Do some of you miss the pre-PowerPoint era?

Do some of you miss the pre-PowerPoint era?

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I didn't major in lesbian dance theory so I didn't get PowerPoint lectures

9 times out of 10 if a professor relies solely on powerpoints to teach they're a piece if shit, so yes

cs profs at my uni would be better qualified teaching lesbian dance theory

There is literally nothing wrong with powerpoints.

Specifically Microsoft PowerPoint or slides in general?

PowerPoints are good for specific applications, but terrible for most lecture environments. Fortunately I didn't have to deal with many of them

>mfw my profs use LaTeX+ Beamer
doesn't affect me

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>failure doesn't know how to use powerpoints
You put key points on the power point presentation that the students can copy down, then you go into detail on those points in your lecture or presentation.

>Some lecturers are terrible at conveying information, and that's PowerPoint's fault!


*some cheap foreign TAs and adjuncts

>LaTeX > Word/PowerPoint
>R > Excel
>MySQL > Access
How can MS cucks even compete?

I wish they would do some things step by step on the blackboard in math heavy lectures. I have the feeling that some profs don't understand what could be hard for a student and then place a proof into the presentation that goes over two slides, explain a few details and then skip to the next point in the presentation.

>tabloid opinion shit
Always rely on autists to pick out the best sources of information.

I studied maths and most of my lectures were on blackboard

this is stupid. before powerpoint you had to use a4 slides in a lamp projector, and those took so much time to make by hand, only a complete idiot or dumb millennial would want to go back to the old stuff. or is there any other way to present piles of strictly theoretical information to a class of 100?

I think lecturers just misunderstand how to use these presentations.
You put a couple of words down on each point and then develop it yourself, the powerpoint isn't for you to fucking read off of, it's for people to know what you're talking about.

Sure, let's see you write a frontend in MySQL.

Access is shit, but there's still no alternative for an integrated desktop database with its own frontend framework.
>inb4 LibreOffice

The problem isn't the presentation, they're just shitty professors.
Going back to projector slides doesn't make any difference.
Source: I has some horrible professors who used projector slides.

Yes, but who needs that? I mainly consider MySQL superior because of the command line interface.

It's a niche use-case, but it exists.

Personally I'd prefer to just use a proper IDE to build a proper frontend for a proper database, but at work I wouldn't even be able to install those tools.
Access, in contrast, is easily available and very easy to set up and manage, due to being file-based, as long as you only insert a few megabytes of data.

It's also obtuse as shit and I wish there was something that didn't look like its dev wanted to actively remove it from service.

The only thing worse than PowerPoint presentations are phonecancer fagposters.
They should both be eradicated in the name of heavenly justice and the sanctity of earth.

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Can we just call them slideshows?

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>retarded millennials cant stay focused
for more than 5 mins because of their fried dopamine receptors due to all the instant gratifications such as videogames, porn and social media

> Lets ban powerpoints

>retarded teachers can't memorize what they are supposed to teach
Off with you dumbfaggot. A retarded teacher breeds retarded students, and by the looks of you - you are one.

Professionals use PDFs. Powerpoints are broken old garbage.

>Do some of you miss the pre-PowerPoint era?

I'm glad we didn't have the shit in my day. Just a professor and a chalkboard or an overhead projector and wax pencils. No laptops in classes either. I find it amazing that my retention of the shit I learned 25+ years ago exceeds the retention of my eldest daughter who took the same or similar classes only 2 years ago. Can't say it's the weed and alcohol these days 'cause I definitely staggered to many a class still drunk from the night before and enjoyed more than my fair share of smoking trees.

Typcial low iq mong, blaming everything except themself.

I have never seen a lecture where the prof used powerpoint. It's almost exclusively blackboard here.

It depends entirely on the professor. Some teach better with them, some without.

It makes it easier to pass the class because usually you can't understand the professors accent

Idk if you're are European, but math profs here in Europe make it sometimes hard on purpose such that a certain percentage drops out

Tell us more about your daughter, user

powerpoint presentations are classes I generally do worse in. I like to take notes, and powerpoints tend to be shit pulled from the book and they just go through it at lightning speed anyways. Worst part is...

>zoom through lectures
>okay class let's do an example!
>didn't pick up on shit
>professor walks by
>user why aren't you trying lol?

fuck that shit

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>digits literally demand it

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The easiest way to tell memorizing bullshit subjects from actual skill requiring subjects has always been presentations.
Math or science subjects usually have way less slides introducing concepts and the actual working is left up for the lecturer and the whiteboard.

I'm in medical school and every single lecture is taught by PowerPoint. What other method could convey the amount of information we need to learn?

My Computer and Network Security course was taught almost entirely via slides. No one could understand the professor's accent and even then it wouldn't have mattered because the tests, which were all on the computer and not checked by hand, had fucking fill in the blanks with exact lines from the slides to the point where if you capitalized something wrong from the slides you got the question wrong. Fuck some of these modern teaching tools and shit. It makes lazy teachers even in subjects where you would think that can't happen.

>he does youse laTeX
I'm sorry you were born without a brainlet

No PowerPoint Allowed. Chinese Lecturers BTFO.

And then students will arrive in a real workplace where powerpoint is basically the only method of conveying information to upper management.

Literally owned by saudi arabia
Also i don't give a shit about PP or not, i never go to the courses

The class itself is irrelevant. The important part is that your professor gives you some kind of text PDF (A4) with the things to study or points you to some book (only ONE book, and one that contains everything the professor explains in class, no less, and ideally no much more).

>What other method could convey the amount of information we need to learn?

A whiteboard and some good analogies would suffice mister medical student sir.

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Read the article. The students care and learn, or even memorize, only the key points and nothing else.

I failed macroeconomics ap exam because of this back in high school, teacher would do it in class and if you were absent he would put it online but shit was useless without his instruction because they were just half examples and half explanations.

Like, the 90s? Most people on Jow Forums aren't old enough to remember that.
It's literally just a presentation program. There are lectures and there are presentations.

Oh yes, reading chalk scribbles from 50 metres, wonderful.

>Yes, but who needs that?
>t. NEET

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lol babies crying out about not knowing how to use their tools. you can have power points all you want, they dont replace you. its a fucking tool. its like saying lets ban pens because we're all failures at writing our novels.

So.. go back to transparent overheads???

Also I didn't read the article

the solution here is to kill upper management, not to keep powerpoint alive in schools

is that a thinkpad

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With that though the profs I had that did that actually worked out problems to us in real time. Although I suppose white boards also complete that task.

The prob is people put up text walls and not simple "one concept per slide"

Join the military, we literally get death by powerpoint every day.

> not using telnet to stream nyan cats for lectures

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Take away their crutch and they will either have to get better or get fired