>Intel announces 5Ghz 28 core CPU
>7334 in Cinebench R15


Attached: inb4 housefire.jpg (1739x746, 346K)

Other urls found in this thread:


5Ghz across 28 Cores? DAMN!


put LN2 on threadripper too and itll hit 5 ghz easy

28 cores at 5 ghz is an insane amount of heat

AYYYMD must have a 32 core Threadripper coming this fall.

Attached: 1526075079022.jpg (500x491, 32K)

>showcased = announced
Nice marketing stunt, let's see if it draws attention away from their failed 10nm process.

Imagine being so desperate to make up such bullshit

Lol why aren't they benchmarking on Windows 10

mkay but did they announce anything that ISN'T guaranteed to burn down my entire city block

>2.7 GHz base

Attached: 1521099084755.png (396x385, 133K)

>needs to clock CPU to 5hz in order to compete

>AMD already shipping chips with 32 cores

*Teleports behind (((you)))* it's another shoah, Intel.

Attached: AMD-Ryzen-Threadripper-4-dies-3-1480x1110.jpg (1480x1110, 218K)


Two PSUs, $1000 mobo, industrial cooler and totally will trip your breaker if you run it 100%

>28 cores
Aren't we about to have a 64 core monster come out?

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still gonna get a ryzen cpu ;)

OH NO NO NO NO NO... Our 500 Watt marketing stunt didn't work.

Attached: 1527258875541.png (183x232, 21K)

Missing a zero there

He meant the 6 core.

>falling for pre-recorded clips from (((intel)))
>and again
>and again
5Niggahurzt on 28c? this shit would need 2k PSU and LN2.

ryzen is the best for multi core scaling. intel should concentrate on single core performance if they want to compete

more like 250 watts which is 9 watts per core; that's great for a 5ghz x64 core.

disclaimer: overclocking may require an upgrade to home wiring to prevent fires

And the TDP is only over 9000W.

Nice glue residue

link where a normal computer sets a house fire? I've only seen ones involving massive crypto miner operations


Attached: arms races.png (1276x69, 9K)

400W TDP?

Attached: 8-way Fermi SLI.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

i highly doubt that, there currently is a xeon 28x2.5ghz@200tdp

delet dis sir

pls it is racism to hindu, pls show bob n vegene !! !!!

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Well i9s are far above that below 5 GHz and they only have 18 cores.

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So we're talking about 300W then?

Just what I need to cool down my apartment in the summer

It's 400W at the very minimum
With increased vcore probably closer to 600-800W


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yfw the amd core meme has flipped to intel

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Holy shit lmao. Isn't that pretty much an "LN2 required" level by that point? Intel is having another P4 phase hahaha.

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They are. Windows 10 shows up as Windows 8 in Cinebench because it hasn't been updated in forever.

They're going for the ultimate fusion of the Intel clockspeed and AMD core memes. Such a fusion requires around 1000W of power of course.


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They have no way out of this except moar niggahurtz, bingbus is retarded ancient garbage that scales like shit and they can't compete.

AMD's next-gen 'Rome' EPYC CPU on 7nm could feature 64C/128T

ringbus is superior to mesh on cpus

They're doing it the wrong way, they're the laughing stock of tech industry, using LN2 to prove they can compete with Zen.

Attached: x64ebb3dybgz.png (1050x700, 318K)

>yeilds so low they make it ""limited edition""
>500 watt house fire only a handful of people will actually buy
>AMD btfo

OK, op.

Attached: 1515242785142.png (250x202, 8K)


> implying that at this rate 8 cores isn't the new dual core

>tfw a lot of modern games make use of 6 cores and sometimes even 8
Your butthurt is irrelevant, the reality is that bingbus is obsolete garbage and will stay obsolete for the rest of eternity.


Attached: 1521890682819.jpg (480x360, 22K)

AMD Rome?

Attached: 1490564948268.jpg (807x802, 74K)

an intel ringbus monolithic design hitting 5ghz across 28 cores?

yeah better buy a geothermal plant from iceland otherwise this wont cool down


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That's actually solder its amd uses not your cum my Hebrew friend.


what intel is threating amd to fire that nuke at amd office?

>showcase a server class CPU
>OC to 5Ghz
did (((they))), by any chance, mentioned the target TDP?

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Can't wait for the 8 core 16 thread i7

Holy fuck Jow Forums needs the /v/ rule of banning flamewar posts, just look at the mindless shitposting here

>amd got bdfo'd in their favorite benchmark
>all those salty amdrone tears

you must be new to Jow Forums

>u must be new xd
Its gotten much worse you brainlet, especially since Ryzen came out

> Implying this Lava Lake piece of shit means anything.
Stay mad, intelaviv rabbi

It was always like that, you braindamaged mongrel.
At least there's no tripshits shitting this very board currently.

price: pretty sure 5 digits number
units sold after years: 10, worldwide

no you brainlet its literally like on the slightest hint that something new will come out

There are at least two cancerous tripshits who regularly shit up threads on here. Maybe more in all the endless circlejerk threads that I have permanently hidden.

It's only worse because you couldn't have AMD vs. Intel flamewars before since no one could defend Bulldozer. Nvidia vs. ATI/AMD threads were always this cancerous though. Seriously Jow Forums is one of the worst boards on Jow Forums, no one here takes technology seriously, it's just about brand wars.

Nice meme mate.


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>I-it doesn't mean anything

This KW housefire is just not viable and is just begging to get raped by some AMD 32 core. I'm not a shill for either side, but Intel has been dropping quite a few balls.

can confirm, heard firefighter sirens shortly after the show

>did (((they))), by any chance, mentioned the target TDP?

>Multi-core doesn't matter!
>Productivity doesn't matter!
>Price/performance doesn't matter!
>Performance per watt doesn't matter!
>Power usage doesn't matter!
>Temperatures don't matter!
>Soldered dies don't matter!
>Stutters don't matter!
>Streaming doesn't matter!
>Data centers don't matter!
>Locked CPUs don't matter!
>OEMs don't matter!
>Hyperscalers don't matter!
>Upgradeability doesn't matter!
>Anti-competitive business practices don't matter!
>Locked platform features don't matter!
>Synthetic loads don't matter!
>PCI-e lanes don't matter!
>Burnt pins don't matter!
>ECC support doesn't matter!
>*NEW* 7nm doesn't matter!
>*NEW* StoreMI doesn't matter!
>*NEW* CPU exploits don't matter!
>*NEW* Stock coolers don't matter!
>*NEW* Games don't always matter!

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Power consumption don't scale linearly.
Intel learned that in the hardest way possible.

can't wait to install 2000w psu into this baby.

I think they're unironically using a whole KW for this CPU.

>positive temps under LN2

Incinerating the whole planet never felt better.

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So are they using a spirit for coolant or are the tubes just that ugly?

>Another /v/ tier console war thread about muh latest CPU beating the previous CPU.
Meanwhile I'm using a fucking 7 year old CPU an IPC that's still competitive with some of the current gen stuff.

nice digits fag

Attached: 1519054076820.jpg (252x249, 22K)

>Intel literally doing moar coars and GHz like ayymd
>Intel fags praise this
Like pottery.

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Recommended cooling solution
minimum: 360mm radiator
recommended: liquid nitrogen

Attached: 1527153219393.jpg (600x600, 56K)

Didn't the 18 core hit 1000w at 4.8ghz avx512? This is going to be over 50 percent more cores, its going ignite the atmosphere and destroy the planet.

Did they have these in the back too?

Attached: 13294304842523.jpg (960x720, 246K)

That's an extreme as fuck rig for a demo setup, I remember when RYZEN was being showcased and they had it on some whacky looking green pcb board, this CPU is gonna be a paper release or something even more extreme than the AMD 9590.

Recommended pumps ?

>I'm not a shill for either side
Sure you aren't, user. Might as well continue to post crying wojaks like you always do.

Have they learned nothing?

Attached: 04.jpg (1024x683, 191K)

underage amdtards don't remember $800 220W 9590 which got destryoed by stock SB

>Better yet, Bryant says it's not just a concept, as Intel plans to sell the 28-core CPU by the end of the year. Time to start saving.


Based AMD FX, I may pick one of those up because it's so cheap now to replace my 4.5GHz 8350, if I can have my overclock on a lower vcore than 1.44 that would be cool.

>destryoed by stock SB
Even the 8350 destroys stock sandy, but you're right, the ipc on FX was horrible, still like the 8350 tho.

NOOOOO! This can't be happening!
A-AMD will deliver at their presentation tonight r-right? R-right!?

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>AMD even worrying about anything
Those motherfuckers have the budget market locked down and are really competitive in the high end.

>so much anti semitism itt
Aren't guys ashamed?

Ye, you'll get 32C TR, Ryzen Gaming and some other parts.

I'm 56%, I'm not ashamed of anything, unlike you privileged white males.

Amada has no fears. She knows she will prevail. Give thanks to Amada

Attached: Amada.png (705x703, 207K)

56% are the best goyim

Well when we become the majority I don't know what the heeb is gonna do because non whties hate whites and will be very leery of whites with elongated schnozzles who look like they're up to no good.