this simple as fuck resume got me a job
you can do the same.
this simple as fuck resume got me a job
you can do the same.
Other urls found in this thread:
and it only cost you $70k in student loans!
More like 50k. Which you'll have paid off within 3 years if you try.
good job. Did you hand it to someone in person or did it make it through an applicant tracking system like most big companies use?
I already did OP, AND I got my education for free.
I'm sure you'll be a great burger flipper.
Career fairs helped
I once led a team of 4 threads to compile firefox from source, what kind of job will that get me?
any job as long as you go out there are talk to people. the industry NEEDS competent developers
>wanting a job
why would we?
>the industry NEEDS competent developers
that's what the big companies say to congress to approve hiring thousands of incompetent h1-b's instead of educated americans.
truth is, there's no shortage of competent developers. but middle managers would rather hire 10 shitty developers than 2 decent ones, so the average american programmer is stuck between a rock and a hard place.
>asserting competent developers won't work for shitty pay
>listing GPA
gosh americans are pathetic
You'll make that in 6 months with a few years of experience. Big deal. It's an investment.
no it's a scam
this is literally gambling
you're not even assured you'll be able to get a job before your loan grace period ends
enjoy working mcdicks to pay your student loans
>that resume got op a job
Speaks miles about the job quality over there
Or you know, you can do it without debt. Or way less than that. I managed without debt but had about 15K help from parents via providing me a living space.
It's fine if you're fresh out of school. Remove it after a year on the workforce
>I managed without debt but had about 15K help from parents via providing me a living space.
Many peoples' parents won't do this, or help in any way whatsoever, either because they themselves can't afford to or because they believe their kids need to make it on their own.
Keep telling yourself that
I use this template. Easy enough to modify to fiy and latex is pleasing enough.
It's still a fuckton less than 50K if I hadn't have had that help.
Jobless neets: please note the absolute lack of latex autism in OP's image.
i failed out of college because of my depression and now i make 10k USD a day selling software so idk man do what you want
>Highly motivated bla bla bla
Write something more original.
I got a job through freelancing, a local start-up company for which I had set up a website through which they can sell their products, security cameras and a register system decided to hire me for €70k/year. That was 3 years ago, now they pay me €76k/year and I don't even have to show up more than once a week as long as everything keeps working and they don't want anything new. I dropped out of college during my second year btw.
Why is Jow Forums the only board where anons get constantly problem with finding a job? Vocels from Jow Forums do not count.
what is this?, a picture for spic ants?
>Why is Jow Forums the only board where anons get constantly problem with finding a job?
Two reasons: confirmation bias, and board demographics. There's a handful of people who struggle, and they are very vocal compared to the people who actually have jobs.
Also, a vast majority of Jow Forums posters are high-schoolers or college students, which means that most of them are going not land their dream job on the first attempt.
>GPA 3.62
>not even trying
When you're good enough, even this resume will get you more job offers than you can handle.
>paying for studies
What kind of country don't provide education for free ?
>Using the C language in a Linux environment, created a program that correctly managed several simultaneous processes.
What is that supposed to mean?
I mean, congrats, but what the hell, man?
You used fork() once and you put it in your CV?
Happy wagecucking.
why the fuck did you censor this
his name is joseph redmon, and he's actually pretty talented and basically a poor man's ML superstar. He doesn't even need a resume to get a job, because everyone in the sector knows him.
can you help me fix my resume i think its good but nobody wants to hrie me thanks you and please
It's perfect.
>underlined text
>italic text
>4 font sizes
0/10 I don't believe you. Looking at this makes the average LaTeX typesetting look good.
That's why you got a job. No other reason.
11/10 topzozzle keksimus maximus unironically made me laugh to tears
wow you really drank the koolaid didn't you.
if you have an impressive GPA why not?
It's like "look at my stars, I'm a retarded school girl, nananana booboo".
Show something that shows you can do real life work or don't bother.
The problem is that leaving GPA off as a new grad makes employers suspicious that you had too embarrassing of a GPA to list. It doesn't usually go on resumes as a bragging point. It's included because it can be detrimental to you if you don't.
>everyone's situation is the same as mine
>everyone lives somewhere with a college nearby
Fucking retard kill yourself. Not all of us are able to leech off of mommy and daddy
Hahahahaha these poorfags with deadbeat parents. I got a 4 year degree in computer engineering debt free. Parents literally paid for everything because I did well in school and wasn't a fuck up. Got a job right before my last year so everything was smooth sailing with no worries.
You can't get a job 6 months after graduating? Are you retarded? You apply for places beginning of your last semester. Had a job for after I graduated two months into my last semester
The freest country of them all
Yet you're still an ugly incel with no friends in real life driving a beat to shit cad with 180k miles or riding public transportation. Literally sad.
incompetent retard
nice larp. Even if not larp, you got lucky faggot so stop spreading your experience as if it is the norm
Good job but you did have some luck. You obviously knew what you were doing so props but don't spread your experience as if it is the norm
Jow Forums is filled with 15 year old /v/ermin who can't function without a big shiny GUI. Most have no real skills besides arguing about 3 for difference or shilling for MS or Apple
Poorfag or deadbeat parents
Nice projection. Got anything else to cry about?
>hes a "programmer"
>he supposedly makes 90k+ a year
>he still lives in an apartment
>he doesn't drive a nice car
>he doesn't go on vacations around the world every few months
>he doesn't have a family and children to spend his time with
All I'm getting out of the people here is that they're a bunch of liars
>this level of bitterness
if your life is so bad just kill yourself dude
This actually describes me quite well. I make a decent amount of money but don't spend it on anything. No car, no family, no house.
Hahaha 3.6 I have a 2.7 gpa I'm garbage xD
Cuz not all of us have sugar mommys who need to sloppyly slurp on rich daddy's wrinkly cock to make sure her son to stay in the house for another week
Have you seen resumes from non-western countries? They're literally typed in notepad and are probably 8 lines including their name and phone number with only the name of their last job or two and positions (same line) and telling people how much they like to work on the next lines.
You must have gone against nothing but those people and HR decided you to be the one not foreign hire because your resume is pretty shitty to say the least.
can I get a job in IT if I know a lot about computers (minus programing, also no degrees) or should I start my own business like Louis Rossman?
I've been doing repairs on my own but still don't have enough clients to make a decent income.
no more excuses
>Only Autism
This is truly the best timeline.
Remove the degree and it looks pretty similar to what got me hired. I had two web-based crud apps (MERN and LAMP) android app (associated notes with contacts), windows gui program (basic home mortgage calc), and a linux terminal network app.