Or GO as well

Or GO as well
Which one out of the three as a first introductory language for novices/beginners to get their feet wet? And WHY?

Attached: PythonvsJava.png (750x354, 67K)

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not go, Java over python unless non-programmer in need for numeric libraries
statically typed languages are imho more intuitive, python's classes with dynamic fields and no abstract classes or interfaces are terrible model to learn, python does many many things weirdly

Pick golang if you want 80IQ-tier Google C that's too young to have a proper IDE. Pick Java if you're from India or really wanna become a codemonkey, Python - if you want something really comfy, readable and versatile, but slow.

Go is a meme and google could give it the angular 1 treatment and throw it away and rewrite it any day so i wouldnt bother. Java has a huge job market and i have never met someone who write python for a living

the jvm is always improving and it's good at many things

Go will have almost no learning resources for absolute beginners compared to Python and Java.

Java is taught at a lot of universities so it has more good theoretical books (data structures, algorithms, etc.) than Python, and better introductory materials.
Java will also give you more of a head start with C, C++, C#, Scala, Clojure, Kotlin, etc.

If you want to be a web developer skip both and learn JavaScript. It's a superior language to Java by now and has almost as many good introductory resources.

Java is the most popular programming language, it's one of the fastest languages (top 5) due to its sophisticated JIT and JVM, it's one the major languages for mobile development (Android) and server-side code (#1 language for enterprise IT) yet it also has credible UI frameworks (Swing and JavaFX).

It's also one of the safest languages (not as much as Haskell or OCaml, but definitely ahead of Python, JavaScript, etc.)

The fact that Pajeets use it mean nothing. It's definitely one of the best languages there is.

Python is orders of magnitude slower and is not safe due to its lack of a good type system. Go was a good language when it was introduced in 1985, but it shows its age and lacks many modern features (generics, exceptions, etc.)

if you wanna to end as a retard unable to learn a new language because you got tied to tons of libraries for do simple things learn python.

If you wanna learn how to code properly learn C or C++

java is the best option here just considering the syntax btw python very is good aswell

C. Then Lisp. Then Python. Then Java and C# once you realize that is all there is in your shitty local job market.

lisp is useless.

both are right

python is pro feminism.

as if anyone in SF can speak against that openly


Attached: pytard.png (593x288, 56K)

Learn c and then everything else will be easier.

Attached: ruytrajalix.png (445x223, 45K)

Attached: Godcplusplus.png (614x237, 25K)


>If you wanna learn how to code properly learn C or C++

epic memes




an phonetic for remembering how to spell javascript


I write python every day and I work on systems automation.

Go back to India. Java is a shitty langauge and you have Stockholm Syndrome.

> Java is a shitty langauge

but you have no solid arguments about it neither a job :)

Python. Java forces a newcomer to understand what a class is to write a hello world. They literally have to understand OOP before they understand an if(). Plus Python is piss easy and hugely expressive.

Are there many python jobs in your city compared to the other langs?

choose one.

D is the best language

Yeah thats what i was thinking. Most the jobs here are .net java and php

no, the best programming language ever created is concurrent prolog
>Works as a database with inference capabilities
>Reactive by nature
>Has no pajeets or normalfags
>Obligates you to think about all scenarios to get the correct results

>its good because no one uses it
And thus why you will never get paid to write it

Java's a good start in my opinion. You learn everything you need to know to do anything you need to do, then you move to a better language for the type of work you want to do. I started with Java, moved on to JS, C# and cpp

Is Java even usable without an IDE to generate what appears to be tons of boilerplate code?

lol you have no idea
>Sr. Software Engineer - Machine Reasoning

Many jobs extremelly well paid like these



take my advice, just learn the java core, spring, the android API if you need it and thats all you will need without the need of an IDE.

Stay away from swing, awt or trying to make servlets from scratch thats the reason why java looks bloated.

>started with Java
>moved on to JS
I would NOT want the be the person in charge of cleaning up your mess

Attached: 1492604730789.jpg (641x530, 41K)

Learn Java
Use vert.x
be #1


Hail to the king

at least is not python, its easier to fix Java or JS shit , but try to fix other monkey python and you will find a fucking import nighmare and shitty code.

>credible ui frameworks
>sw*ng and bootleg WPF

Go's spec is kind of retarded unless you're coming from languages that its specifically designed to mimick/fix.

As an "introductory" you want introductory languages. A week of scratch for control flow introduction, then a week of (probly free)BASIC for hardware theory, then something with really good types. Ada maybe? Probably longer than a week.

With all that down you can move into whatever language you want.

intelliJ UI is written in spring and looks nice, JavaFX can be a substitute for electron if you don't need to play video and want to use less resources than it

Because python's dependency repository is malware infested trash
maven artifacts are signed with gpg keys
pypi maintainer actively shit talks signed packages

pic related is what happens when you don't have signed packages
ps, the pypi maintainer also works at AWS
and has said they do not verify dependencies there either
use that information however you like

Attached: 2018-05-09-113555_1257x151_scrot.png (1257x151, 33K)

intelliJ sucks.

IntelliJ UI is some native hybrid shit
It does not run on ARM
Just like Eclipse
Only Netbeans is pure Java Swing

Seriously though how many java build systems do you need to learn to get an introduction? 4? more?

Intro/beginner langs need to be able to isolate concepts so you don't throw all that shit at them at once. Shit like arbitrary precision math by default is a good example.

You install an IDE
You create a new project from template
You hit the green arrow
It spits out hello world

You're talking about stupid college professor bullshit
where they make you do your hello world
from scratch
in a text editor
then compile it with javac
Nobody does that
I don't know why they even bother teaching that

Because tooling is outside the scope of programming language stuff. Teaching that stuff should be as generic as possible, IDEs are completely contrary to it. Thats stuff for your job or your personal time.

>Power tools are out of scope for wood working
>Grab a handsaw kids
>t.java professor

School shit isn't supposed to teach you job skills, its for learning how to learn skills. None of that stuff is ever supposed to transfer 1:1, thats for technical schools and certificate/bootcamp stuff.

Well that's the hill you'll die on
while all the kids go off to coder camps
and learn in 3 months
what you couldn't teach in 4 years:
marketable skills

I really don't recommend Python for a first-timer, as it's more a language for "experienced" programmers who want programming to be '''''fun'''''. I also wholeheartedly agree with .

Java is probably best, pound for pound, if you're worried about job hunting and quality of learning resources. However, it's still bad for beginning to work with other people's code.

However, a LISP is arguably best to learn programming -- most were designed by academics precisely for teaching, or at least have a lot of history for that purpose. They're also exceedingly simple. A Lisp specifically might be good because, while it will ingrain good programming habits, you won't be tricked into thinking they're popular. The most classical examples would be Scheme (that is, R5RS to learn from the book SICP) or Racket (to learn from the book How to Design Programs).

Another option: C. If you're at all interested in the mostly textual/numerical side of programming, then you can't go wrong with C. Plus, most languages owe a lot of their design to C. And even poorly written code in C-family languages is still fairly easy to decipher.

They'll learn 3 months worth instead of a lifetime's worth. That's totally cool and the university system is collapsing anyway so the bootcamp certificate is probly worth more than a degree in a lot of places.

>a lifetime's worth
of student loan debt
plus enough leftist indoctrination
to last about 20 years
no thanks

>plus enough leftist indoctrination
Its easy enough to avoid and ignore any postmodernism in college.

Well the indoctrination is optional (but sounds a lot like java people in practice.) I totally agree that the years and money spent don't often balance out.

Either way you're going to have to grow up and learn things meaningfully someday instead of parroting whatever tools you have. There's a lot of gotchas in most of the obvious choices from both the bootcamp chucklefucks and the university shitfest.

I honestly think the math guys have it easier when it comes to actual programming stuff. Matlab/octave/whatever are great for their problem domain and all the problems with the languages are obvious from that perspective.

Java was designed by the brightest minds in the industry.
The fact that Pajeet uses it does not make it a bad language.
I think there are many insecure virgin Python programmers who fear the Chad Java.

To learn Java you don't need a build system.
In fact, it's better to just go with the command line tools so you understand how it works under the hood (because ultimately those are the tools called by the IDE).

They are considering adding a feature to run Java "scripts" in a next release (where you can just add #!/usr/local/bin/java at the top of a Java file to run it).

It's not a bad idea to first use handtools to understand how different materials behave, before going through them with high-power tools.

Yeah that was hyperbole anyway. Right now I'm actually stuck on a good way to think about numbers without getting stuck on floats. Floats are cancer.

Java especially has so many fucking standard libaries that getting to the non-cancerous ones can be trouble for new people. I know there are good libs buried in there somewhere, too.

Go is C with training wheels.
Lean programing with Go then move on and never touch the shitty meme language again.