Is this what the EU wanted with the GDPR?

Is this what the EU wanted with the GDPR?

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>newspaper subrscriptions are a new thing brought by the Communist Union and GDPR

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Here's the kicker, if people have to pay to see it, it has to not be shit.


>free press
>have to pay


I dont know if his point is the subscription shit (which was already there), its probably the "lmao you accept cookies if you want to read our articles or else FUCK off" part that most sites just incorporate

This, most people are too retarded and thought the GDPR would change anything
If people want to watch youtube, unless youtube turns into literal 1984 tier monitoring (and even then, arguably) people would still use it and agree to whatever new terms
Noone would ever bother to ask to have their shit deleted, and those that would wouldnt use such services to begin with

Until it becomes normal to pay for everything

free as in freedom, not free as in free beer

Ironically, its neither

If anything, this hurts the smaller businesses that people can live without
Either go to 1990s tier web era or bust, I dont want the web to become the new (Disney's ©™) movie industry™

freedom as in american freedom, not freedom as in free domain

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Free Beer, is in fact, No-Cost Beer, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Copyright-Encumbered Beer. Beer is not free unto itself, but rather a product of a recipe of a fully private formula made useful by the brewer, bottler and various marketing campaigns comprising a full product as defined by world patent agencies.

Many thrill seekers drink a particular recipe of beer every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the type of beer which is widely drank at parties is often called "Free Beer", and many of its imbibers are not aware that it is essentially a copyrighted product, locked-down by the brand owner.

There really is beer, and these people are drinking it, but it is just a product of the brand they choose. Beer is property: the beverage in the system that inhibits the brain's resources to the other thoughts that you have. The beer is an essential part of a proprietary system, freedomless by definition; it is only consumed in the context of a complete, private patent. No-Cost beer is normally drank in the company of friends: the supporters of a freedom-denying corporation that basically protects its own interest with copyrights, or Copyright-Encumbered Beer. All the so-called "Free Beer" distributions are really distributions of No-Cost Beer.

Hopefully this. The barrier to entry for everything has fallen way too low. Now we're inundated in a sea of bullshit; hopefully some good competition will force companies to stop pumping out garbage.

To have competition you need to have a free market user
If anything, the GDPR and other such policies restrict the market

>reading WaPo

I am just waiting to see all of those fuckers get sued into oblivion because their services obviously still don't comply with data-protection policies.
Nothing will happen to google and the likes (even if they pretend they get consent in the rightful manner, or pretend to delete all of your data), but I hope the smaller ones will suffer.

>(((free))) press

>get sued by the EU as an American company that's very famous and well liked
>dont pay
>get blocked by EU ISPs(?)
>Europeans protest for trumping free speech
I can already see it

>I hope smaller companies die and only big megacorporations live on the web
Imagine being this retarded

There's ancap, unchecked free market, and then there are reasonable regulations. Do you think dumping toxic chemicals into the environment or using child slaves or doing [unethical business practice] is okay? The government's only role in the economy should be like a referee that keeps entities from doing shady shit. Dataminers have gone too far and derivative companies like WaPo that rely on that revenue deserve to go out of business.

> you consent to everything
No, that's just the usual GDPR incompliant BS that caused the GDPR to be passed into law.

People barely read anymore anyway. They'd stop reading before paying more subscriptions

The remaining ones will be free sites hosted by hobbyists run on their own money, or donations, which is exactly what I want. (And what I use for the most part)
The more annoying commercialized bait&click press websites or gay web"services" die the better.
Google is a state apparatus, it will never fall. It can't be helped.

>there's ancap
Yes there is
Pic related, you probably already know my views if youre boy a newfag

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If youre not*

>support journalists directly instead of perpetuating the click by click ad-based revenue model
>they now have to compete directly disclosing how much they want from you instead of dragging the clickbait fishing net on the internet's ocean floor
this would only upset a poorfag

Basically, if you need to sell MY DATA to survive, your website deserves to fucking die.
Especially so if you try to acquire my consent through some fucked up terms and conditions.

I think this is great. People who pay with their data don't know what they're paying with so making it upfront is great.
And if Washington post can actually produce articles worth paying to read that's also a plus.
>don't pay
You seriously believe that a company could stand up against the EU like that? Delusional. No the consequence is a negotiation with the nation the company is based in and it can go many ways but it almost certainly ends up with the fined company spilling a good amount of guts.

>The remaining ones will be free sites hosted by hobbyists run on their own money, or donations
Back when the internet was pure.

You are delusional if you think the EU would go against companies that actively lobby in the EU
t. Yuropoor

There are still sites like that, they just dont get much attention

Internet has always been a slut imho

this has nothing to do with gdpr you amerilard retard

>You consent to the use of ... tracking by us and third parties to provide you with personalized ads.
>*close tab*
Yes, that was exactly the intended effect. Now website have to tell you that they are tracking you and you are free to not visit the website. And if any websites store information about you without consent you have the right to request that information be removed.

Why do Americans protect corporate interests? Is it because their dicks were cut at birth?

>implying anyone outside of Jow Forums even cares and just hits accept like they do to 99% of other things
>implying this isnt helping megacorporations to begin with

This is obviously not compliant with GDPR, why do they even bother?

where there are people there are new (Disney's ©™) movie industry™

I know, that's why I support the bust option
Just let it run its own circle, I use the webpages I like and the normies whatever botnet shit they like
As long as you support the free as in freedom and free as in free beer sites that dont track you and dont have 50MB of JS loaded, they wont die out
Trying to repurpose other websites to turn to that model will in fact never work as they're not hobbyists that do it for fun and will find other ways to fuck you over

Google just gave me the option to disable personalized ads for users within the EU. So I just did that.

This was already a thing retard


Muh free press

>Noone would ever bother to ask to have their shit deleted, and those that would wouldnt use such services to begin with
Unlike some brainlets like you, there are people out there, especially on Jow Forums, that care about how their personal data is being used, because they know how it can be useful to manipulate them

>implying anyone outside of Jow Forums even cares and just hits accept like they do to 99% of other things
Literally many orgs and privacy focused companies, like EFF, Privacy International, Access Now, DuckDuckGo, ProtonMail and so on are supportive of this, believe it or not, you can be a normie and still care about privacy

>implying this isnt helping megacorporations to begin with

Get away from this website and insult them.








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The GDPR is not about privacy. It is about the Frogs & Krauts telling the rest of the world what to do.

>everyone keeps mentioning lawsuits
>each country has to do it themselves after complaints

Wont' happen. I doubt anyone can name the office that even handles these complaints to begin with and that office has to get the government to sue which they can only do after multiple failures to comply which would be a fine not a lawsuit

It's the washington post. You have 3 options there: Browse limited articles, pay for a subscription or find your news elsewhere. I know which one is the smartest option, you should know as well.

I find GDPR to be a minor annoyance at best. What I'm more concerned about is that most people weren't informed about it and they couldn't even vote for it.

>paying for fake news

if i had to deal with this shit, i'd just fucking block my service to europe altogether
t. european

Tbh there are official ways to disable spying now. Thanks to EU. I already get less adds than I used to on devices without ad blockers. Also faster loading and most EU sites actually comply to the GDPR and have easy ways to opt out of cookies and stuff. Not EU fault that USA sites are shitty.

>twitter refuses to let me access my account/privacy settings/past messages without clicking I agree
who do I contact

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Fucking GDPR making me go broke.
>giving out free content
>okay lets have non intrusive ads only on the sides
(they install adblock)
>try to mon
etize other ways

Now this shit happens.

Data Protection Authorities, I think

>Shitty jounralists will starve in my lifetime
Wow, I might actually like my life now.

No one, it's an American company and you're a fucking censorship commie.

Stop trying to build your business model around making your users a product

sorry I can not hear you with that corporate nutsack in your mouth

Good poasting

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>free press
>have to pay for it

Is that firefox? How did you move the bar to the bottom?

>You are delusional if you think the EU would go against companies that actively lobby in the EU
>t. Yuropoor
All that evidence. Oh, right, I forgot "t. Yutopoor".

This is you. You are also someone who hasn't got the first clue of what GDPR even is.

>pay for a bunch of text with agenda

Software, a complicated compilation of thousands of lines of logical text, sure. Movies or even pictures that require a rare artistic talent and quite a lot of effort, maybe. But 500 words of text for basic news that will be made available to all other free article sites within 20-30 minutes at the price of "just" the equivalent of what a 10TB cloud storage costs? How is this shit even acceptable?

It's not actually declining their changes, you can go into the settings and disable the bullshit after that. They put it there to scare normal people into not doing it

so if I click decline and continue I will not have my account deleted?

Yes, but if I'm not mistaken there is a clickable link in that description that allows you to change the settings before accepting but who knows, maybe not anymore

Why use twitter if you don't want twitter to know something about you?

Why do Europeans need so much privacy? What are they hiding?

>lmao you accept cookies if you want to read our articles or else FUCK off
That's still a strict improvement, though. Now people are being continuously reminded that everyone is out to track and monitor them, and have the opportunity to evaluate whether they're okay with it on a site-by-site basis

>The remaining ones will be free sites hosted by hobbyists run on their own money, or donations, which is exactly what I want.
If you run an out of the box Apache webserver serving a static fucking webpage (let alone a shitty little app, or god forbid your own git repository) to Europe you can be fined €10,000,000 for not having your server logs scrubbed.

It's 20 million