I like you

Btw, do you also test BIC pen's?

Attached: pen test.jpg (449x606, 68K)

It doesn't actually set the root password as blank, you have to manually set it later if you wanna use root. But there's very few tools that actually require you being on root to work, most will work just fine with sudo.