So now that Windows has bought Github

What will you do once they buy Redhat and Canonical as well? You know it's the next logical step for them to do.

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Nothing, why should I care. I'm already a part of Microsoft products user master race.

They can buy Redhat and Canonical if they like, the only thing that matters is that the kernel is GPL so they can't fuck it over.

> TFW Stallman was right

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Is this acquisition embrace, or extend?


Extend will be adding some kind of functionality that is incompatible with other services, for example starting to push Team Foundation Server or some newly invented SCM system that is different from git, or maybe even start pushing CI integration and continuous deployment to Azure.

Microshaft have long been looking at Linux, I won't be surprised to know they will eventually make a Linux based "Windows" distro, an Ubuntu with Microsoft trademark dogshit GUI and paid subscription for tech support, red hat style.

GNU/Linux is a force of nature, user. Nothing can stop it.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you proprietary slave? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at Harvard, and I’ve been involved in numerous free software projects, and I have contributed to over 300 core-utils for GNU. I am skilled in Lisp and I’m St. IGNU-cius, saint of the Church of Emacs. You are nothing to me but just another unethical non-free software advocate. I will distribute the fuck out of your source code with freedom the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about me and the GPL on the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my colleagues at FSF and your binaries are being reversed engineered right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your copyright. You're fucking dead, kid. Free software can be anywhere, anytime, and it can ensure your freedom in over four ways, and that’s just with the GPLv2. Not only am I extensively skilled at C hacking, but I have access to the source of the entire GNU userland and core-utils and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable proprietary code off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what ethical retribution your little “clever” program was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have ensured your users' freedom. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit free as in freedom all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

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>Free software can be anywhere, anytime, and it can ensure your freedom in over four ways, and that’s just with the GPLv2.
I always lose to this

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>What will you do once they buy Redhat and Canonical as well?

Install Gentoo faggot.

is it time to switch to gentoo?

Gentoo is non-free pig disgusting. Use Debian GNU/Linux or Trisquel.

Even if I don't think I'll go full FSF yet, all this MS shit going on lately made me want to use the GNU/Linux wording from now on, gotta stick up for the FOSS fags out there before they shit on all of them.

debian is not stallman approved distro
lurk moar newcuck

>debian is not stallman approved distro
It's a free distro, it's only discouraged because it allows you to (easily) install nonfree software, which the FSF obviously can't fully endorse. But by default, and unlike the base installation of Gentoo, it is 100% free.

It was the first mayor distro the FSF endorsed before they tightened the requirements. The very first was a smaller Spanish or Latin American project that's still on their endorsement list IIRC.

Best pasta I've seen in a while.

>Satya Pootella takes the throne
>infect open source by making pretend contributions to projects and open sourcing some meaningless garbage that doesn't contain stolen GPL code
>open source your shitty text editor
>introduce Linux subsystem in Windows 10
>all the "coders" that turn 18 next year start thinking Microsoft is their best friend
>buy the single biggest code platform with little resistance
>embrace-extend-extinguish now in full effect
Truly flawless execution
Canonical will most likely be their next acquisition

I will fall for a no systemd meme.

Don't tell me the famous Jow Forums distro is at last trash

Unironically this

Love it

>an operating system has acquired a company

What's thr name of that project?

I really can't recall off the top of my head, but they point it out on their list.


Lol they wouldn't buy Redhat or Canonical because no one knows about it