Can someone who's "good" at c#/.net, or at least do it for a living, explain to me how this works?

Can someone who's "good" at c#/.net, or at least do it for a living, explain to me how this works?

I decided to pick it up since it's apparently an employable language in hopes of adding it to my resume when I finish school. I'm three chapters in on a c#/.net book, and what I'm understanding is that basically you're suppose to surf through the directives, insert members of those directives and "build" the app this way? Is that basically how apps are build in general? Not sure if that's worded correctly or not. I'll admit my knowledge of programming in general is limited as I'm a 2nd year student, having only programed in CPP. It's just that the approach seems vastly different here. My main question is how are you suppose to actually get good at it? The book emphasizes the need to go through the documentation of .NET, so do you just go through it and use whatever is there to build the apps? Is it also about mastering the various tools that the VS IDE gives you? Really any kind of insight would be helpful here

Attached: dotnet_basic.png (1170x822, 19K)

I licked a negro once

>you're suppose to surf through the directives, insert members of those directives and "build" the app this way?
I thought you were 2nd year student? Do you have any idea what you're on about at all?

I worked like 3 months with a .net project and I never knew what I was doing. I liked linq tho

I honesty don't know how else to explain it
I understand what's going on for the most part, but if I had no experience at all I'd be lost.

You write functions("methods") and classes like every other fucking language.

Attached: what-going-on-in-here.jpg (496x600, 34K)

Is the reason I'm not fully getting this is because I haven't fully worked with classes before? At least now I know methods and functions are the same thing that was confusing me lol

Well technically methods are functions that are within a class usually. Classes are really just like structs in C along with methods that operate on that data. Its a little more complicated with stuff like polymorism encapsulation but thats the gist of it.

how have you never worked with classes before?

A class is how you make your own versions of the things you've already used like the String class. You can make your own class, BasedString and it's as easy as:

public class BasedString {
String OP = "OP is a onions boy, boy toy."
public BasedString() {

I only went up to structures at my school, though I was going to study classes in CPP on my own at some point over the summer.

I've had real world experience with 5+ different languages in the past 8 years, and I've never had to stackoverflow as much with other languages and frameworks than I had to for the .NET ecosystem. That was when I finally understood the whole "lol le stackoverflow programmers" meme come from.

structs and classes are the same, if you don't know about inheritance, start learning asap. They're pretty useless without it.

Yeah its really not all that complicated. Just think of taking all your code and data and throwing it inside of structures that interact with eachother.

Inheritance is useless most of the time. Industry trends are finally swinging back. Composition is preferred of inheritance now.

Composition has been preferred since the boomer GOF back when the shit was practically invented

Are you saying it's a shit language and/or I should learn it?
I know what it is only because the book "shows" you how it works in the second chapter, but obviously I don't know it in depth. I'm still going over structures in my self study right now in CPP, but I'm hoping to move on to classes within the next two weeks at least
I understand this, but is it important to be able to use the VS gives you to make it easier, or does that just come in time/experience?

>the VS gives you to make it easier
Not sure what you mean but yeah its going to take a while for you to get used to combining classes and using them in ways that make sense even though the concept of classes isnt all that complicated

Overloading classes is great. You must be dumb.

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Understanding inheritance is a good first step to understanding composition and why it's better. At least that's how i came to understand it.

I guess you're probably just baiting but inheritance is mostly always the wrong thing to do. You're are probably thinking of mixin composition/inheritance

I've done a few small projects in C#, but I mainly do MFC/C++, which provided a lot of the queues and foundations for it.

The core language and stuff is basically MS Java. Surf the documentation, find whatever OS functionality you need, create and call an object.

If you want to do GUI stuff, it's really about learning to work the IDE to auto-generate code and how to tie those classes back together. Pick a UI platform of your choice (WPF if you want to be newer, WinForms if you want to bang around). Work your way through a tutorial or whatnot. Learning event based programming after college can feel kind of backwards, but once you get the hang of it, it will feel natural.

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C# (and by extension .NET) is really easy to learn and get up to speed with quickly thanks to how comprehensive the standard library is. If you're having problems understanding how to work with C# you're doing something very wrong because it's probably one of the least confusing and complicated object oriented languages from a design standpoint.

It took me years to teach my wifes boyfriend. Those fucking shitskins man

Check out Programming in the Key of C#. I’m a total programming newfriend and it’s been pretty easy to pick up.

Boy you're really dumb.

CS is such a fucking meme degree jesus

Okay so basically you use methods, or create your own methods, and organize them into classes, is that basically how it works? I think what thrown me off is that the book goes straight into using classes
It's not that I don't understand how it works, I get how functions in CPP work perfectly, it's that the term "method" confused me. Plus I'm use to building my own functions, not using any from various libraries

Not to be a dick but you going to have to work on it and read books tutorials. We've layed it out extremely simple in this thread. You cant just expect to learn shit without any effort.

I am putting in effort though

I'm probably getting memed here but a method is just a function thats inside of a class. Functions defined inside of a class have access to all data inside the class.

>book goes straight into using classes
That is because C# mandates OO from the outset (much like it's Java counterpart). You create classes, add methods, then create and call classes from your other classes.
>method is just a function thats inside of a class.
Okay, so it sounds like you haven't done a whole lot of C++ either. You may want to finish your Intro to Programming book and come back to this.

>Okay, so it sounds like you haven't done a whole lot of C++ either.
Lol no I'm trying to help you. You keep saying you dont know what method is and I explained it to you. What do you not understand?

Yeah I think you might be right. Do I come back to this right after I'm comfortable with classes and inheritance?
I'm fairly sure that was meant for me

It's the overwhelming layers of abstraction they do to attempt to make it easier for developers. They try to hide complexity from you but ironically it makes it harder to debug and fix stuff when something goes wrong. This is almost exclusive to .NET in my personal experience. No other ecosystem I've worked with try to dumb things down so much.

No one cares about core language functionality, they care about language/platform specific frameworks

Winforms are basically deprecated now under windows 10 and UWP. Also, WPF has a lot of abilities when you dig into it.

This is how development works. Your job is to build new things, not reinvent the wheel. Once you learn how to type in the language you can start to build shit by using .NET and other libraries available in the language. This requires research, and an understanding for what you want to do. You get good at it by doing lots of different challenges (ie just fucking program) Think you can do X? Be like Nike and do it. Think you could do Y better? Be a slut and just do it.

The best thing VS does for you is abstract the build system. Intellisense is nice, when VS isn't dying on you every hour. Otherwise, just get some good syntax highlighting and get crackin. Language is only a single tool in your took belt.