I might be able to spare your life son

I might be able to spare your life son.

10 seconds, prove you're not an NPC.

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I like milk

i like israel

fortnite dance

im a centrist

I have a voice in my head.

I knew this conversation was coming because I played it out in my head, dad.

I started writing a "self help" book for myself.

I watch Rick and Morty, so you know im smarter than an npc!

I look at the sources when I hear an important news story.

Trump is a faggot.

don't do it dont kill a musulmah

Tom Woods is the greatest American thinker living

Does NPC stand for 'Non Player Character" or "No Personal Conversation"?

I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee.

You can’t prove it. Accusations of being an NPC are akin to accusations of demonic possession or of being a witch.

>talks about jewish people

>walk away from conversation
>start bunnyhopping around and out the door

I'm a white nationalist that believes in evolution.

The Jews did it.

I talk to myself in my head pretty much the whole time I’m awake.

Do you like Huey Louis and the News?


Utilitarianism is for faggots.

A clock stopped once past four, though eight times many made more.


I am an NPC.

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Oh no, you caught me off gaurd. How can I ever repay you?

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I have respect for my parents, I've been a good boy but a bad goy my entire life and I don't like anime

Epic maymays Jow Forumsddit

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Shouts out to faggot mods.

Do you want to buy a potion? They're just the bees-knees for when you're adventuring and find yourself in a bit of a pickle!

Do you have any side quests?

Aww, poor baby upset they moved your retarded not political at all thread from a politics board? Go back to plebbit, you waste of air.

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Exactly what an NPC would say.

>You know you should really behave yourself.< (X)
>Can you tell me more about the forgotten dungeon?Trade

Stop right there criminal scum, pay the court a fine or serve your sentence.

just shoot me lole

I narrate my life in my head