So it's settled, this is the best budget laptop right now

So it's settled, this is the best budget laptop right now.

Acer swift 3
>Ryzen 5 2500U
>RAM: 8 GB
>256 GB SSD
>Radeon RX Vega 8
>1080p 15 inch

All for $670/£599.

Attached: 6fecb9e9-5be8-4a1e-9a0d-346764fe592a.jpg (1500x896, 227K)

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Yeah, the build quality is going to be so shit it will fall apart in a year

Shut your fat mouth, you fucking nerd. Don't ever again fucking make a passive aggressive comment in my thread, you little bitch.

Surprisingly really good build quality.


A used dell xps blows this piece of crap out of the water. *yawn*

and would still cost 50% more, you absolute imbecile

A use Acer switf 3 is half the price
What a retarded thing to post

or you could get an x230 with all that for half the price and you would own an actual piece of hardware

i had an acer an it was a timeline, a high-quality one
there's a reason they're cheap
just stay the fuck away from acer, they have poor build quality. even the high-end ones



That's my budget for rent. Nah. I'll stick with my $150 Lenovo s21e until the definition of budget changes.

The last acer laptop that I used literally fell apart at the seams. It wasn't particularly slow but the whole thing fell apart while I was using it.

Point of fact:
I have an acer aspire one netbook from 2009. It is horrible. Slower than a thinkpad x40 despite the fact that the thinkpad x40 is considerably older.

I guess it looks nice but the battery life leaves something to be desired.

>15 inch
lol kill yourself
might as well carry a 23" monitor and a case around

I've opted for the little brother, the Acer Swift 1

>Pentium N4200
>128 GB SSD
>integrated gpu
>13,3" 1920x1080

It cost me 400€ new, but the government paid it for me so I didn't spend any money.
I must say that this little guy is an excellent portable machine for basic tasks on light Linux distro.

Attached: IMG_20180605_1700294.jpg (4056x2704, 3.14M)

Where's the anger coming from?

bitchboy doesn't like it when people poop on his blog. he should just stick to using shitbook and plebbit

I was wondering if you were even still keeping up with the blog. Glad you found a laptop to suit your needs! :)

But why does it bother you so much? I dont get it

How is the keyboard? Can you upgrade the RAM?

Well, how is the battery life?

Spotted the pajeet.

No, you can't upgrade the RAM. As for the keyboard, the keys have short travel, so it might need some time to get used to, especially if like me you're used to typing on a mechanical keyboard. Once you get used to the keyboard, it's quite comfortable.

Decent, I guess? On my sistem, which is Lubuntu + i3, the battery can last around 8 hours of non-stop usage on 30% brightness. If you suspend the computer quite often, like I do, and use it only when you need it, the battery can last for days easily.

sexual frustration.

Iam sure it cant run linux.

Yes it can, some dude is running it here on the 1 model.

>shit build quality
>can't run linux
Are you guys stuck in 2010 or am I in the wrong timeline? The build quality of the last Acer laptops is actually surprising, considering their low price, and these laptops support Linux very well.

>15 inch
anything over 14 in gaymen tier garbage

They do 14 inch and lower versions.

>One thousand five hundred and twenty packages
It's like you hate efficiency... Why?


Stupid nigger kys

Attached: 1526104170391.png (800x982, 114K)

I should have gone with a minimal installation in fact. Well, I'll delete packages in the future.

I don't understand this obsession with package count, it's not like they consume anything other than disk space.

Well for starters as you said it consumes disk space
And the guy is running i3 on a cheap 4gb laptop so I guess if you're gonna be good and try to optimize you're machine he might as well not half ass it and go with the minimal install (which is indeed the right choice OP don't listen to those soon to arrive Jow Forumstards telling you that if it's not arch it's not minimal or to install gentoo)

>caring about laptop thickness.
>an IGPU on a 1080p display.
>No option to upgrade storage past 256gb with ultrabay ect on a non-ultra portable form factor device.

256GB storage?
1080P ?

Yeah not really budget. Mom and dad only give me $20 a month. They are tired of me asking for tendies. Sucks being 23 and mentally disabled.

Attached: i6798otabrx01.jpg (1134x597, 85K)

Honestly, there's nothing wrong with being poor? Why not just say "I'm fucking broke, I can't afford to spend that much on a laptop." What's wrong is when you try to justify your poorfaggotry, by pretending as if your laptop is the closet thing to the reincarnation of god, when it's pretty shit. You'd be lying if you said otherwise, maybe it's just good enough for you, a poorfag and that's OK but there's no need to lash out like this anytime something that's not an X220 or T420, get's attention.

Honestly nice bait but I find it a bit hard to swallow when posting from my XPS 13

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-05-25 19-32-22.jpg (3200x1800, 591K)

OK then this comment obviously doesn't apply to you.

Jow Forums confirmed for pajeet central

then why the fuck did you quote my post

I wanted to get this laptop, but it was 2 major drawbacks.
>Built in battery
>Absolute shit keyboard
>DC power on the side, not on the back

power on the side is much better though

No, it sticks out like a sore thumb, also if you are using a mouse on the side the charger is , you are fucked.

Got the misses a budget Acer $250 on some promotion 4 years ago. Cats use it as a launching pad or bed. Uses it for work/run media off it etc. In perfect condition. Screen started fucking up recently after her retarded mom dropped it on tiled floor from like 4 feet

Either this or the HP Envy X360 with the 25W TDP Ryzen 5 2500U

But the best one won't appear for probably a month or two: the Thinkpad E585

Attached: lenovo-laptop-thinkpad-e585-hero.png (725x515, 74K)

Thanks user. Can't find a release date...

It's on their website, and the last rumor I heard was July/August release

I only ever bought Acer and I have a working machine from 2006 that I gave my grandma. A machine from from 2011 that I sold and have a machine from 2015 right now. If this is considered bad I'm absolutely fine with this bad.

Evrything below 15'6 is cripple/child tier. A laptop screen should be big, end of story.

>budget laptop
>cramming dedicated graphics in an ultrathin

I have a 2010 acer and it works flawlessly, no service needed ever.

>using a mouse
>using laptop plugged in
i think youre looking for a desktop

i bet you carry your laptop in a laptop bag too

The HP Envy x360 is even cheaper and is a convertible. They opted for bigger spinning rust but that's an easy fix.

The only problem I see is they only support 8GB RAM, the other I've heard is that screen quality is a crapshoot, some are good panels while others are horrid

Unironically better build quality than your beloved Chinkpads. Seriously, checkout their Travelmate series.

>cramming dedicated graphics in an ultrathin
Ask how I know you're retarded.

Attached: 1478713203771.jpg (588x437, 87K)

Whats up Vishram?

It's been upgraded to faster 8x2 kits. Screen a shit, but it might support FreeSync, I know I can't enable it yet but I can CRU my screen from 40 to 60 Hz.

>not thinkpad
>best laptop

Attached: 1528138018538.png (657x539, 110K)

Wow that takes me back. I had Acer Travelmate once and the thing had to be sent to service because the GPU overheated and screen went full white when that happened. Also the screen bezel started to fall apart and point out when trying to close the lid. It was bought new I might add. After changing to Thinkpads I stopped having issues.

Doesn't it have an M.2 slot? I thought the X360 was the only one to currently sport it

How important is battery life really?
Like say I have a pretty bitchin laptop from about 1.5 years ago, would it be good enough for going to college part time?

I don't know about it being the only one, but it does have an M.2 slot. No screw included though so I cannibalized one from the SD reader. 512GB 850 Evo and a 2TB Micron 1100. With the 20% eBay coupon going on now, I'm looking at buying faster ram.

When you get everything together run some benchmarks, I'm very curious

Or you could buy a slightly used xps 13 or 15

battery life is the single most important thing if youre using your laptop as intended
battery technology hasnt progressed from 1.5 years ago but components have gotten slightly more efficent
if it will be good or not depends on its specs

All I want is a cheap 14in laptop with a Ryzen 3 in it ;_;

8 cell 92 Wh battery
Alienware 17 R3
i7 6700 HQ
32 GiB RAM forgot the speed
GTX 970m with 4k screen
Samsung 950 Pro SSD
Some sata m.2 ssd
Running Arch

Would the battery probably be good enough or would I need to be a wall hugger? Don't want to draw attention to myself IRL

Like basically performance wise I know it would be ok for the cyber defense degree just worried if
a) I even need a laptop in 2018
b) I could use it normally without bringing a big ass bag of power supplies and shit

Maybe I'll just use pen and paper for notes

17" screen with 4k pixels is too big for that, it will consume a lot of battery.
You will have to disable your GPU and also disable hyperthreading and turbo boost to get good battery.

take a break from the hrt you noodle-armed faggots.

I'll take the bait.

You can get a Dell 5567 with a 1050 and 7700hq for $600. Black Friday had a $500 7700hq/1050ti hp omen. I love amd as much as the next guy but why pay more for worse gpu performance?

He bought this and people keep asking him why he didn'T get an MBP.
Kan't deal with this.

I can attest that the build quality is quite shite but I don't think it will be falling apart on me anytime soon. It has an aluminum body after all instead of some plastic or synthetic.

Because your battery life would be better? Explain how having a dGPU is better for power than a good iGPU

Keyboard is pretty garbo, but not enough to warrant spending hundreds more on something else

Huh? The Envy X360 is the same price if not cheaper

All laptops "support Linux"

Nvidia optim- oh wait amdpoorfaggotry strikes again.

The Acer Swift 3 also had an nvidia MX 1500 model you may be interested in.

I'm actually using the nvidia MX model so mine has a tablet GPU in it as opposed to iGPU.

The Vega graphics are built into the Ryzen CPU, they are integrated graphics like Intel's.

I had a ryzen swift 3 and returned it cus sleep is borked

A tablet GPU is an iGPU you fucking moron, it's integrated into the SoC, and that's even worse than the old AMD A series

Someone explain this image what the fuck

It's ugly as fuck tho with that black outline on white frame.

>A tablet GPU is an iGPU you fucking moron
No it's not.

please tell me you aren't this fucking stupid

why do people still think brushed metal finish is still a good idea

Bottomfeeder shill detected.
IGPUs are part of the CPU whereas tablet GPUs are dedicated cards designed with low-power consumption in mind.

>and that's even worse than the old AMD A series

I don't keep up with AMD shit, but I hope you're not implying that the nvidia MX 150 is also worse than the Vega 3 iGPU.

Benchmarks of both:

Where are you getting information that says otherwise? You're suggesting that nVidia and AMD partner with Intel/AMD in order to develop a chip with 2 integrated GPUs which is fucking stupid and I don't think you even understand that's what you're implying.

>retards calling other people morons
So I guess my laptop has an Intel processor, that processors iGPU, and another iGPU on top of that? You do realize that what makes something an *integrated* GPU is that it is *integrated* into the CPU, right?

Is this the state of AMD delusion?

Why not buy a second hand Lenovo product? You can get much better specs for far cheaper.

>cummy keyboards

Into the trash it goes

768p 4:3 mustardface amirite my fellow autist?

3000x2000. 3:2 masterrace. Swallow my flaccid cock and enjoy it, faggot