OneeChan is Kill

How do I make 4chinz beautiful again?

Attached: RIP.png (2560x1700, 814K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>OneeChan owner is a paranoid /x/ user

I knew that shit was trash.

Attached: 1468580228570.gif (500x500, 2.51M)

Stylechan is gone too. But it hadnt been updated in years and still works.

Just a bug hits it as well.


Attached: terry.jpg (895x1057, 174K)

Why do fags unironically think microsoft of today is the exact same as microsoft of 20 years ago?

Attached: brainwashing_101.jpg (480x331, 73K)

>Disabling CSP

I mean it was hardly ever updated anyways. Just keep using the latest version.

What bug? Im using 4chanx
+stylechan just fine.

its the only way to get rid of the popups

Only happens on firefox due to mozilla being ass.

This shit pops up every time you load a page here now.

Attached: Capture.jpg (438x166, 20K)

Probably the bug where 4chans css doesn't load properly. It's a problem with uBlock.

Use a hosts file

It's happening on my Chrome too.

Add this to your adblock till there is a better work around.

I'm manually blocking all Jow Forums css and strictly using Jow Forums x + oneechan and there are multiple alert boxes popping up anytime I open a tab with oneechan activated, there are issues on Jow Forums x github about it as well

I guess I'll have to if I wanna keep it pretty. Thanks.

Here's a better workaround.

Use uMatrix. Enable all the hosts file in its settings. Disable uBlock on Jow Forums.

No need to disable CSP and no ads.

But I'm using firefox

Weird, haven't had any issues.

Attached: Clipboard01.png (3840x2078, 896K)

How is that better?

Because you don't have to disable csp

Why would he even give a fuck when it hasn't been updated in two years?

Because the microsoft of 20 years ago made decent software.

The fag could have at least considered moving to gitlab or something.

Considering it hasn't been updated in years, he probably doesn't care and just wants his repo out of M$ hands.

It still works on palemoon for me, but anything greasemonkey related like webcomic reader or other scripts are still broken. Shouldn't have moved to win 10.

>Disabling CSP
>Allowing hiroshima install malware in your pc.

Attached: Come on....png (325x261, 50K)

StyleChan CSS ReUp

Attached: dog-hoodie.jpg (750x1000, 75K)

nvm some kind soul uploaded the latest .js on greasyfork a few years ago

Attached: watamote-tomoko-kill-me-now.png (600x390, 103K)

Just write your own damn CSS you fags

Also throwing up my favorite custom color scheme since it isn't out there anymore

{"name":"Blue Phallus","authorName":"iluvOP","authorTrip":"Tripfags can die.","replyOp":"1.0","navOp":"0.9","mainColor":"242436","brderColor":"242436","inputColor":"242436","inputbColor":"262638","headerBGColor":"242436","headerColor":"da637e","boardColor":"7787a3","bgColor":"20202f","textColor":"a7a7ad","blinkColor":"4b5e57","headerLColor":"4c626d","headerLHColor":"da637e","linkColor":"7787a3","linkHColor":"da637e","nameColor":"da637e","tripColor":"63918b","titleColor":"da637e","quoteColor":"b1b792","unreadColor":"64657b","highlightColor":"ffffff","customCSS":".reply { box-shadow: -2px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.10); }"}

Attached: C62_neet_tomoko.png (462x479, 223K)

it's been there for a long while. i installed it from there last fall.

based OneeChan owner

>Jow Forums-x / advanced / custom css
beauty is subjective so why would you limit yourself to what some autist think in the first place

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one getting the bug from Oneechan.