So how do pentesters and cyber terrorists actually discover exploits?
Is there some backlog of it on the dark web or something?
So how do pentesters and cyber terrorists actually discover exploits?
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Sometimes it's a
>huh, that was weird...what happens if I...
They either do intensive research on the infrastructure they intend to exploit, or leech off of someone else's research like a script kiddie.
Anything better than trial and error? Any tendencies, good books on the subject? Or do pentesters rely on a massive foundation of knowledge?
I'd imagine 99% of the time it's via sitemap.xml or robots.txt.
So, what you be sayin is, I gotta be smart for pentesting and not just hackermann my way through it with python scripts like in mr robot?
It's called programming you faggot.
Looking for mind blowing stupidity in patches for critical crypto code is an obvious start. Did you check out ?
Why are some programmers so bad
They use Metasploit.
A good amount are from people in the field. They leave holes exposed, leave the company or tell a friend, then collect that sweet bounty
Automated trial and error. Fuzzing and grep -r 'strcpy'
most vulnerabilities are found by mere accident. They just exploit or sell them.
reverse engineering is pretty useful at times. go learn that.
thats just a buzzword that can mean 100 different things though
then learn the things that apply to what you want to hack.
Humans cannot write perfect code by nature. Developers are generally lazy, if they throw something together and it works and mr shekelstein is happy with it then they get their wagebucks. Then when it doesn't get tested rigorously enough or something is overlooked, an exploitable state can be found.
Statistics mean half are less than average intelligent. Trouble really arises when consider themselves smart and ascend the great heights of Dunning-Kruger.
>Statistics mean half are less than average intelligent
Funny how the answer can be found on the website in your pic, OP.
Intensive research/reverse engineering/luck
Most of the time they sell these, for example a really bad Windows exploit can go for hundreds of thousands of dollars
google fuzz testing
>inside job
Hate to say it, but you're probably right.
>the dark web
yes Cathy