Attached: Screenshot_20180605-171134.png (1440x2560, 676K)

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apple leads
peasents follow

It just keeps getting worse

Attached: gsmarena_001.jpg (728x642, 104K)

Haha holy shit smartphones man

W E \_/ L C


1) apple should have made a design patent, and sue everyone

2) just like video game makers, smartphone makers have now transcended their customers and live on another plane of existence entirely.

I don't understand why the fuck they don't simply put the camera BEHIND the fucking screen?

Attached: ucarecdn.png (540x458, 394K)

do you know how light works, you fucking retard?
even if you turned those pixels off and rotated them in such a way that they'd turn as transparent as possible, you'd still get a blurry image

the tech does not exist. the notch idea is fucking retarded and i'd rather have a fucking top bezel than this fucking stupid shit

Ars is disappointed.

Attached: nice hairstyle.png (1904x1080, 1.54M)

Flip out would be easier. Just flip the back camera up

>do you know how light works, you fucking retard?

probably better than you, from your retarded post.

why the hell would it be blurry?

listen to some JFK my man

This is exactly what I've been thinking for a while now. Not only does it solve the notch problem, it also means you get to use the much higher quality rear camera for selfies instead of some shit tiny front one. The only issue is that it'd make face/iris scanning impractical.

I was really surprised they didn't patent it, at least it's a really easy way to know which phones belong in the trash.

>complaining about more screen real estate

That's probably for "next generation"
Because they made a bold claim and then just copied apple

Or they could, you know, remove the stupid selfie camera entirely.

shut up aspie, adults are talking.

face/iris scanning is a gimmick, just do a fingerprint sensor on the back

You dumbfucks really thought they werent spewing bs?

Attached: Wheeze.jpg (377x264, 22K)

Yeah, good luck selling that.

Because there is a diffusion layer behind the screen so that the backlight is even.

>not hearing of the sick Vivo camera that comes out from the phone like a fucking Mars Rover Peripheral
>Being so autistic that you think the selfie camera should be removed
>Not realizing face calls have personal and even professional applications
>Calling retard an aspie because they said something retarded you don't agree with
I-is this the fucking summerfag wave? what the fuck.

or use a fucking pin, finger on back is whack anyway. In display print is 1000 times better if you need that gay ass finger print reader.

No, it's really fucking useful, it's not a gimmick at all you fucking retard. Obviously since it can handle use cases that a finger print reader can't.

Ideally a smartphone would have both since they cover somewhat different use cases, but I prefer facial recognition if I had to choose after using it for 8 months. Although what I really want them to do is add coercion support, that was a nice feature of fingerprint stuff but face could do it even better.

>why don't you just drop down to worse security?
look at this guvcuck and laugh

i'm an auto mechanic and i loved the fingerprint scanner until the first day i brought my new phone to work

>In display print is 1000 times better
The fingerprint scanner power button is objectively the best but Sony dropped it because they don't want to pay HP

Yeah any phone without a notch is obsolete at this point. Why anyone would pay for the form-over-function shit of a notchless screen is a mystery in 2018.

Why does Jow Forums get so autistic over notches?

I really don't understand it.


>why do all these autists act autistic

Attached: 1474155151716.jpg (500x500, 116K)

>All that bottom wasted space
Its shit.

for what, crapple secretly suing them to force them to give on the all screen phone because itd made ishit look so bad? corruption deserves no apology

Because Jow Forums might not be dressing sharply or have a home professionally decorated, but Jow Forums loves its technology. When someone ruins technology by making it ugly and worse, people start to riot. Especially if the trend is forced so your other options become limited against your will. Nobody with two functioning eyes would consider notch more aesthetically pleasing than no notch. It looks like a horrible hack which is being justified with lame excuses.

I want the Lenovo shills to apologize for this garbage.

I thought so too, until I got a phone with it and then got used to using it. It's really convenient, and unlike back-mounted fingerprint sensors it's not affected by case designs or anything. It requires basically zero time or effort once holding the phone at the right angle becomes habit, too, you just swipe the screen and it unlocks in a split second.

>objectively superior solution
>Jow Forums spergs out over MUH AESTHETICS

Shamefur dispray

Still nothing beats the Mi Mix.

>if I say objectively superior without backing up it in any way, maybe I'll get away with it
The two little sides left next to notch are so fucking useful, you can see the battery icon a couple of pixels higher! It doesn't matter that it fucks up fullscreen videos, when I'm not in a fullscreen app I NEED the extra space! I want a longer homescreen!

Attached: 1505455742551.jpg (491x650, 50K)

>i'd rather have a fucking top bezel
You do, it just gets slightly wider at a certain point.

It's kinda OK on a 18:9 display because you can still fullscreen 16:9 videos without it interfering, at least in theory. (I don't have a notch phone so I dunno how it works in practice.) It's full fucking retard on a 16:9 phone, though.

unironically this

It's all over now.

Why would you even want to see something on the side when fullscreening a video? I don't.


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How do the panels in these actually work, anyway? Are they actually rounded at the corners and cut out for the notch, or are they just rectangles with masks and the notch sitting on top of them? Would it be possible to just cut a small circle out of the OLED for the camera instead of a big notch at the top?

Come to think of it, what do phones like the the Essential, where the notch is just big enough for the camera and nothing else, do about the speaker?


>It doesn't matter that it fucks up fullscreen videos
It doesn't though. Even fucking Apple's shitty built in video player just puts black bars around like normal and since it's an OLED they're pitch black. It's extra screen space when it's useful and nothing when it's not. It's literally just more pixels that can go perfectly black rather then empty black plastic that is worthless 100% of the time.

Why are you even on Jow Forums? Don't you have some new lipstick to try or fashion magazines to read or something?

Why can't they shove the earpiece into a cramped bezel and get the full fucking screen? Something like this?

Is this type of design patented so Apple can't do it?

Attached: full-screen-5-8-inch-goophone-s8-android.jpg (800x800, 25K)

>apple should have made a design patent, and sue everyone
This is probably the one time I would've been okay with that.

You can't patent a "type of design" only non-utility specifics. Like, Apple has a design patent on those exact specific weird curves they use on the iPX notch, since those are just a design choice and normal curves work just fine, but they can't patent something so broad.

If LG doesn't do it it's just because they either don't have the engineering chops, don't think it's a good idea, can't think for themselves, or just plain economics (they could do it and do like it, but remember this is a mid-range phone not high-end and the margins are a lot smaller).

We all know how OLED works, brainlet. There's no advantage of those extra pixels like was already explained. Can (You) name something that actually benefits from it? No? Then why are you here? Shouldn't you be eating paste somewhere?

How exactly is it less aesthetic? Wouldn't it just blend into the already black status bar? Seems like its perfect really.

What's wrong with pin codes or patterns

I honestly had the same thought. You have any source?

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>status bar pushed to the notch area means more screen real estate
>notch allows for smaller bezels

inb4 your retard brain starts trying to rationalize how these aren't advantages


You explained nothing you just bullshitted. The extra pixels serve as an advantage for most of the usage of the phone, ie., not watching video. When they're not needed they serve no disadvantage at all because video players just black them out. All gain, zero downside except MUH AESTHETICS. Cry harder faggot.


Problem solved

>The extra pixels serve as an advantage for most of the usage of the phone, ie., not watching video.
Does it really need to be spelled out for you? When you fullscreen something you take the whole screen area. You don't leave the top bar visible. That way no advantage is gained with fullscreening with a notch. It might even be possible to see battery icons while fullscreening if you have a notch, but that's definitely not a plus in my books. I don't want to see them, especially with videos.



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>cant even copy apple right

Attached: 1.png (31x32, 2K)

Why do these phones have a notch AND a bottom bezel. iPhone x notch is okay because there's no bottom bezel, so the screen reaches all the way around. The notch and bezel makes it asymmetrical

In a lot of ways, Lenovo is just a knockoff Asian brand, so this little PR disaster wasn't actually a bad thing because people are talking about them and they have no reputation to lose.

But this is just sad. It has the ugly notch AND the bottom bezel. What's the point of this phone?

check out this concept I just put together

Attached: xiaomi-mi-mix-2-17.jpg (1200x900, 197K)

>that reverse notch

Attached: 1499090012422.jpg (1300x1020, 129K)


>Have an awesome motorolla phone
>Designed by google team in Chicago
>Top and bottom bezels with awesome front facing speakers
>Gorgeous symetrical and with a huge high res screen
>SD card and headphone jack

>Sold off and taken over by Lenovo
>Next gen are all disappointing iphone clones
>Software quality goes down
>Updates take a year to arrive
>They stop after one

Just don't buy the retarded design... Keep your old phone for an extra year or two until this shitty fad passes. Although, I am having a blast, laughing my ass off at all these designs and that somebody actually thought they were a good idea...

You move the status bar into the bezel so that you get an extra line or two of text in portrait mode retard. Everyone saying that the notch cuts into the display and interferes with content is literally braindead.

32c pls

At this point it's easier to just tell you to read the thread again.

Yeah I'm perfectly satisfied with my Moto x 2015 desu

Different user here. I own a phone with a notch and actually it works out exactly as he's described. During use, I don't even notice the notch is there because it occupies the status bar, which on any other phone would roll away in fullscreen apps. The advantage is that the status bar can be displayed all time whereas in a conventional design, that space would just be a bezel. The argument is literally whether or not that space should have display area or it should be dead space. If you can make it display area, you might as well do so. I don't really understand why so many people go into histrionics about a notch. I'm guessing all these people have never actually held a phone with a notch in their hand and are just angry that there's a new feature rolling out that makes it very obvious how long it's been since they've bought a phone and what kind of phone they have since the shitty Redmi stuff is never going to have a notch. That's my best guess since nothing else really makes sense to me.

I will say that I think the wide notch design being used by Apple and others is not a very good one because it doesn't leave much space for notifications, etc. I think Essential's notch is better since the height of the camera is about the same as the status bar and it leaves significantly more space on either side and makes the display area more functional.

The space the status bar would normally go in now shows content. Is this so hard to understand?

>Moto x 2015
Mine's battery life has gone to shit and its started to randomly shut off since the Lenovo update.
Every new phone has more limited storage, a lower resolution screen, no sd card or headphone jack, and costs twice as much.
WTF happened to technology constantly getting better and cheaper?

I love my first Gen mix. It is gigantic, but I can snicker at dipshits paying to get NOTCHED, and it's battery life is amazing. A shame they fucked up the mix 2 and onward, cut the battery by a third for no reason, fell for the long phone aspect ratio meme, and cut the audio jack.

Enjoy everything in your phone being tied 100% to your identity forever and permanently stored in every database worldwide. Bye bye plausible deniability. Hope you've never been to Jow Forums on your phone in your life.

I can't believe retards are still falling for the facial recognition meme in 2018....

>Doesn't think this is already happening

You can vibrate the screen itself to reproduce the sounds. I think the Sharp Aquios Crystal or something like that name was the first to do that

I like to have my clock in the center. Notches kill this for me.

Attached: Screenshot_20180605-230526.png (1440x2560, 740K)

Or better yet, why don’t they get rid of the selfie camera altogether. All phones have rear cameras why do I need a shitty rear camera with low MP. But of course these tech corps pander to faggots and instagram whores

Just wait until a company splits the notch into two small essential-style notches. Then you can nuzzle your clock in-between.

the majority of smartphone users use their phone for social reasons, hence why they put the front facing camera on the phone you anti social retard
no company is gonna destroy the public view of their phone to pander to a small enthusiast minority

>Just wait until a company splits the notch into two small essential-style notches.

Attached: 1523558511534.png (992x1275, 1.43M)

NSA is the reason every phone has a front facing camera now.
Give me a battery that lasts more than a day, no front facing camera and I'll buy

Can this stupid ass notch phad get over please

The best phone design ever.
No notch
Hardware keys
Fingerprint scanner on the front
Decent sized battery
Headphone jack
IP68 waterproofing
SD card slot
Wireless charging
Unlocked bootloader
Plenty of AOSP ROMs
No gimmicky bullshit
High quality screen
High quality camera

Why the fuck would you want anything else?

Attached: iphone_7_vs_samsung_galaxy_s7_main.jpg (2133x1200, 636K)

>No notch because they're using that giant top bezel as a billboard for the company you already gave your money

......... isn't that still a top bezel. thats not a game changer, that's full circle

Buy a new screen without a logo, install it yourself if you're not a fag

>unlocking bootloader void warranty
lol gay

My S7 was slow and laggy as fuck all the time and then the battery swelled up and split it open. Probably just a fluke but fuck that thing.

Chinese phone companies do this all the time, they shoop their teaser images to have much much smaller bezels than they really do. I'm surprised more people don't know this yet.

>face calls
Are you fucking serious? Are you from management or something? Do you seriously see it as anything more than a gimmick?

This is the design of the note 8, arguably the best design you can find in a modern smartphone.