B.. but microsoft is not the same as t.. ten years ago, t.. they changed user, gi... give them a chance with g.. github

>b.. but microsoft is not the same as t.. ten years ago, t.. they changed user, gi... give them a chance with g.. github

Attached: microdick.png (764x492, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:


hows about a fookin link?

(((They))) did not change anything

quit using github as a social media platform

Fuck JS developers nobody cares about their fucking s*ycode

Hail GitLab


Attached: micropenis.png (728x821, 116K)

I moved to gitlab because it's recommended in gnu.org but I wanted to troll a lil bit on github before moving permanently, I didn't expect to get banned tho.

>the only purpose of a company is making money
being this onions

I don't know what you mean, I'm not against that, I own SMEs, but the thing is this company is trying to look like a NGO which is not.

Attached: 1518558906544.gif (700x827, 510K)

They just announced it, MS isn't doing shit yet.

>This comment was marked as disruptive content.


>anti semitic remarks

I believe the first paragraph is pretty obvious just troll, but the cancer part is real, 10 years ago microsoft called the open source community "cancer"

utterly based

>he thinks companies can actually integrate this fast
have you read anything beyond headlines, twitter posts, and Jow Forums about how this is going to work?

I would bet at some point Microsoft will change the TOS to state that they own all the code in the repositories, it will be there in the small print.

Attached: F4FFFC98974947D993D10261E28C43FA.jpg (599x602, 32K)

the free software foundation, and every software conglomerate with vested interests in open source will sue the fuck out of microsoft for blatant copyright infringement.

nah bitch, you agreed to it when you received the email and made your next commit. air tight iron clad.

I use github and I don't give a single flying fuck like those memejs devs

>Everyone I don't like is a memejs dev
The definitive guidebook of a Jow Forums "dev" with accusation syndrome.

I'm sure all the other large companies with code on github will go along with that.

Embrace, extend, extinguish. I seriously hope nobody actually fell for MS's social media propaganda about being different in 2018. They haven't changed their core practices since the 90's.

Why would you make this bet? It would never stand up in court nor does it fit with how Microsoft runs business.
Hard more rebuttal: actually bring up evidence of the contrary under the current CEO instead of Ballmer and Gates era irrelevant shit

The fuck are they gonna do about it? They can always delete their shit and kill their accounts, right? You really think MS cares about open source?

I'm only surprised at how quick they put their tentacles in, it's literally been under 48 hours.

Attached: macroshat.jpg (718x381, 69K)

I still don't know why people support Microsoft.
Free software should have subvention from states and stay independent from companies

Too bad that guy that claims Microshit stole his code is fucking delusional.

To be fair, Github is not a Jow Forums discussion forum.

You can check Microsoft commits

>upset repo gets banned
Don't they know the history of github?

Yea you are so proud of your sudoku.py right

that's not how licencing works, if they blatantly violate open source licenses, especially on such a large scale, they're essentially saying that their own licensing and copyright means jack shit. TOS means fuck all

They will push their "open source" license for new repos

they might set it as the default, sure, but i doubt they'll remove all the other ones.

This deal has probably been in the works for 6 month to a year.

pretty woke

he's a fag tho.
>being bi

bi girls are 10/10 though

Yes and ? They have a more money dedicated to make lawsuits last as long as possible than what all the freetards could ever have if they sell their wives and daughters.
And it's not like MS will ever care about losing (or even winning for that matter), Big corporations such as MS love lawsuits. They just care about making it last. Not about the outcome.

States love big companies. It's easier to deal with it.
Just look at all the Armies in the world that use Microsoft and other botnets despite all the NSA spying scandals. Think about the millions of taxpayers money that could be saved if they replaced all that expensively licensed software by free as in beer FOSS or FLOSS stuff. But they don't.

no, you see, if they violate copyright law on such a massive scale, they will get sued and lose. They can't have their copyright and IP enforced to nearly draconian levels and then say 'meh, your copryight and licensing don't apply'. open source licenes hold the same weight in court as closed source ones, no TOS will change that.

Again, they don't care about losing.
Look at mosanto, they lose nearly every lawsuit they're in. They grow stronger each time, because they completely deplete the ressources of those that oppose them by making the cases just last as long as possible.

gaaah, fuck it. i was having such a good week forgetting they existed. at least with MS people can just pull their code and leave github.


dont they have to pay court cost of the other side if they lose?

Yeah I saw that post. It was pretty rude and amounted to trolling a bugtracker.
Don't want your online accounts flagged? Don't be a sperglord.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Moron has no one to blame but themselves.

And where are you going to find the money to cover the court costs before you win ? Oh yh right, debts.
Or maybe you'll prefer settling things beforehand ? Or you could also stop eating, living, and your other activities to put everything in the lawsuit.

Meanwhile, what will a big corp such as MS do ? Let's say the case last 5 years, will they just stop making money ? Stop doing what will be forbidden in 5 only years from now ?
Or we could imagine an ideal world where MS actually needs to pay a lot, and they're in financial difficulties... What's going to happen ? I can guarantee you that the US & friends will happily lend some money to MS so they can continue to maintain what the entire world depends on now. And other shitholes without money will give them other economical favors to prevent MS from dumping all their Centers in that country, as it not only brings employement but also acts as a huge bridge with the western world.

The big tech companies are way more powerful than all the oil- and pharmaceutical jews out there, except they don't spend nearly as much resources in lobbying.


>one year from now

Attached: streethub.jpg (300x168, 9K)


delete and move to gitlab?

>as a bi-sexual
Every single website should be banning you fags.

It's come down to this, nu-Jow Forums is totally ok with emails being spammed, issue trackers being used to wage political wars, and trolling on a repository sharing website.
nu-Jow Forums just aren't programmers.

>A-as a b-bisexual...
holy shit, Microsoft saving GitHub is the unexpected twist of 2018.

>The big tech companies are way more powerful than all the oil- and pharmaceutical jews out there
If every single one of the big tech companies dies today - people will have to change their habits but it'll be fine.
If oil and pharma companies die today, we're talking about a dystopia even fiction writers couldn't imagine.
Now that's real power. Tech companies aren't there yet, although as tech becomes more and more integrated with our health and becomes synonymous with sustaining entire nations, then we'll talk.

>I don't really know what a computer really is so I like microsoft for making things simpler

>SJW receives a dose of his own medicine

That's not how the meme goes sweetie, but I can see I hit a nerve due to calling out posters like you who drifted here from another website and now spend all your time shitposting about everything and anything because your life is miserable. Absolutely nobody cares about OP the bisexual.
Pick up programming, at least you'll be doing something. :)

>anti-semitic remark = cancer
pretty much obvious that first paragraph is just full trolling, also you need to be older than 18 to browse this site

I'm fairly certain I know more about computers and low level programming than you will ever know in your life.
Get mad microsoft user, go code a tictactoe.py

r*ddit tier damage control

>hahaha, that will teach her not to deal with the master python programmer. Mom I posted it again!!!

i don't care for the faggots
i care about you thinking you're smarter than some other user and using reddit levels of damage control
no-one gives a shit about your computer knowledge in this thread, user. that's not the topic
and please don't hate on python, thanks!

>Pick up programming, at least you'll be doing something. :)
>no-one gives a shit about your computer knowledge in this thread
yeaa... totally me who brought that, not you
>reddit levels of damage control
good job joining reddit with damage control to deny any argument that obviously ridiculizes what you say. but that's not gonna help you in win a fight, you could of shut up so nobody would realize you are that dumb
>and please don't hate on python, thanks!
you should accept you actually don't know how to code if the only language you "code" on is python
Pick up programming, at least you'll be doing something. :)

Attached: 1527566907755.jpg (640x768, 134K)

i'm not that user btw, i didn't say to pick up programming
i do programming in Perl and C if that makes you happy?
but there are people doing actual work in science and data with python, more than you'll ever achieve with your 'low level' "computer experience"

>there are people smarter than you in the world
>with python

I have worked for the CERN, they don't use higher level languages, we used low level coding, and logic gates hacks, if it was above ring 3, it wasn't professional, higher level languages are only useful for either doing a fast thing for your personal use, a demonstration not used in the real world, or to impress your 11 year old mates.

They did change. Became a bigger botnet then jewgle.

i've never seen such ignorance before
you imply everyone who uses python is stupid? how can you even say that without being ironic?
no-one cares about your experience user, and you don't need to keep explaining that you do low level shit to me because i've already said i don't care; it's not relevant.
if you can't accept that there are people who are better than you who use python then you're insecure. there's no need to show off an e-penis with your low level shit
but keep being insecure, faggot


it's not that you don't care, it's that you don't understand

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I thought gnome asked them to change that name 1 year ago?

this thread isn't about anyone's intelligence or abilities within computing
so why use it as an argument?
looks insecure t b h desu, no need to prove yourself here!
>had to do 5 captchas to post this shit

They started with it saying
>Pick up programming, at least you'll be doing something. :)
and this is an anonymous board, I can spread all my vanity in their face if I want to

then if you're as smart as you say, you should have known that his argument is a moot point and said the same thing

I don't care, embarrassing him was enough to make him leave the thread or start acting like another user, so my ego is well fed ;)

i'm not even that user
so your ego gain is on false ground, sorry friend

>anti-semitic remarks cancer