Guys, why the fuck is instagram so popular...

Guys, why the fuck is instagram so popular? I've been leading an university rocket project and it's just the most useless shitstain you can have as social media. My observations:

- You can't reply to questions properly
- No fucking video or volume controls
- awful quality of image and video
- inability to adequately create collections of media
- useless hashtags in 2018

why do people keep using it?

Attached: 1024px-Instagram_logo_2016.svg.png (1024x1024, 204K)

IG is the shit. Lots of fun, chicks everywhere. What's wrong with you?

Where do you think you are?


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>chicks everywhere
Why the fuck would i want dumb 3dpd roasties near me.
I'd rather install Gentoo with the /flgt/ autismos and i don't even use Linux.

it's literally only the userbase that makes the difference.
Once there are enough people using it, especially the cool kids, it doesn't matter how flawed your shitty service is. People will put up with it anyway.
Same with Discord, Snapchat, and others.

Oh you think we're all hiveminded huh. No, lol. I use FreeBSD as my daily driver and dig ig for the chicks and fun shi t going on.

I'm sorry that upsets you.

That's it. Critical mass achieves chain reaction.

Normalfags like the brainless simplicity of it. Its lack of features is actually a feature. Many popular websites/apps are like this

>I use FreeBSD and IG to orbit chicks
>wow i am so quirky
Nice blog.

>i think less of people because of the apps they use

I'm sure you're a well rounded person.

Where do you think you are?

loook at meeee. I just ate at this fancy vegan non gluten organic restaurantttt. loooook at meeeeee. give me attentionnnn

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>no one has an opinion of their own

Don't you belong in /fa/?

Don't you belong on /lgbt/ for admitting you use SafeSpaceBSD and use Instagram?

No, I belong in Jow Forums because I enjoy technology, lol. That's not the same as someone who follows what everyone else is doing like you are when you think my opinions should be in line with those around me. And not different.

fuck off back to /fa/ you insufferable poser.


>lots of chicks
if i wanted to fuck a meat without brains i'd just go to a butcher.


>there is absolutely no features
>that is actually the feature
fuck shit user, that is clever and i think i got a business idea. who will help me?

There are some cute little girls there haha

What's on your mind?

Nice projecting.

all just screaming for attention and nothing else

a tech startup where we design things that just werk, kinda like an iPhone but with all the features stripped away, we put a walled garden inside the walled garden. target audience is kids and highskoolers.

i.e. Instagram

> I belong in Jow Forums because I enjoy technology

top kek

>Guys, why the fuck is instagram so popular?
Dumb fucks
-Mark Zuckerberg

Sure is

>stop liking what I don't like

in here.

>chicks everywhere.
Tinder is better

>What's wrong with you?
I use Tinder

how many STD's did you catch so far?

it's where hoes are for those willing to pay

Attached: normieville.jpg (960x720, 88K)

>doesn't realize he connects/uses BSD on a daily basis

This and boys too!

>why the fuck is instagram so popular

Attached: cq5dam.web.1200.675.jpg (1200x675, 173K)

this is the only reason

Deleted it few months ago

Never looked back

>simple to use
>literally just scrolling through
>hashtags are somewhat important to people
>easy for marketing
>good to spend time on while you're shitting

Basically it's Twitter with images.
