Why are so many people that study CS or work in the field such arrogant pieces of trash and how do I avoid becoming...

Why are so many people that study CS or work in the field such arrogant pieces of trash and how do I avoid becoming this way myself? In my classes I've noticed there are tons of people that think they are geniuses or programming prodigy or whatever the fuck, and I've met people who jobs that are the same. What especially annoys me is when people feel the need to "display" this attitude via making their assignments unnecessary complex, or asking ridiculous questions to the professor that has nothing to do with what the hell he's even talking about, along with other things. Don't get me wrong, the major is not easy and some of these people work pretty hard(assuming they aren't cheating), but why act like this? Sometimes I even catch myself thinking along these lines, looking down on people who have "easy" majors or jumping to the conclusion that anyone in X field or Y program, or someone that can't do math is an imbecile. How do I stay humble?

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>How do I stay humble?
Just B.E yourself. You'll see sales person is another grade of weaponized arrogant. They everywhere.

Does the field attract people that are like this or do they just become this way over time?

Found your problem.

I've gone to some interviews, usually seen at the smaller companies, where the founder/decision maker just has a horrid attitude. And, 100% of the time it was a female with the horrid attitude, and 100% of those times, I was pretty positive I knew more than her and pointed out her errors politely during the interview. Has happened three times, I shit you not.

Maybe I should just shut up, and get the job?

just not my style anons

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>how do I avoid becoming this way myself?
get some actual personality.
thats it.

w2c an actual personality?

you don't have to take EE classes shut up

>How do I stay humble?
If you don't, I'll break your back and make you humble.

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Anyone can do this shit. It just takes time. No one is "special" it is pretty much only commitment. Very few people fail. There is absolutely no reason to feel special. That is a comfort in my eyes.

do some tests online.
is not about the answers you get, but rather if you indentify with them.

eventually you'll know who you are, and who you want to be.

I take it "living with your parents" is more of your "style," huh, Mighty Autisto?

Its clearly some kinda psychological compensation certain nerds adopt because they're not good for anything else and women won't fuck them.

Very few people fail? There are dozens of people that get washed out every single semester. Either they can't wrap their brain around the programming side or the math knocks them out.

Women are especially arrogant for whatever reason and I cannot stand it at all. But then again it's hardly surprising considering men bent over backwards for any half decent looking cunt in hopes they'll have sex.

Definitely the field. They're like this at my uni in Britbongistan

lmao everyone in stem laughs at cs for being easy.

fuck off and die

Did this thread hurt your feelings fagatron?

>the major is not easy

The ones who are really arrogant are compensating. If you enjoy learning and do good work your knowledge will speak for itself.

Change to Math degree.

Long short answer CS never get discipline aka eternal menchildren.

Programming industry never gets in flow because change for another shiny toy.


What's your major?

generally helps not being a complete dicksuck to begin with.

Keep in mind that the people you're helping are good at their job and do shit I can't do...

And if you know/hear that they're shit at their job then pretend.

Unless its sales. fuck sales.

- realize you're not perfect, no one is
- realize you don't need to know everything, it's impossible for you to know everything
- be curious in wanting to explore new ideas/tech
- be open to ideas and advice from others, but be critical about it, same with your own ideas, be open to criticism

mathfag here, can confirm. I doube majored in EE and math. mathbros were humble amd cool to talk to && the math qts actually did their work. EEfags for the most part would spew memes and had an unwarranted sense of self importance. EE girls were thots that sweet talked their way into copying people's solutions to HW and projects--I can't fault them for this though, if I were a woman surrounded by thirsty söyboys I would definitely do the same.

I had the same conversation at my graduation - I majored in CS but those doing EE and Business IT (yes, I know) graduate in the same ceremony. You just knew all of the thots fluttered their eyelashes and friendzoned their way to get there. But you just can't blame them.

I worked in the field before getting a degree. First 3 months I got to know real quick who was there cause of love or money and who was there cause whatever this is easy or thought they were god on a keyboard.
My best job was offered by a friend of one of the teachers begging for someone who knew shit that wasnt a complete ass. Good times.

Honesty I'm at the point now where if I see any half decent looking female in my CS class, I assume they either have guys or one guy doing all the hw/assignments for them or they are cheating in some other way. It is blatantly obvious they don't actually give a fuck about being good at it and just want the degree, but that's the case with 90% of the faggots at my school. Shit sucks so hard.


shut up bitch

>Does the field attract people that are like this or do they just become this way over time?
I'm 30 right now and honestly ? the older i get the more i see people like these every field, every fucking field. Not sure if it's me getting tired or what, but the people fit your description is definiately 1 out of 3 in tech field. Also maybe because nowadays information is just a google away so everyone is highhorse as fuck.

Not exclusive, been in all fields long enough you'd see assholes in everyone. What important is the people you work with, you can have a good boss but shitty coworkers or bad boss with good coworkers, i'd take the latter

Any advice for dealing with people like this in the workplace?

Two solutions so far: Endure or be like them. There is a third one, jump when you have enough experience. Sometimes it's good to have arrogant assholes because you learn their best and from their mistakes on behalf of their effort, lol. Personally I can't deal with them, trying to leave the tech field now and 30 seems like a tough number doing it.

yeah but you would do the same. why work on anything when you have an army of incels eager to do all of your assignments? even the ugly girls have beta orbiters

Actually no I wouldn't because I have pride and self respect, a concept that is foreign for many women today

I was in a startup with this condescending CEO who would always question your knowledge every time you weren't following along. this could be about anything, like projects, launguages, news, politics, locations of things in the city, anything. he would constantly make remarks about how dumb people were, sometimes I would agree with him but mostly it was about things so insignificant I wondered if it was really necessary. he was basically a smuganimegirl.jpg in a living form.

Don't take anyone seriously.

Imagine they're all naked at all times.

Hey, this sounds even better than my advice.

where you at on the mood elevator, user?

Most people are assholes, independent of the field.


If I get an arrogant boss, I'm going to call him out and tell him he's a complete cunt, and then quit. I have more money than most small tech companies are worth, I don't even need to work at this point.

He would probably not accept any of your criticism, see what you do as something what kid does, takes the ball and goes home. Your coworker would probably think that way too.
Ideally you should help him. First gain his trust, then discreetly influence him so he gives up his bad ways. Calling someone out, embarrassing him is about the most useless thing you can do.

Nice blog

I think there's nothing wrong with being arrogant. If you're genuinely worth your salt, then you totally have a right to feel like your better than everyone, just know that no one gives a shit except you.
There's been geniuses before and there will be geniuses in the future, so don't bother trying to show off to anyone.

This is good. Usually when somebody is overcompensating, bragging, being know it all is because he thinks the environment somehow requires it. If someone acts that way it might really because you unintentionally or not are doing the same.

Having been in tech for over 30 yrs; this is true.
It's the same reason there's so many psychopaths in business and politics.

Fucking this. Half maths half CS is the better path.

Yeah the problem is the most incompetent people are the most arrogant. People that are highly skilled are rarely ever arrogant unless theyre some kind of weird autistic virgin.

Pass rate at my uni from fresh to grad is below 33% and this is a top 10 where most of the incoming fresh are reasonably well equipped. I don't honestly believe it's 100% effort. I've tutored students who put in the time and just didn't grok it. There is some kind of iq component and the bar isn't low. Maybe not as high as EE, but still up there. I'm in grad school now and feel like pretty much everyone here is notably smarter than average.

They still shouldn't have a shit attitude because that's a great way to be underemployment or unemployed but they are definitely smarter than the average student on campus and far smarter than the average office worker.

You can't change the world but you can change yourself. My dad is actually the type of people who is both dumb and arrogant, i realize that as i get older during highschool and my mum is the real breadwinner for home. Advice and experience taught me people like these are necessary evil so there is good, you just have to not be like them. Also do not store them as a anger memory, store it as a past tense history so you'll reach enlightened mode for the future. No shitting in the streets, IT life is somewhat a reflection of asian god facing life challenges.

but what about arrogant women in CS of which almost half of which are?

I've yet to seen a female CS who is not on their period everyweek everyday everyhour. They're not stupid but their EmotionEngine runs 11/10 especially in fast hectic IT field turns them into bitches with calculators.

>I have pride and self respect
yet you are here posting on Jow Forums


maybe they shouldn't be there if their attitude is perpetually shitty.

Women are arrogant in general, but when you put them into any area dominated by men it's like arrogance on steoroids
And what's your point? Not everyone comes here to fap to traps and BBC like you

It's like school, when people are learning the people who already know what's going on call them dumb fucks and when they achieve the level of knowledge required, they start to act like the people they used to look up to.

Anyone who graduates from a CS program or makes it in the field is in the top 3% of the population in terms of technical skill, and yet they're often treated like glorified janitors. This friction asserts itself in BOFH attitudes. If you don't want IT people to be jackasses, don't treat them like shit.


that has nothing to do with my post. btw Jow Forums is a form of social media.
>projection:the post

You started the "projection" by claiming anyone who posts here has no self respect, which makes no sense. Don't you have a trap thread to shitpost in right about now?

traps are gay as fuck so no I do not.
>w-w-what about bbc threads?
I am not white, so no again

I’ve always heard EE was ezmode CS alternative

well, that's bullshit. CSfags are the ones who complain about having to take calculus

You must be thinking of IT(Info Tech). I've never heard anyone outside of Jow Forums claim EE is an easy major

It's usually a case of pic related and being a fuckfaggot virgin nerd overcompensating with "intelligence".

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>How do I stay humble?
It seems like you're already aware of all the arrogance. If you catch yourself slipping just brush it off.

t. woman

i dont understand this picture

t. english not your first language

Surround yourself with actual geniuses, and do programming thats almost too fucking hard for you. If you're constantly challenged you'll feel constantly humble and stay aware you don't know nearly enough about anything.

Then there are those guys in your class taking classes that are way too easy for them, wasting their time by showing off instead of pushing themselves to grow through more difficulty.

hey op maybe dont post garbage in /agdg/ and cry when you get BTFO :)

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Fucking retard nigger.

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Lol you retard. You are fully owned. By me. I own you. You are my property now. Dance for me, monkey. :)

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remind us niggerpham op, if you have a number between 0 and 1, how do you make it become a number between 0 and 255? :^)

i know what you're talking about when you say some students just can't do it-- i kinda wanna expand on that
i think it may be their aptitude for logical and creative thinking, as well as the mindset to problem solve given certain tasks and circumstance
but the iq component would be more so a measure of how fast they learn, rather than their capacity to learn i believe
does anyone else think this?

mount stuipd would be where all those arrogant fucks be located with respect to their knowledge

Happy. I'm comfortable with what I do and it's nice knowing that it's ok not to know everything. That's why we work in teams and collaborate. I don't have to know everything about everything, even in the domain I'm responsible for it's ok to be vague about things.

was directed to

It's really only people on Jow Forums

CS students are cucks

>or asking ridiculous questions to the professor that has nothing to do with what the hell he's even talking about, along with other things
honestly curious about how that could be a problem. how else is the student supposed to learn?

It's hard to stay humble when you're more intelligent than 95% of the population and you constantly have to layman completely logical stuff to someone as if they were 3 years old.

Basically, I could do your job easily and probably more effective than you, but you couldn't do mine.

Because the shit they're asking is so far into right field and completely unrelated to what the fuck we're covering in class. It's one thing to ask questions about the material and what the professor is covering if you don't understand what he's asking, but if you're just asking bullshit questions in an attempt to sound or look smart to a bunch of people who are trying to learn the actual material than you're an asshole. Ask him your retarded questions after class don't fucking ask him bullshit and waste everyone's time because you think you're so much more "advanced" than everyone else. And then it's funny because these are then the same people who skip classes, do poorly on exams and then ask for extra credit at the fucking end.

>you work in tech
>you are underpaid
>all sales do is just promise shit that you'll have to deliver
>sales make 100 000+ bonuses on succesful sales or similar
>you get nothing, but you are actually the one doing the job

Gee, I wonder why people in tech are jaded.

How do I stay humble?

I met the legendary Jeff Dean at a Stanford talk some ten years ago and he was the most humble and easy to approach guy - at least back then. Usually software geeks are insecure about their shortcomings, looks, smarts, programming prowess that they overcompensate by being a douch.

In the end you can choose how you want to be and who you associate with.

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First of all where does this happen ever

Second of all EVERYONE is getting underpaid across the board. The only people who aren't getting fucked over are public workers(unions) and the people at the top of corporate.

>Ask him your retarded questions after class
eh, that's a good solution. I wouldn't mind that if the they're up it too

Except they're not gonna do that because the whole point is to try to show off

Dat damage, man.

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CS is full of fags, pajeets, dumb women and soiboys. CE and EE weeds out those types of people i dont know why.

Because you're full of fucking shit?

as someone who needs a lot of explanation for very specific stuff, I'd say that's not all of them. I usually don't even say anything, just to not bother, but there are some things I have to look up later, and that for me are vital for truly understanding the subject, and that most people don't show this same need. I might have low IQ I guess

most of the people in my cs drink fucking starbucks. I called one a onions and he flipped his shit. I hate frontend shitheads

Once you start working in the field you'll see that people fail all the time. And they either sink or swim at that point. Shit can get hard and complex.

Maybe you are all butthurt because you are the black sheep of STEM.
The rest of the STEM fields look down on CS so you take it on people that do letters to feel better.

>there are tons of people that think they are geniuses or programming prodigy
Because some of us are actually gods.

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It naturally comes with the age and experience. In the beginning you are humble and want to help out normies with their technical problems. As you solve more and more problems, you realise they are the same recurring things, and these individuals are just lazy and can't think out of the box. There are typically ways you usually go from here
a) Go into enterprise stuff. Implement CRUD applications. Rip off well documented algorithms e.g Djikstra. Mint money using cookie cutter project generators
b) Get into startups/open source/ freelancing. Vote left and support illegal immigration policies. Become an arrogant neckbeard like that satanist dude from the show silicon valley know it all. Become a worker ant for some Jew that embraces option a

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