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Hes making all these sites chimp out on him
>He has earned the name "The Donald Trump of Silicon Valley"
unironically what?
>Bad boy!
Can these media fuckwits not be patronizing for two fucking seconds? EVERY fucking article written nowadays has the same condescending tone, as if written by a petulant teenage girl with a stick up her ass.
Oh boy, I can't wait for Reddit to go from sucking his cock to hating him for seemingly no reason.
This but unironically.
reddit pls go
>call out (((them))) literally in this way
>after years of being media whore
He had it coming dumb fuck
Imagine how they would shriek if someone opened a similar site for media, and product reviews, that prevented voting manipulation botnets from accessing.
>instead of being told what you like, you can say what you like
Goyimwood would die in a single night.
I don't want to hear from privileged western white women whores about lessons on thinking.
>prevented voting manipulation botnets from accessing.
yeah sure he's capable of that...
I love how over the past few years you've seen more and more media sites disable comments on their articles & videos because they know everyone hates them
>The goyim should know better
They're only strenghtening the fact that calling someone "Donald Trump" is synonymous to calling someone successful.
It's actually Shekelwood.
what if he buys Jow Forums?
>character assassination by proxy
what a fun time to be alive
The fall of Elon Musk will be an example to be followed for years so that if you show even the slightest shred of an opinion that's not 100% politically correct, you are going to pay everything. But at the same time, Musk played the autistic genius and knew that this was the way to market his products and was very lucky many years, so I won't mind if the time comes and he is shown of what actually he is, an asshole and arrogant businessman
Then we'll have to deal with even more fags from reddit.
>Question credibility of news media
>immediately every news outlets starts shitting on him
Well it'll work so it's not actually a bad idea.
(((They))) can't take him down unless they find some serious dirt on him, like molesting or pedo shit. And probably real stuff, don't think it'd stick if they fabricated it.
Nah, about 20 women will come out saying that he raped them
as a confirmed computer scientist, i cringe every time that guy speaks about AI. he's a good business man but when it come to technology, he's bad. and when i say bad, i mean dangerously bad. you guys better keep a close watch on him or ...
or .... ?
That's not real, right?
or this
Can boomers just like... exit the internet?
or what?
never liked elon musk he's still a proprietary software-promoting corporatist
"Computer scientists" are a joke though
holy shit what if he buys reddit?
>Reddit pays Elon to take ownership
Then Hiroshimoot with sepuku
One thing I've noticed there is that during holidays, you simply do not see any of those hordes of people trying to politicize everything while making the left seem like jesus and the right as the devil itself.
More like jeff bozos. He's got Amazon and WashP
>They're only strenghtening the fact that calling someone "Donald Trump" is synonymous to calling someone successful.
You should really try not sucking a 70-year-old man's cock.
>says Media isn't trustworthy and more than not Fake News
>negative hitpiece pop up the very next day
that's a fucking cringe name tho
Pravda means Justice in Slav.
I thought it was truth.
More and more people are calling out the fake media.
In our South Slav it's Justice, also in most other Slav languages or at least the main groups, it projects outwards much like Kurva does.
Istina is Truth.
I think Slovaks use Pravda as Truth.
Why aren't you successful?
Maybe he was born into a rich family. That means he became more successful than you while he was in diapers.
This, all the real AI researchers are pure math with some topical knowledge to help the cs monkeys implement proofed algorithms
>Elon says media are dishonest and lie
>Media immediately lies about him and writes loads of dishonest hit pieces
Elon should fuck a few of these cunts for libel in court and put the rest in their place.
Zucc pls. Still butthurt?
Oh he mad
a black stick
attached to the groin of a black man
This. They pretty much proved his point.
that's fucking epyc.
someone screencap this.
put me upside down next to some pita gyro
Or youre a satanist who is angry he spilled the beans about why the elite globalists are so excited about AI.
Soros owns Musk.
Proofs? I dont really trust Musk because of reasonns, But its crazy to see how simply saying "gee whiz maybe the media should be accountable" is enough to start a witch hunt.
Yeah, I agree.
Hes also part of the mcx sex cult pol is infatuated with.
>as a confirmed computer scientist
by who tho m8
Really saddened to read such reactions. this place is now an honey pot for tech beotians. i fear you not, bullies!
>re pure math
no, a pure mathematician alone could not write a effective AI for playing Go. you need a deep knowledge of the game but also of the targeted architecture/machine for optimizing. Programming is one of the most difficult branches of applied mathematics; the poorer mathematicians had better remain pure mathematicians.
To be fair, I never cared much about Elon until he pointed out "who controls the media" and inadvertently had people associate "people with power" with "jews".
That was accidental ingeniousness.
Oh and grimes a cute. :3
Hiro is ruining this place.
Pretty sure pravda means truth in russian... but my rusian is rusty
Grimes is a bit feminist leaning and a bit of an occultist..
I also think he's more talk than walk.
But, at least he's a means of investing privately in space exploration.
I'm jealous of musk desu
I mean he's everything I want to be
Soros owns a lot of things user.
He's a hedge fund manager, that's how they literally make money - by investments.
you aren't contradicting him
>elon goes to war with the media
>he loses the war
>tesla goes bankrupt
>spacex goes kerblooie
>boring goes kek
>elon is a wash out but still filthy rich
>he buys Jow Forums and goes rogue
That would be the best possible scenario
How should we call him?
The name is sarcastic. Пpaвдa was the Soviet newspaper, meaning truth. Obviously the Soviet media was not known for telling its citizens the truth.
I actually had a colleague at my work who had a case involving a sex cult.
They do exist. They're full of retards that cause a disproportionate amount of crime - usually full of people with behavioral/personality disorders.
Honukah takes like a whole month
t. media jew
There is not a single person on the planet that is happy about AI anymore I think.
Everyone knows they're already fucking with us and the worst part - the AI's don't know that they are doing so.
Every person should be worried.
>thinks he knows about AI
>Doesnt know the truth about why the globalists back it.
I'll give you some crumbs. Look up the latest winner of the Theodor Heuss Prize. Its an organization called algorithm watch. Other winners of this prize include Daniel Cohn Bendit, a jewish german ultra leftist politician who is not only a huge pro-eu globalist shill, he is also a pedophilia advocate.
Read algorithm's watch articles on its site. Its a bunch of patronizing bullshit about how only stupid people are afraid of AI. It also discusses how expectations of user privacy in developing AI can be "problematic" because privacy leads to "inequality of treatment" and discrimination.
The elite are crazy happy about AI and poor people not knowing jack shit about it. Oh by the way, AI is simply a way to make better decisions based on factual data goy. Dont be upset when it decides things about how people need to live their lives for more efficiency and the "common good"....
Hedge Fund companies don't really bother with the management of the companies they own though. That's a waste of time and money.
And they change ownership of their shares rapidly, too rapid to bother forcing a company to take a direction, policy, etc.
I'm happy.
Only the white are fit to survive.
Only those who survive are white.
It will be the best time ever.
How do you imagine Asimov's laws on a google AI?
Elon is practically finished and bankrupt at this point
But you're already a faggot?
ai is a meme. a problem? unplug the power cord and it's done.
So do the cult leaders wrangle those people up and then keep them under control by fucking them in the ass or something?
It's impossible for an AI to make an independent action of it's own.
All orders are either directly or indirectly programmed by computers.
That's the problem. They need a conscience and a will, but they have none.
>cesspool of open nazis
>ultra leftist
nah, Cohn Bendit is ultra liberal.
>pro-eu globalist shill
are you schizophrenic or something?
how can you be a ultra leftist and pro-eu globalist at the same time?
How can you not? I'm serious.
AI affects how we see things on the internet now.
It controls things from traffic lights, to GPS routes, to news feeds, etc.
The problem is how AI functions WITH humanity, not against it. It effectively creates a larger macroscopic framework where our minds are link by and coordinated by AI. It's made group thought a real concern now as people synchronize on a massive scale at an increasing pace.
The concern is not the AI itself as an independent entity. The concern is it's interaction with us.
>AI affects how we see things on the internet now.
>It controls things from traffic lights, to GPS routes, to news feeds, etc.
You're joking right?
>make an article about yourself
>genitalia language
His nickname was is literally " the red" because of how much of a marxist he is.
>you cant be leftist and pro EU
oh you sweet child. You should really be careful of what you write before you post.
>didn't even infer jews
>jews think he did because they know about the internet meme
All he implied was that rich people own the media.
That's common knowledge.
But Jews have just pointed themselves out in their replies.
ultra left is against EU and the establishment. every time the EU or G8 is having a reunion, ultra are manifesting.
that was 40 years ago, many pro Maoist/USSR have turned to liberalism since then.
>funded by the establishment to be anti establishment
You're busting my balls!