I've had enough of Windows

I've had enough of Windows. I want a free OS that meets the following requirements (ordered by importance):

1) Doesn't have stupid problems like unpredictable/unexplicable errors/freezes while running/installing programs/games that should theoretically work fine on that system
2) Is good for gaming (by "gaming" I mean mostly emulation and free indie games)
3) Gives me a lot of personalization options
4) Doesn't rape my privacy
5) Is as fast as possible
6) Doesn't require continuous updates (or, at the very least, doesn't do them without my explicit permission)
7) Is as easy to use as possible

What would you say is the best for me?

Attached: Windows vs Linux.png (692x770, 405K)

Other urls found in this thread:


you should try a couple of linux distros, see which one you like the most
like ubuntu and fedora and opensuse
i personally use opensuse leap 15

Bamping for interest as I too need this

enjoy your new way of life


MS-DOS 6.22

>going for the something stable for daily usage that just works without random issues, no or very little terminal usage, preset configs and programs where i don't have to tweak anything
>got fucking arch linux
what a shit site

Manjaro problaby. Rolling release since it's based on arch, but sends updates out on a weekly basis. Best Linux experience I've had.

Unironically works on my machine lol. This isn't the early 2000's dude.

OP here.
I got:
1) Scientific Linux
2) CentOS
3) Ret Hat Enterprise Linux
4) Devuan
5) Bedrock Linux
6) Arch Linux
7) Gentoo Linux
8) Slackware
9) NixOS Linux
10) Linux from Scratch
11) Qubes OS
12) Void Linux

solus budgie
1) doesn't have them
2) lots of emulators in the repository
3) not so customizable, probably only themes and fonts
4) it doesn't
5) very fast and minimal ootb
6) rolling release, but stable
7) it has a nice graphical package manager, no need for using the command line, budgie works pretty similar to windows so it should be easy

i really recommend it for new linux users

mac os
1) just works and hackintoshes are quite stable
2) more games on steam than Linux
3) you can change anything that actually matters
4) it's ok, supposedly applel doesn't collect data but it's closed source
5) pretty quick on my machine
6) nope
7) mac os is the most user friendly OS by far - steve jebs


1) due to low complexity, that never happens. it's easy to understand it's code
2) we have doom and snes/nes/gb emulators
3) feel free to change any line in your programs
4) see 1
5) see 1
6) lmao
7) it's not that hard, not as many esoteric things like in linux or bsd

Mac unironically answers all of your demands. Recognise that good software costs money. Thanks

>This isn't the early 2000's dude
If you have to do anything via CLI on a desktop then yes it is.

here's the screenshot. i hope you'll consider installing it!

Attached: Solus_3_Budgie_Desktop_Screenshot.png (1920x1080, 523K)

Looks too much like windows (And that's a bad thing)

the menu is different and you can make a dock out of the taskbar if you want non-windows experience
op wanted something easy to use, so I think it's easy
if you are op and not satisfied with budgie - get solus gnome, as non-windows as it gets

I'm not op, I'm just a pedantic, autistic retard. I agree that Solus is probably a good option for him.


nigger, can't you read sticky? wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Babbies_First_Linux

>2) Is good for gaming (by "gaming" I mean mostly emulation and free indie games)
>3) Gives me a lot of personalization options
>4) Doesn't rape my privacy

More gaming support than Loonix. Even major publishers release NATIVE for Mac now. Apple is literally the only privacy respecting company in the market and they really act on what they say.

Given the list of requirements, OP would be a billion times more satisfied with OSX than Linux. All the crybabies here just want to justify all the pointless hours they wasted tweaking their OS instead of doing something productive.

Even if Apple had more (((gaming support))) for Macs their hardware is so shit to the point it's not worth bothering with it. If you really insist OP uses a Mac then he should make a Hackintosh.
If you think that you have to waste hours upon hours to get Linux distro up and running you either haven't tried Linux, tried it long time ago or should get off this board. Any Ubuntu derivative is easier to set up than Windows nowadays because you don't have to go through endless queries for accepting their privacy policy. Apple has no such queries because there's no privacy option.
>I want a free OS

Attached: banterstarts-5a4b049fbc228.jpg (409x509, 36K)

If you care about privacy then you shouldn't be using Ubuntu. I've tried tons of distros (Mostly used Arch for a few years) and actually I prefer BSD. OSX is a great implementation of BSD so.... stay mad poorfags.

Damn you must be right because if it was a modern OS I would wait 1 minute to do fucking anything like everything else.

If you're a retard just use ubuntu and shut the fuck up.

Attached: 1460862597883.png (792x792, 790K)

GUIs are fucking disgusting. I wouldn't even install Xorg if I could get my resolution to be recognised without it.

The Ubuntu flavours are fine, though better alternatives exist. I doubt macs have better support for emulation than Linux. Even if Apple doesn't sell your info to other companies (doubtful), they give it to the government. Macs aren't free, either. Also, the general notion that Linux needs tweaking and the fear of CLI is insane.

Nigga, I'm not saying you should use Ubuntu. It has derivatives that have proprietary Amazon shit taken out.
BSD is great, OpenBSD especially, but I don't think OP cares if his system is *nix-like. Also, nothing wrong with Apple but it simply isn't as great as you make it out to be and, based on OP's criteria, isn't his optimal choice.

Macs, I mean.

Attached: 1527935828726.gif (640x360, 886K)

Install gentoo

Are you trolling? Or are you unironically shamelessly shilling for Apple

Attached: 78AD8FB8-ADEE-4E6A-B49E-0EC825048FB9.jpg (571x618, 68K)

enjoy faggot.

Attached: Ospicker.png (1559x1107, 220K)

I primarily use my mac through the CLI. I don't use Finder at all.

Probably Fedora, it works, but isn't great for games, you will be okay playing Emulators and Indies.
Also Arch (Antergos or Manjaro if you're lazy) they're much better in terms of resources usage, you'll get a better performance than Fedora, but it often breaks, you also have Archwiki the most useful wiki for Loonix.

Maybe Debian, stable as fuck but a bit outdate, still a great distro. SteamOS is based on Debian.

Attached: C68oOl6WgAQsP9W.jpg (498x700, 80K)

this but unironically

BSD has a much cleaner approach than Lunix. +1 for OpenBSD

>Looks too much like windows (And that's a bad thing)
You can customize everything so it doesn't have to remind you of Windows.

>Devuan and other memes that are avoiding systemd
>still lists Red Hat and Arch so systemd isn't even an issue
just install Ubuntu or Debian and change it if you don't like it. Largest distros equal largest support.

10/10 taste

Attached: OK!.gif (366x325, 3.42M)

>Gotta compile
>One minute
Yeah sure, shut the fuck up yourself buddy

What are you compiling from the CLI friend?

What’s the best way to run iOS for practicing my comptia mac skills? Virtual machine or just buy an old mac?
Plz no bully. Am new