Apple Deprecation of OpenGL and OpenCL

Attached: RIPOpenGLandSayHiMacARM.png (750x732, 177K)

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Vulkan is better than apple bullshit.

Vulkan ndroid and dx12 fag here how similar is metal?

what the fuck is this Metal crap?

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Vulcan works just fine on toddlerOS so no problem. OpenGL is old as fuck anyways so at least more devs will go for Vulcan.

while that is a shitty move, that should hopefully force devs to use vulkan and move over
Or just drop macOS support :^)


Vulkan = ogl now right?
Apple are rapidly losing ground on the desktop and pro side of things the new imac pro and macs in general have been horrible since 2012

Yeah, nobody is going to pick that vendor lock-in garbage up.

Attached: 1431432030106.jpg (228x238, 13K)

>Metal avoids the overhead inherent in legacy technologies and exposes the latest graphical processing functionality
stop that.
It's another "EVEN CLOSER TO THE HARDWARE" meme. It means it's gonna be even harder for smaller businesses to produce applications- without shilling out for an expert, or some utilities to make it more bearable (the libraries that RE-ADD that "overhead inherent in legacy systems"
watch the kikes start selling their services to help people write stuff with metal.

Maya,Photoshop,Ligthroom,Blender,Da vinci resolver,Premiere,a lot scientific visualization software and render software use OpenGL or OpenCL.

piss off mark


Can't lose an audience that already jumped ship years ago to PC.

Even worst if GTK or QT don't put backend metal or CoreGraphics, no app use GTK/QT for GUI will run in MacOS.

Fuck Apple and their proprietary trash. OpenGL and OpenCL are used so that developers can offer cross platform support. Go get in a car crash.

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Both GTK and Qt are working on the final touch of vulkan backends as we speak.

Pray for this thing works

>Single coils

metal >> dx12 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> vulcan't >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> opentrash


applefags living in their own world

Yes from GTK4
lol nope. They just added an experimental vulkan module in Qt 5.10

Above the peasantry that is normie life? True.

Oh great, now Macs are completely worthless for serious work even if Apple gets off their ass and makes a new Mac Pro.

Nothing of value was lost

seriously this

Read the first page of the vulkan docs, it never intended to replace opengl as its more low level

Maya,AutoCad,Hodini,Premiere,After Effect,ligthroom,affinity photo/design,blender,visualization parts(R,Octave,Python,processing and Java),scientific visualization,GTK/QT base application and render engine 3D.

>completely bloated trash
wow not 1 good listing, bravo user


There is still a lot of hardware that exists which does not (and can not) support Vulkan. OpenGL ES 2 is basically used as a lowest common denominator.
Not to mention that Vulkan is an extremely difficult API to use, and OpenGL is "good enough" for a lot of simpler situations.

>who needs applications when you can just enjoy staring at your shiny computer screen?

>just make it harder to add macOS support
thanks Cook

>adding macOS support
thanks Cuck

>I NEED huge bloated monstrosities to do anything user! please user please just fuck me take all the ram you can find! ughhh

t. ramlet
you need to fall for the 16 gb of wam meme. Also, I use Linkeks.

RIP my HD 5870 Hackintosh

It's a low-level API similar to Vulkan and DX12 for Apple products (iOS/MacOS).

There's already a few game engines that use Metal on MacOS. It's probably less tempting to support that if you're writing something new from scratch, though.

There's so much shit that relies on OpenGL. They can't really be dropping support, can they?

apple can do it and others change their programs so they work with the new thing if its worth doing

Doesn't this mean dropping support for virtually all existing macOS games, at least anything that wasn't made with Vulkan (which is like a handful of recent game).

No one is going back to port those games to Metal or whatever.


What can happen is devs just continuing to use OpenGL, and Apple forever keeping OpenGL with a "deprecated" mark, like how Flash has been deprecated for like a decade now, but it's still supported in desktop browsers.

Are you new to Apple? If people don't port it, good riddance. This is a premium product for good apps, no shit allowed.

So...are we going back to early 00s with API wrappers? Hell, there was even another shitty proprietary API called Metal back then.

Attached: confer.png (549x465, 8K)

Really weird considering Apple invented OpenCL

Apple killed support for carbon APIs when they dropped 32bit support

>hurr my peecee is better than mac
A mac is a PC you dumbfuck. You dont call a ThinkPad a linux, do you? I hope not. Fucking onion reddit summerfags, go join the others at r/onions

Reminder that all Mac hardware pre-2012 isn't listed on the 10.14 minimum reqs since OpenGL's deprecated.


>watching the Platforms State of the Uniform
>OpenGL/CL deprecation slide comes up
>I wonder if Jow Forums would argue about thi...

Attached: slowpoke.jpg (390x399, 27K)

>Apple losing the desktop market for years
>decide to fuck it up even more
What the hell are they doing? They'll be completely removed from the desktop soon, the only thing that could save them would be opening the source code of their platforms which they won't do. They're gambling too much on iPhone.

>Microsoft decides to be more open
>Apple decides to go the complete opposite way
I wouldn't believe this shit a few years ago

>Metal avoids the overhead
Yeah, and makes it far more complicated in the process. Do they really think everyone is going to suddenly jump ship to a significantly more complex graphics API?

I bet you aren't able to write a program that draws a triangle with any of those

Apple: standardizing mediocrity at the highest prices

Let's hope the time will come and Apple and its mediocre arrogant tech illiterate management will pay for all what they did

Depends on how you define a PC.
A PC is considered to be a computer that supports the Basic Input/Output System.
Apple, AFAIK needs a lot of tweaks in your boot sequence to make it run on Apple's h/w.
Also, PS4 and XBone are not considered PCs, because they do not support the IBM BIOS.

>because they do not support the IBM BIOS
Nothing does anymore with UEFI. We're in a post PC world :^)

Deprecated for the wrong reasons. Move to Vulkan, not Apple's snowflake version of DirectX.

Personal computer (PC), adigital computerdesigned for use by only one person at a time.
God, applefags are disgusting cunts.