
Decided to finally take some courses to learn to program. I went with c++, and after a little while of doing it. Did I make the right choice?

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C++ while good is actually a pretty mean language when youre trying to learn it. Learn python or something before c++

Somebody told me I should learn c, or c# before I go into c++. Also I was thinking about JavaSript

C++ is a good choice, but C is better for learning overhaul

Well c has less to learn but the languages are compared often because of naming alone. C# is only useful as a scripting language

So how long should I learn with c before going to c++? Isn't c harder to find work for?

Don't they make newer games in c#? Ive used it a little to do some stuff in Unity.

Unity uses c#, yes. But with unity its just working with a fairly simple sdk. You know really need proper programming knowledge to use it

*dont really need

Language choice doesn't really matter. What's important is that you understand the concepts that are involved with programming.

Know those and you can easily switch between low and high level languages.

Ah that clears it up a bit. Should I stick with c++ or head to JavaSript, php, or something like that?

Should I stay on c++ then? It's the langauge I eventually want to do the most in. Maybe some assembly

Since you already started C++, don't change to a different language now. Keep learning it, and once you start understanding how to program (eg. for loops, if statements, functions, passing variables between functions, etc.), you can learn another language a lot easily.

Don't be a 'language hopper' and switch between x language and y language. Stick to C++ and learn it well.

Thanks. I'll keep going in c++

How long? Not much, you just need to learn all the basic stuff, no need to mess around uncommon libraries and stuff.

And the shift to C to C++ and back is pretty smooth, like learn vi and then start to use vim or neovim

Yes that's fine, though it would still be a good idea to know other languages. Gives you different perspectives

Thanks guys.

Its good. It will just take you about 5 years before you really know what you are doing.

Again start with python lua or scheme (scheme if you hate yourself)

What is scheme actually good for?

আসলে রাস্ট একটু ভালো বুট নয়া সি++ খারাপ না।
রাস্ট কঠিন আসে, কিন্তু সি++ এর অনেক টিউটোরিয়াল আর রিসোর্স পাবা। সি++ খারাপ চয়েস না।

Welcome to the read world user. C++ is a language for serious programmers rather than meme retards.

There's nothing wrong with sticking with C++