>Winfags will defend this
Winfags will defend this
>what are DLL's and how do they work?
>get AIO VC installer
>restart once
wow hard
I'd love to see you fags make a better operating system.
there's your problem
>Try to install anything on Linux
>It doesn't work
Yea, probably, but they can't exactly fix their proprietary OS even if they had some skills.
And changing habits [for the handful of buttons they click] is a severe change in their life that they just can't deal with.
> It doesn't work
Wat. Of course it works. dnf install mpv and you got mpv.
Why does the user have to worry about libraries again? Even Linuxfags don't have to deal directly with libraries 99.9% of the time.
Mad because our PC's actually work? LMAO stay buttblasted and enjoy Tux Kart you 8 bit commie
>linuxfags will defend this
And since I'm talking to retards: This is obviously how it works on Fedora. If you're using Sabayon, there's an analogue with equo.
But yea, it works.
>needing to defend the thing that prevents DLL hell from reoccurring
>It doesn't work
...if you are a fag
Not really. Linuxfags also did musl and uclibc and glibc and dietlibc and more.
Plus crap like .NET and MSVCRT got nothing on any of the Linux libc implementations anyhow.
Ok retard
I mean I guess it's weird if you think about it, these should really just come preloaded but it's just not a big deal either way since at most all it's asking you to do is click a few buttons
Good argument.
Windows "should" also have an updating mechanism in its installer for like 20 years now.
Windows updates "should" not take 0.5+ hours for an update sized a few hundred MB that merely updates Windows.
Windows "should" have better diagnostic & repair tools in case something goes wrong with boot, but it's still the absolutely crappy system repair thing with an entirely basic shell in its 4th incarnation or so.
Broken for decades, getting improved at a glacial pace with frequent setbacks.
like hell. every time I go to install some shit I gotta deal with not having libbuttfuck.4.5.3-23.so.6 already installed and the repos don't have the obscure as fuck version the developer requires.
Windows 7 doesn't have this problem.
Let me guess, you're a Bernie supporter.
i have an ssd who cares desu
this is because of the developer that made the program that requires the redistributable, not because of windows
I don't see the problem. Just don't restart if you don't want to. If you restart, it takes only 15 seconds to fully reboot.
Haha the winfags are defending it, you’re right OP
No. We have more choices here than between market liberal centrist or market liberal center-right.
Also, go back to .Windows having crappy installers and crappy libraries has nothing to do with Bernie.
Honestly windows handles side by side shared object dependencies better than the soname bullshit pozzix and Linux fags have to deal with. With free as in freedom software though it's not really a common issue.
Haha good one. Especially if you’re in the EU, everyone knows that bureaucratic nightmare is just a sham democracy
Turns out it could be worse.
Like when your constitution is ignored even for very basic things like giving people a trial and not putting them in torture camps, when international contracts are broken left and right, when hundreds of millions of people only can elect one party masking as two, when you have the most people imprisoned and it's rape prisons, and when everyone [every person] is $930k in debt from government liabilities alone [contrast to half as much in assets and $4k in cash per family].
Basically, fix your shit rather than preaching me? That the EU also is doing some dumb and ineffective things isn't even an excuse, never mind it is not failing this hard overall.
First post, defence post
you seem to be using windows xp or some shit. please use a windows made in the last decade before bashing.
not that windows is a perfect os or anything. but honestly, come on.
>850 EVO
lol poor SATA fag. Get an NVMe you bitch
Winfags will defend this.
games don't bottleneck on storage baka
i would see very little difference in most stuff that i do
who cares. NVMe is king. you should be using the best.
Found the shitskin.
They are shared libraries or .so files on GNU/Linux and you don't need to reboot to update or install them on GNU/Linux. The reason installers need to reboot on Windows is because thanks to NTFS and write locks the only guaranteed method of getting files written is a reboot.
No we won't because we're too busy playing games.
Why would I? It's one of the few things that are legitimately shitty that they could improve.