What are Jow Forums‘s contributions to computer science?

What are Jow Forumsā€˜s contributions to computer science?

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I farted

Get off progrider

I helped identify a bug in Typescript regarding tagged template literals when compiling TypeScript to ES5.
Typescript would return a new instance of the compiled literal every time the tagging function was called instead of reusing the existing one as the spec demands, so you couldn't use the literal in a map / weakmap.
TL:DR; Nothing

nothing but inane comments

I shill for kotlin to replace Java

Thank you for your service, user.

Attached: images (1).jpg (308x164, 7K)

I invented C

sleep sort is actually my contribution.

>$ sleepsort $((10**10)) 0 1 2 3
What is the time complexity of this?

I reported a gentoo bug then it got fixed

your? I was the user in the post.

Same as your OS' thread scheduler sorting implementation

technology has advanced so far why are you trying to go backwards?

I wrote a thesis about academic bullshit that no one cares about.

Huh, I shill Rust.

O(your mom)

why the fuck are you taking credit for something you didnt invent?

I helped weeding out wannabee CS students.

You didn't pass Discrete Math? Too bad, more luck next time.

Added the 'filter' method to one of the world's most popular programming languages.

Wow, this is brilliant

For a set S of N integers, Sleepsort is O(max(S) + f(N)), where f(N) is the overhead of scheduling N sleeps. For N < max(S), it's very likely f(N)

I introduced a physicist to Haskell. He went on to use it for a paper but his co-authors rejected it because they code in MATLAB.

I was the first one who figured out how to write a CS beta buyscript which maps the AK and the Colt on the same button.

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>they code in MATLAB
Its like the most retardedly imperative language to ever exist. SAD!

human-driven procedural shit-posting
that program that could encode data into youtube videos

and I guess that is all I can remember
oh well, hooktube

I was the first person in my family to masturbate with celery.

Attached: celery man.jpg (1280x720, 43K)

I pissed in ur butt caitlyn jenner

I fixed a bug in sshd about 20 years ago.
I've submitted several fixes to CPAN.

i preach the separation of data and logic
this, also