What modern programming languages that are actually retarded?

what modern programming languages that are actually retarded?

I know that the winner will be Golang, I just want to know other candidates

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Ruby / Python

GIL... Wow what a great idea :^)

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Visual Basic.NET or Javascript

Golang. Lol no generics because apparently they're unnecessary and overcomplicated, then the community resorts to archaic code generation when they realize they actually wanted them.

It's also designed as modern C, but ditches the barebones simplicity and manual memory management for what is in theory and practice a modern language with everything that makes them bad (garbage collection, big standard library, large executable size) and nothing within the last 10 years of programming language research that make them good.

Also more if `err != nil`s than Haskell has imports.

"modern", retards

What did he mean by this

modern are the ones that were started in the last 10 or 15 years

You should look at JBlow's work on Jai. You want generics and metaprogramming? BY GOD YOU'RE GOING TO GET IT

I can't remember the name but there's one Java language made entirely with emojis or some nonsense like that

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Barely any languages are being used that fit that description. Rust alone is almost 10 years old.

I think Golang itself isn't irredeemable, as far as modern C goes it's pretty accurate. Garbage collection is good for the majority of tasks (Boehm GC exists for a reason) and big executables are acceptable for a language that compiles rapidly. It's not supposed to be for tasks that demand expressiveness.
The real issue is that its community is a hovel of retarded webcucks that don't realize the simple design is a tradeoff, not an ideal. The maintainers themselves admit that generics should probably be added in the future, yet they still insist that they are unnecessary.

tell me how is it good to not even have relative local imports like every other fucking language

It does have them, it's just not recommended because Google thinks their workplace policies are universal constants and Pike is mildly autistic.


how is it a good idea to add every package as FQDN path? I never seen this anywhere from vhdl to latex


SJW Rust

Attached: sjw rust.png (2048x1024, 30K)

Go is comfy as fuck and the millionth NEET retard screeching about generics isn't going to change my mind.

>It's not supposed to be for tasks that demand expressiveness.

Why is this a good thing?

That thing you said summarized my biggest problem with Go.

My experience with Go as basically been:

1. It's pretty easy to write and make things in Go.

2. It's pretty hard to read and reason about code somebody else wrote, this is an inherent problem of procedural programming, and one the main reasons we stooped doing it.

Whatever time you save "on quick compile time" will be exponentially lost with "people not knowing how to use the code"

>hurr Durr go has no generics

I've been programming for like 20 years in C, perl, Lua. Still don't know what generics are and not sure if I need them.

What makes go retarded is trying to package a binary for like, any distro.

Oh let's just get shit from the master branch of a git repo. Or use some stupid language package manager that's not at all standardized.

Trying to build the same binary and get the same result is a nightmare.

Every other language is way easier to deal with from a packaging standpoint

Not mandatory. I agree it's a dumb choice, but not deal breaking by any means.
>It's pretty hard to read and reason about code somebody else wrote, this is an inherent problem of procedural programming
Maybe if you have a background in pure math, but otherwise I find grokking Go programs to be quite easy.
The point of the language is to be (relatively) small, fast and portable, and procedural programming is still ideal if what you are doing involves many stateful operations.

Rust is unironically a great language tho

R for not using =

Explain this one. I hate the language myself but still want to know why others do.

You probably don't. Just a different style. If go aims to replace c++ though, generics is mandatory.

If go aims to replace anything, it's Python not C/C++


>Rust is bad guyz! xD

lua is the pinacle of bad design